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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I think you missed my point in the Pics Steve..... your Template plan has an outer layer of 5" and an iner layer of 3 1/2" (Fir Stud.) your simple Deck Plan has those two layer reversed with the Fir Stud on the exterior at 5 1/2" and the Opening as the inner layer at 6" If I match the Simple Plans Wall's layers to your Template settings , the walls "move" and look like your Template plan. ( once you close the DBX) click on opening Material > move up and then change the two thickness was all I did... still looks slightly different but I did nt check the other settings like Auto Rail width.
  2. Hi Steve.... looks like you have been playing with your wall definitions, as you have two different wall types defined and the layers are reversed and different widths between your two plans...
  3. Read the Online Reviews Ross , and use their Settings as OOB , the Colour Etc is not great. eg gamma is too high...set it at 1. and don't use the Presets just set it up in User Mode. Also for me I had to set the DisplayPort in the Monitor Menu to use DP 1.2 to get it to work properly TFTCentral always has good reviews worth reading .... http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/benq_bl3200pt.htm
  4. Yes I am happy with mine too, set up in USER Mode for Colour Temps/Gamma etc and it looks nice. I then use DisplayCal (free prog) to Calibrate it with my i1 Display 2 light Meter. (puck) https://displaycal.net/ M.
  5. I am not sure why it happens sometimes, perhaps the default window type ? and as you can see Eric was having issues making the Window look right too in the other thread, ( he didn't reply , so maybe it wasn't a fix for him after all ? ) so I just leave it set small 1/8-1/2" nowadays , so I don't have issues when Mulling , been doing this way for a few years and it's in my Template Plan, so perhaps in X9 that is no longer needed?. If I know I am going to need framing between Windows I set it back to 4" ( 2 studs plus RO space) while placing the Windows and then switch it back before Mulling if needed.
  6. One problem you may encounter is that unless you set the Default window separation to 1/8" you can't shove the windows close enough together to make it look like that , as the CA default is 3" (2x a Stud). Once shoved together , you can select both , then on the Toolbar use the Mull Icon to join them . You can then save the Unit to your Library for Future Use. I have this changed in my Template Plan nowadays so I don't need to reset it every Project..... Something similar was asked here :
  7. Yes definitely Interested ............ another really nice Image Graham, and preferable to the Default CA look I think... I tried your Settings on Jintu's "Battle of the Renders" file just now and it looks pretty Nice as is, proving you and He know your way around CA's lighting and RT Settings.... Mick.
  8. there are two threads running currently dealing with Ray traces..... but most are not running Pano or at 2048 .... ie try 1280x720 with no point lights 15 passes in 6-8 mins ....for interiors anyway is working well with settings from Graham Korbey in the 1st link
  9. Maybe the Server was just having issues earlier as All my Browser work now.... one thought do you use a Ad Blocker? alot of videos won't play if so , you may need to add Chief's site to the exception list for it or put it on the Disabled list eg in ABPlus. in your default Browser. M.
  10. can you put a link to the Videos perhaps? and i can try it for you.... and just so you are aware , this is a User Forum , so you'd be best to contact CS tomorrow and tell them there is an issue , they may not see your report here. KB
  11. I use the BenQ 32" BL3200PT have done for 2 years , it is a great monitor , in fact I just got a 2nd with a bunch of visa Rewards Points. Color is excellent just funnily enough DON'T use the CAD/CAM mode , it is horrible colour wise, but I can post User Mode settings if you buy one. Benq has a newer Model now which is why I was able to get a 2nd at a reduced price ,but at least here , I still see it available occasionally. It is 2560x1440 or QHD resolution , I found for me that 4K meant many things were too small but that was 2 years ago and Win10 and many programs have likely updated since then. http://www.benq.com.au/product/monitor/bl3200pt/specifications/ This is the newer Full 4k model http://www.benq.com.au/product/monitor/bl3201pt found some Oz pricing ($499 lowest) if you can find one in stock... which is about the same as here https://www.staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=Benq BL3200PT&spos=5 just ran into another post , Steve-C is using the Benq with an Imac here
  12. Joe also was kind enough to post this small library of bathroom items last year? , which includes some bathroom shower walls, though I can't find it in the Symbols Forum so here it is : M. JCarrick_Bath Items.calibz
  13. No use the File Menu>Import >3D Symbol>.skp Different Chief Versions Import different .skp versions so if it can't do it downland a different version .skp file
  14. Hi D1 , its always good to checkout the KB (KnowledgeBase FAQ) for stuff like this and see if there is a Tutorial.... this one might help ? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00295/creating-a-flat-parapet-roof.html
  15. Are you going to the Dark Side Obiwan? I have the same computer as you but with 12GB of Ram but have built the X99 6 core system in my sig. and am slowly moving everything over to it... Maybe just me but the Library always seem horrendously slow to me , so I have turned off Standard View for it and , enable it for an item if needed. M.
  16. I always forget that trick ....thanks for the reminder....
  17. @ Rene and Graham , I PM'd Kirk to move the "Maps" posts above to the new thread , so if you both agree he will move posts Hi Kirk , the "Maps" posts, that we made are muddying the Waters of the RT Thread with talk of "Maps" , so it was agreed by myself and Rene not to continue the discussion there (posts #69 and 70) , so the posts needing moving would be 57 60,61,61,64,65,66,67. Mick.
  18. Holy , that looks really nice , much appreciated , thanks a lot Rene. Mick.
  19. Kirk Clemons of Chief Architect has also Created a Tutorial for those willing to try making there own it is here: https://kcclemo.neocities.org/creating-height-and-normal-maps/ Chief Architect also has a KB Tutorial on how to Apply Maps here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01807/using-bump-maps-to-make-realistic-water-effects.html And hopefully Kirk doesn't mind I made a PDF of his Tutorial too... you'll still need the Internet for the Online Map Mapper and GIMP - an Image Editing Program. Creating Height Maps and Normal Maps.pdf
  20. Thanks Rene , I am assuming you need the 4x16 Tile Material I made by altering the std Chief "White Tile" ? the Grout lines are bigger than I'd like, but that is the best I can personally do. calibz added White Tile - Subway 4x16.calibz
  21. Good Idea I think, sorry ...a thread on Bump and Normal Maps , Perhaps Kirk can move those Posts , so others will find them , especially his link to the Tutorial M.
  22. Hi , it is because your Exterior Wall is only 2 9/16 thick , not sure why?, I changed it to Wall-type Siding 4-2 and the Tile fixed itself right up. you also have a broken wall connection at the RH wall niche... in plan view drag and snap the RH end of the interior yellow wall over to the right and it should "heal" the break too.
  23. Thanks for doing that, looks interesting.... I was not aware of Neocities till now ....I used to have a Geocities Account years ago.... so the name is strangly familiar.
  24. Oh..thanks Kirk I'll have a look into it , but ATM , it maybe a little out of my league going on Rene's explanation above. who are you doing tutorials for over there?