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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. If they have an earlier version of Pro , they wont be able to open your X9 files , you can't open files from newer versions , you can open older Files ...just don't save them in X9 or they become un-editable/openable in the older version. ( so do a save as to a new name to preserve old File) If they want the Materials list Offer it as an extra Service and charge for it....ONLY with a very large Disclaimer as the ML does not work like a Q.S. does , there are no allowances for Waste and some things just aren't that accurate, and it only has exactly what is in the Model in it .... so if you use workarounds and let CA do Auto framing etc then YMMV. the ML is something I am hoping is improved on in X10 but I am not holding my breathe.
  2. It's not one I have seen before ...bit strange... but I haven't seen a 37" brick ledge before either.... that front wall could be made a Pony wall with the bottom 36" as a copy of the Main wall definition with the rusted metal set as the outer layer ....that way you don't need to use Base cabinets for that....and it's basically all done Auto. you could of used a Wall Material Region in X9 too or the old standby of a Soffit from the Cabinet Menu with the rusted material applied. In the wall definition I also noticed you are dimensioning to framing ...is that normal where you are? allowable ? cos it could make a Building too big , like a back yard Office or shed maybe allowed for eg 12'x12' add plywood or osb and you are an inch over requirements... something to check in your area perhaps, and ply wood is normally Flush to the Foundation line. M.
  3. Kbird1


    Perry maybe right X9 has a number of changes under the hood when it comes to the Graphics engine , it's also possible your videocard does not fully support X9 , perhaps call Tech Support and get them to help you check those things out. Things going Black in Raytrace is usually a Metal Material which isn't optimized for Ray tracing eg Chief's old stainless steel material .....I am assuming there is no metal on your ceiling Tiles though
  4. If you have a Parallel Port Hasp ??? the simplest thing to do would be to buy a PCIE to Parallel Port Card ...$25-$50....just make sure it has Drivers for your OS https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Express-Profile-Parallel-PEX1PLP/dp/B004G7O2AC/ref=pd_cp_0_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1CPBGBER62ZXTX2DG8Y1 or even a USB to Parallel Port Cable may work ??? $10 https://www.amazon.com/C2G-16899-Parallel-Printer-Adapter/dp/B000UX21PY/ref=pd_sim_0_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1CPBGBER62ZXTX2DG8Y1 I would do more research , the above are just examples for you... I am NOT saying they will work....
  5. Kbird1


    post the .plan file and see if someone can help Make sure the Plan is close in CA when you try to attach the .plan file , as long as it is under 25mb you can post it direct without zipping it , just drag the file into the area in the reply window.
  6. Kbird1


    It looks like you are using the incorrect Dimension Scale when you place them , ie you are in 1/2" scale when you should be in 1/4" scale when you click Auto exterior Dims etc. Auto Dims tend to get very cluttered and can even double up, so you may need to deleted some or alter the sqft area covered for auto dims in the default settings to something like 50' sqft instead of 10' to see if they space out better. Use the Edit>Delete Objects>All Floors>CAD >manual dims and Auto dims to remove them ....and try again.... Use Alt+ F2 ( Print View) so you can see what you will get.... If you are really new to CA , then the User Guide on the Help menu has a series of Tutorials to walk you through things and teach you are you go and there is alot of information in Tutoral Format on the KnowledgeBase too (KB) eg your question about Roofs I saw early... of this question to , there are 9 Tuts. on Dimensions ..2 related to this issue... https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/download/898&version=6
  7. you can use a Soffit from the Cabinet's Menu , make the material 3/8 thick and Glass , Standard. Then sit it on top of your 1/2 wall. assuming I understand what you are trying to do? There is an Office Cubicle Library too ...maybe it has what your are looking for in there premade for you ? worth a look... https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/download/898&version=6 M.
  8. Kbird1


    there is a 3D Text library provided by Chief ...I have not played with it myself though... https://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/download/639&version=6
  9. posting a copy of the .plan file is the best idea.... Graham and Jintu are both great at Raytraces so are your best bet to a fix , but they are having to guess without a copy of your plan as there are just too many variables. M.
  10. Turning on Print preview (Alt + F2) may show you what's happening too?
  11. Not sure I 100% understand what you are trying to do but have you checked the Scale setting next to Character Height in your 2nd Pic? is it 1=1
  12. you appear to have at least 3 different exterior walls but the pic is too small to see details and I think you have selected the wall behind the cabinet? so I am seeing a Temp. Dim. line there? not a different wall definition. Turn on the Show position in Camera view for each light so you can tell where it is pointing, it will show a red cross with a Blue end arrow so you know... try the Pucks as Spotlights not point light too , the RT will take less Time.. ( one of Graham's Tips) Do you have your Foundation Built ? weird things happen in my test plan here when I don't... You didn't lose some lights inside the cabinet did you while placing the pucks ? puck usually place with 0" offset from the ceiling..if not dropped on a wall cabinet. Graham (KitchenAdobe) is one of the Resident RT experts ... post your plan and I am sure he will figure it out.... I see light bleed around the Cabinet Door Panels , which I don't think is a Sun problem as the Sun angle appears to have changed between the Pics.... ( light coming in windows) PS Nice cabinet BTW....
  13. Judging from the light bleed around the door and window trim and Crown moulding I am thinking you haven't completed the 3D Model , eg build the Roof / foundation etc edit.... I see the 2nd pic now.... looks like the puck light angle is wrong perhaps since I see light rings on the Wall/back of the cabinet , not the shelf... at two different intensities too? uncheck auto intensity and try a small custom setting like 5% not sure why the cabinet doors are "glowing" is the wall behind the Cabinet "built" properly? almost seems like the two potlights are lighting the cabinet? or do you have User placed 3D light too? M.
  14. Post the plan..... But I think you can do it by drawing the wall full length , then in a Elevation View shape the Wall to the desired angle , it may require messing with a soffit or wall material region to make the Drywall look right though... Try a search on HomeTalk too ...I think I posted about this over there at one point too. M.
  15. If you don't want to post the plan , then check out this Tutorial on the Knowledge Base (KB) ...always a good place to check 1st if you have Questions.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00955/creating-a-clerestory-style-roof.html
  16. never owned a Mac but one idea comes to mind is to make sure CA X9 is using the Nvidia dedicated graphics card by default , not the Iris Pro... , There are issues on Windows Laptops when this happens too , ie the Computer is not switching to the Nvidia Card when it tries a 3D view... Always a good idea to put your details in your Sig. for further posts too.... see mine for how... M.
  17. Looks like you have accidentally turned off Colour in Vector views to me hit F8 or got to View>Color or there is an Icon too on the toolbar looks like a house with a 1/2 black and white Roof. Yes I agree , the Posts look like the CA default 2x2 Newel size....always thought that is weird setting for CA to use OOB for Newels... M.
  18. I have been using the free BullZip PDF Printer for a while now with no issues after having problems with PDF995 "disappearing" and with CutePDF trying to add "other junk" ... give it a try , as I haven't taken particular notice of File Sizes but I probably aren't producing Large ConDoc Sets like most of you either... http://www.bullzip.com/products/pdf/info.php
  19. Looks like a Modular Type Home System he is duplicating Glenn... looked strange to me too.... http://www.metrapanel.co.nz/
  20. Both Good Options I'd say , the money spent on HD Pro is also reimbursed if you upgrade to Chief , so no real loss there.... I'd be tempted to Rent X9 for $200/mth if She thinks She can handle the Payments and the Builders are doing enough to pay for it though... and She is think of this as a long term Biz. Opportunity ...15 mths and CA is all Hers....not sure if the Rental option qualifies for Free upgrades eg if X10 comes out before the 15mths is up...but I'd assume so...but check. M.
  21. Get into the Habit of NOT "spraying" Materials on walls , weird things can happen, instead Select the wall in question, and change the material on the side of the wall you want to be , in this case, to Subway tile. If you don't want Subway above the Vanity , Break the Wall at the shower wall intersection and again open the DBX and Change the tile wall surface back to Drywall above the Vanity. In newer versions of CA , their is also the Wall and Floor Materials Regions Graham refers too, which are very handy for this kind of thing too.... , not sure if they are in X8 though? PS I would not Hinge the Shower Door like that off a short section of Glass , there is too much weigh in a glass door that size and the small panel will move as the weight changes opening and closing the door , it is much better to hinge the door of the Stud wall directly. M.
  22. Chief's Data folder is always in My Documents ( unless you specify otherwise ) , it doesn't matter where the Program is installed , CA is trying to Update the Materials Master List , even if you don't use it , in the Root of the Data Folder. You will see a file called mmaster.mat , try renaming it to mmaster.mat.old (so you have a backup) and let CA recreate the File next time CA Closes. If that does not work , then I would assume you have a Windows Permissions Issue and CA can't write/save anything to that Directory. If like me you have ALL you Plans/Textures/Images etc in the Data Folder , the My Documents Folder could well be Multi-Gigabytes Large , So I used Windows Ability to Move the location of the Libraries to D Drive too ( or E: or F: etc) . You can also use this feature to move the Pics/Videos/Music/ etc Off C: Drive , which can free up a tonne of space on C: if for example you have a small SSD as your OS Drive. Do NOT move your User Folder ...that can cause issues ..... it's pretty easy to do here is a Tutorial I used at Ten Forums for My Documents , the Tuts. for the rest are in the links at the bottom but it is the same Process. https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-documents-folder-move-location-windows-10-a.html
  23. Doh !!! how many time haveI looked at that **** DBX and glanced right over that ...just now even... thx let me try that..... Thx again was just trying 20% and it's still way too "glossy" Appreciate the Help ...onto the Shower Stall next.... M.
  24. Hi , I tried changing the Light Shade Colour by altering the material (Ombra Sconce) is that what you mean ? Does the bulb Colour make a difference too? CaesarStones Quartz Countertops apparently need their Properties adjusted too, judging by the high Sheen in the pic above , that doesn't look like Pebble in R.L. to me, in fact STD View looks closer M.
  25. It is Best practice not to Pull / Push or alter Wall Poly-lines in 3D unless all you are after is 3D Pics/Elevations etc as that move alters Default wall heights and the Framing etc too.... Bottom of the Attic wall should be at Room Height plus the thickness of the Ceiling or Floor assembly above it... usually.... On the plan attached you need to rebuild you foundation , auto build is off and you have altered the Floor plan after building it... , look in 3D under the Garage Door