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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Strange, I have not had that issue , though don't do it alot ...just tried it with the Ogee gutter and it placed centered on my Cursor in Plan or in a CAD Detail. M.
  2. CA doesn't like Objects with loads of Curves , this = high Polygon counts = high Surfaces = Slow So things like Toilets, round sinks , round towel-bars/warmers etc etc that are not optimized for CA can cause big Slowdowns Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and Computer specs See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature below then you have them turned off for the Forum, so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window ^^^^ and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature is enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  3. Sorry , in my 1st post I missed the fact the Living Area Label is a hard-coded Label produced with the macro %Living.Area% and as such Users can not change it , it is why most turn it Off under Defaults>Plans and do as I suggested above. ( or Micheal's workaround above ) Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature below then you have them turned off for the Forum, so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window ^^^^ and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature is enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  4. Post this in the Offering Forum too, this area is really for Questions to the Sales Staff.... M.
  5. It is best to post questions to the Q&A Forum , the Tips Forum is for suggesting Tips to Other Users which is likely why no one Answered. It is a hard-coded Label produced with the macro %Living.Area% and as such Users can not change it but..... You could NOT use the Living Area Label , in Defaults>Plan and instead use a Polyline Box / Exterior Room Polyline with a Macro for the Area instead. Click on outside perimeter, create living area polyline, (or if you want room area - select a room,) hit "Make Standard Area Polyline" button. Create a macro in the TMM Applet e.g. called polylineArea with this text..... area.round(2) make it elevated , with context Referenced Object assigned this new macro "%PolylineArea%" to your polyline label or use a Leader Line, and add the m2 after the Macro in the Text Box. Adjust you polylines to whatever area you want calculating, hide when done using Layer control and assignment. Other will likely have better Macros too as there are numerous ways to do this...... ***exported some Macros I had for areas.....use TMM to import the File into your Plan/Template...... Area Calc Macros.json Do a Forum search on Area Macros but a bit more info here for how to hide the arrows :
  6. Yes Monday to Friday only 7am-5pm PST, Closed for all US Holidays + possibly any State Hols. in IDAHO? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/company/contact.html If you weren't trying to set up a Filter or something and have done something inadvertently then I am not sure anyone here on the Forums can help. --- try making a new Filter called Core....now select everything BUT anything listed under Core..... ( to my mind Filter setup works backwards ie you deselect what you want to see.) --- If it is a totally new Install and you won't lose anything , then I'd try an uninstall and reinstall or from Control Panel try this 1st....select CA and see if there is a Reinstall>Repair Option, which will reset CA to how you Installed it. Before the Above actually , in Preferences at the Bottom you will see Reset Options> perhaps try them all ? but I don't think any of them is specific to your issue... M.
  7. Might want to put posts like this in the Tips Forum...it's bound to help Others too since lowering the Top Landing is Code in a lot places these days. M.
  8. No Problem at all, I agree with you , but it maybe sometime before it is Fixed ( if ever) as I'd expect to have seen more complaints about it if this method was more of a common practice, so I was just suggesting another method. Did you submit a ticket? cos a Suggestion here won't get it fixed....Hopefully it does get fixed in the next release but that ain't till next year sometime..... Mick.
  9. I also have seen the Filter cause issues like this but if you are not Filtering you should see something in the library..... You haven't moved the location of My Documents in windows 10 have you? are the folders and Files still where Preferences>General>Folders>[Show button]> User/Core/Bonus/Manu. Libraries should be.... If not don't use the Program too much until Support Opens , Call them and see if they can recover them ...if you have a backup of you User Library I would wait till you talk to Support so you don't overwrite anything by mistake. If you ave a Full system Image Backup that maybe an Option too.
  10. Try using two full height Fixed glass Windows as side lights...... The Library sidelights have had issues for a while which sounds like hasn't been fixed yet....
  11. Maybe HDA can't do it? here is a short Video made with Jing , Internet explorer should open it, does for me..... Saving_Materials_from_Plan_to_User_Library.swf Try these from my Library made in X10 Premier okay for Vector views , I don't have any good Images for Standard Views : MHD_Herringbone Tile.calibz @jnicbell321
  12. In Premier I would select the Material eg Wall tile and open it >edit button and layer 1 should be the tile, choose select material on the right , Plan Material on the left, select the Carerra Herringbone on left if needed? and then on the right choose add to Library. It is also on the Floor so if HDA doesn't allow to select the al tile , in the Room DBX under structure>Floor finish......do as above However I am not sure what HDA is capable of though , perhaps you need Pro to do the above? https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00924/customizing-a-material.html https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-01202/importing-and-creating-custom-library-materials.html
  13. +1 , thankfully I have not run into that but I don't usually anoint in Layout either... Have you tried a separate Details plan for Standard/Typical Details and sending to layout from it? They do this in the Sample Plan called Lake Point by Scoot Harris and there is also a Number of good Videos done to accompany the Sample plan. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html The last video on Condocs may get you a better Idea https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6193/construction-drawings-tips-and-techniques-lake-point-project.html?playlist=151
  14. Best to call in next week and see if they will give you a deal as online you can upgrade but any version prior to X5 means you have to pay in full. ($2795) These days you can also Rent to Own at $200 mth and after 16mths 18mths now, it is yours....(@30% extra) This also get you SSA though so you would get X11 sometime 1st qtr next yr. If you don't need all the Features there Days you could get HD Pro 2019 for $495 ...the $495 is rebated if you upgrade to full CA Premier.
  15. If by Pattern you mean the Black and White lines seen in the Vector Views yes....... if the Client needs to see it in Carrara Marble , NO...unfortunately you need an Image to use for the Texture. I don't have HDA , so I am not sure if that makes it harder for you to do or not, sorry. I think you can open my test Plan seen below so here it is....MHD_Herringbone_Carrara_Material Plan.plan
  16. You need an seamless image ( the Texture in CA talk ) of the 4x12 or 4x16 Herringbone tile to import as a new Material. The hard part will be finding a well lit image to use for the Texture. The Pattern is what is seen in Vector Views Only and can be found in the Material's DBX under Pattern>Pattern Source>Use Material Type and pick Herringbone in the dropdown...assuming you have that in HDA? as you can see my Herringbone Image isn't that good so you don't get a nice look on something large like a Floor , as you can see the Repeat.
  17. I have been using the Plant Schedule Trick since I saw Perry's Video about 3 years ago but I think it can only be used in Plan. Works Fairly well and it's easy to add an Icon to the ToolBar for placing them.
  18. If the laptop doesn't use Optimus and only has the Nvidia 1070 card , then my guess would be either poor quality cables ( HDMI? Mini Display port?) or you are exceeding the max Resolution / Bandwidth with 3 monitors hooked up ...what happens with only two ? ie laptop and 1 extra screen... You haven't said what resolution the other two screens are eg 4K , QHD or FHD or their hz ratings either 120hz 60 hz? .... M.
  19. There is some buttons in the Accessible Design Bonus library and I have some Doors made in x8 I think and the Buttons in this library... Elevator Components.calibz exported from X10 Elevator Doors_X10.calibz
  20. The Picture was just a quick multiple copy array as mentioned, and I just used 12" x12" as the sheets are usually that size , for a quick " lets see how this works" scenario, I did not try to align them with the Body tile at all. To do that , Take a Wall Elevation view and apply a material region to it using the same material from the Floor in the Plan Material list , (Kacy white hex), the Wall elevation is needed as you can not dimension in 3D Camera views, zoom in and use the tape measure tool or a Point to point dimension or CAD lines with a dim between to measure the Tile Pattern in the plan precisely, as normally the sheets are not 12"x12" really they are often Metric size or undersized to allow for grout lines etc.
  21. Not likely, definitely , well if you use my Guy anyway.... Layout and dryfit will be critical.... and add cost. M.
  22. I would suggest Editting the Title of this thread ..you are not seeking a Draughtsman...then more people will be more likely to look at it, and respond. As Chopsaw mentioned filling in your signature with the needed Details will help but I'd suggest calling tech Support if you have SSA it sounds serious. It's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature below then you have them turned off for the Forum, so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window ^^^^ and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature is enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  23. Nicely done..... Use the Multiple Array Copy Tool to place , eg I used 12" x12" centers but with the real measurement it should work fairly easily
  24. I thought I had dibs on Boo-Boo already .....
  25. It's not usual , at least not here, for the top Tread to be flush with the Deck like that, so that is why I think the Program is a "little" confused..... If you built the deck in that shape the deck railing would of gone around the staircase "bumpout" and the solid wouldn't be needed I don't think. M.