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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. That is looking nice It is just a Pity that HQ has not sorted out the Auto balance between the Sun and Interior Lighting better as yet, as you seemed to have done PS. looks like someone ripped your seat cushions
  2. And there be the current Issue with PBR .....only someone like you who has spent countless hours playing with the New PBR light engine can sort this stuff out.... It's almost like being back in the RT Days except with PBR it happens almost instantly (6-30secs) in front of you. So what about the other 20,000 mere mortal Users of CA ?
  3. That's a pity as it has needed work for sometime and has been ignored it seems for the last few upgrades Being Masonry Fireplaces are no longer the Norm these days I guess it only effects us Re-modellers working on older homes and isn't likely to get fixed then. Thanks for the Info. M.
  4. Hi CS , missed your last response last night..... I was playing with different settings in the Light Data , and lowering the light off the ceiling , making it a Spot and only having 1 Light (used in both views) seemed to fix my Issue.... Just noticed in your Sig. you are Using NV Driver 378.92 , is that correct? I found 391.24 and currently 399.24 to be pretty good, might worth a try.....
  5. did you try my plan above? I have not seen Lights setup this way before with supposedly 3 different light sources for different views....doesn't seem to work ...they all appear to be on anyway.... M.
  6. I tried deleting the other two lights and set the fitting to "Use in Both" but it didn't help it seems... ***, just read you post above and turning to Spot after deleting extra lights finally got the weird shadow to disappear...
  7. Yep the only option was to turn off shadows , point lights , spotlights etc made no difference , neither did the view type , PBR just looks worse than STD view. Are you two perhaps both using the same Video Driver ? are we all on the same version of CA? ie .54x64 My quick plan: Surface lights Plan.plan
  8. The Driver ( 398.11) isn't that old but you could try the last of the 300 Series ...399. 24 which is what I am using..... I have seen a few issues reported on other forums with the newer 400 Series Drivers which is why I am still on 399.24 https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/137727 Lets see your NV-CP setting again after you update the drivers and reset them.....something doesn't sound right , definitely should not be slower.... maybe not a whole lot faster either but not slower....
  9. I dropped it off the ceiling 16" ? like you and the Brown splotch tripled in size , So I guess it is somehow a shadow effect.... Will have play with my Nvidia Settings....
  10. All 4 seem to be cutting holes in the Drywall here All sides present once I set clipping to 6" in the Camera DBX, both in plan and a qick box house plan.
  11. Hmmm do I have the correct light fitting above?
  12. if you use the x264vfw codec you will also get much smaller movie files that .avi too https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17455-x10-windows-7-video-card/?do=findComment&comment=146648
  13. The sides appear to be there but WTH is the big brown splotch? ( awful weird shadow if that's what it is) it not there in the Library or Materials list..... or is my default Template screwy?
  14. The attached pic shows CA-X10 has Crashed.......... ( not responding in red) Reboot and check settings again in NV-CP..... DON'T change settings while anything 3D is running. I am guessing your tried running 3D Views without opening and close Chief after making changes in NV-CP? What driver version are you on for the 970?
  15. I normally use 2x4 Decking and Borders as it lasts better , and the Triple and Fascia works then , but for 2X6 you could do a double then blocking then another double (Including Fascia piece) perhaps? blocking takes forever , especially when every cut is on a 45° so the extra wood is easily paid for by the reduced labour. ***Looks like a number of your Rim-joists are using LVL at 1 1/8" not 2x10 etc...
  16. Under Chief Arch. change Power to Max. Perf. and choose the OpenGL Card as the 970 , not autoselect. Under Global set power to Adaptive , not Optimal. If it is a desktop with the i7 iGFX Card make sure the Preferred Card is set to the 970 , so it uses it all the time too. **you may not have that option depending on the MB and if it auto-disables the iGFX card if a discrete GFX card like the 970 is plugged in.
  17. Okay , I wasn't quite sure where we got to Do you normally frame your deck edge with a Single rim-joist? I think you Contractor will hate you for all that blocking It is usually stronger, faster and cheaper to build if you use a triple rim-joist and perhaps a Fascia (cedar?) to make up the width at the edge to catch the Border and plank ends. M.
  18. did you drawing the beams and joists on 0 or 1 ? cos it's working for me on your plan after adding a blank foundation drawing on 0 .....
  19. Maybe we better Start again Framing view with the Planks turned off shows me lots of Blocking, so what was the Issue? just that you had to lower it all manually? M.
  20. Are the Decks auto built/framed? or did you draw the decks all manually? and then lower all the Framing? that would change things....as they are actually seen as Ceiling members or General Framing on the 1st Floor then I think.
  21. Yes but the house must still be sitting on a foundation of some kind right? even if only 1-2ft high. or a Slab? you haven't built one yet , so in essence the House is Floating....
  22. let me look at the plan.... why is there no foundation level?
  23. If your aren't showing Deck Framing on level 0 you won't see anything.....