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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. there is a couple of KB article which may help you..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00956/installing-chief-architect-on-multiple-computers.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00937/chief-architect-software-lock-security.html If you are talking about multiple Users, say in an Office environment , then yes you need multiple "Seats" (licenses) which are sold at a reduced cost M.
  2. Did you read what you wrote below ? ..... me thinks you're "smarter than the average bear" Yogi
  3. You may have more luck posting this on the HomeTalk Forum which Supports the Home Title,s most people here are using CA Premier which has other view Option like the PBR view and Raytracing, they are propbably more likely to know of any settings than Premier Users. There are a few Users here using Macs , so you may get lucky with some other responses too though. Same password and ID over there : https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  4. My Digital Locker doesn't look like that.....
  5. I'd call Support Tomorrow , I have not seen that one.... Can you access your Digital Locker ?
  6. While I would like to claim credit for the image above it was made by Graham (the resident PBR Guru, as I am sure you know) My guess on the Tile and wood finishes would be a simple BumpMap......the Cheat is to use the same texture file in the BumpMap box as in the Texture Box above. Mick.
  7. Kbird1

    Wood Stove

    Hehehe I didn't look cos I thought you had....
  8. Kbird1

    Wood Stove

    You could try 3D Warehouse , just watch the Polygon count https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=Wood burning Fireplace&searchTab=model M.
  9. The Tomato Sign looks good but the Ceiling and Menu signs are totally washed out due to the high Emmisive values ( ie where is the text in the menus?) and you can't tell there are 6-8 recessed lights up there , so you may have to pick you poison on this plan or light the Tomato sign another way perhaps. M.
  10. You are still mixing up PBR (10-60 secs ) and Ray Tracing (10 mins to 24hrs and hard on the CPU) , and alot of the time material and lighting adjustments for one view don't work well in the Other. There are a number of Forum Users who use Lumion and other Rendering Engines like Thea but they are out of the scope of most Users due to Cost which is why PBR has had a sudden large switch by many... ie it's good enough , for most people and will get better as CA improves Materials like Glass for it and material properties so reflections work better. M.
  11. Actually it agrees with both you and Chopsaw .... in X9 but you know there is only 47 Users total who ever use F1 or the Reference Manual, it's easier to ask you
  12. For a staircase already Drawn try this..... FYI your version of the software is fully supported over on HomeTalk here : https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ M.
  13. Thanks BT , very interesting . appreciate you Posting this Tip. Perhaps you should Post it and any further Tips in the Tips Forum , people may miss it here in the Symbols Forum.
  14. It is but , it takes time to learn and practice as does PBR and with PBR being almost instant , most have switched to it as it is "good enough" Mick. .
  15. Try this for AMD , don't have one myself so can't confirm https://us.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/46334/~/configure-amd-radeon-switchable-graphics
  16. Drawing a Straight Rail and Checking Follow Stair works for me but I'm not sure what setup you have there so YMMV. M.
  17. Looking nice now Chris.... Do you normally Tile the Returns at each end of the Countertop? you could add a strip of Glass Tile with a Material Region to "bling" it up a little bit. I'd also adjust the Backsplash tile up or down 2" (Y+ or -) so a full tile sits on the Counter , not the Cut tile.... M.
  18. I have not tried that Technique but will surely give it a go , sounds ike it may work better than my "hit and miss" ( and adjust again) approach The Lux doesn't mean mush AFAICT at least when compared to real world Fitting Lumen levels so I basically don't use those numbers as such. Thanks, M.
  19. Kbird1


    Ok , but the Depth could alter the look completely , it wouldn't look like Eric's Render either..... M.
  20. Kbird1


    Is this an Existing "Garage" you are converting to living space ? curious as it is only 10' deep and I don't see garage Doors. You would have an option for the Gable if that is the new Addition though.....
  21. Look like Graham saved me some work , nice as usual..... agreed try the Generic Sun set to a Custom Lux so you have more control , something below 3000 lux usually works well, but I usually start at 1000 , you then need to balance that against the Pucks etc so they aren't hot spots. I normally start the PBR Brightness at about 30 with the exposure at .25-.30 with Improve Lighting Quality On, and have Shadows and Reflections on in the Full Camera View by Default. Also in PBR setting a Material Roughness Properties to less than 15% usually helps give it more reflectivity .. eg the countertop material. PS you have 2 Doors on top of each other into the Laundry ...you can see 2 swings in plan view...
  22. To add the Foundation goto Build>Floor>Build Foundation and simply accept all the Defaults for a Project where you don't need to model the Basement at all, ( can be preset in Plan Defaults if desired ) you can even set it to Monolithic Slab in this case. CA doesn't build a True Floor (anything under 0" absolute) until you do this even though in some views it will show a floor, it is what we call the Phantom Slab and will even show in some Cross Sections. M.
  23. Thanks Joe , appreciate you posting this for us Ruby Noobs M.
  24. I have the same Problem intermittently and end up dragging it above the Taskbar too , then try again at a later time , not sure if all these Win10 Updates resets something or not , or what else may cause it ...seems worse with X10 though...but again win10 has progressed too so...... M.
  25. All fittings looks overly Bright ?, do you have windows? A Roof, foundation etc ? all are needed for good PBRs as is a background , Try sky3. i'll download the plan and have a look when I have a minute later..... in the meantime.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html