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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You need to include the Plan File with the layout otherwise views can't be refreshed..... I see an office reno , so am not sure what Bracket you are talking about , I thought it was a Rafter Layout PS it is best to Annotate in the Elevation View and then send to Layout, I am see cutoff Text boxes in this layout. you should fill in your Forum sig. Janea, and let people know what Version of CA you are Using, it is important for answers, see mine below.
  2. Yes there is a Tutorial in the KB on how to migrate files and move to a new computer. Yes Via your home network assuming both are connected to the same Router. You can use Google or Dropbox yes, though personally I don't trust it 100% and keep my own backups Not once the File is loaded locally as far as I am aware. ( the same file can not be accessed by both computers at the same time) M.
  3. From my research, MSI currently has the best cooling solution for this combo.....in the US both Best Buy and NewEgg carry exclusive Models at good prices. M.
  4. You could perhaps use a separate Plan file for each State with the Notes in a CAD Detail and send them to Layout from there at the correct Scale. M.
  5. post images direct to the Forum , not PDFs which need to be downloaded..... Lower Wall Type if cut by Roof perhaps? posting the plan may help too
  6. I think you can open it in X8 1st and resave it to the newer .plan type you can use the CA X8 Viewer to do this if you don't have X8 instead. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00279/opening-legacy-files.html see the Green highlighted area for the link....
  7. Kbird1

    Scale PDF

    I think this image about the Scale Factor came from a Dan Baumann Video I was watching Online... Are you using the CTRL Key with the Tape Measure CS? otherwise it with snap to the Grid if it's on which IS a PITA and I have no idea why it does that....
  8. You should have something in your Archive Folder assuming Autosave is setup in Preferences...
  9. I like my 32" BenQ VA ( IPS like) Panel BL3200PT monitors, there is a newer Model ( size up from Mark's above) out now , so not up on current pricing. 4K did not work for me at the time , I tried a 43" TV 1st and decided dual 32" would work better. M.
  10. did you only import the Plat Layer from the DWG or EVERYTHING? the Plot Plan Annoset takes about 2mins to open for me, not often I see the spinning blue circle, but the Plan opened in 15-20 secs. if you click the fill window icon while in 1/4" scale Anno the house is barely visible , it's a tiny little black dot , so my guess would be the DWG has something very large (whole County?) in it or it was imported at the wrong scale perhaps? Did you try again with a backup copy of your plan?
  11. KnowledgeBase.......... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01027/creating-an-elevated-structure-on-pilings.html
  12. In the KB there is an Article on doing elevated Structures in CA....it has not been updated for x9/x10 though. M.
  13. I think the Teaser only related to the ML and selecting Items there ie Find in Plan which takes you back to plan View with the item ( and layer on) selected or any one of them selected....not much help if its a floor joist etc , even then it is not with two windows open AFAIK. M.
  14. I think we have all wished for this but I have always assumed there is a reason they can't do it easily (programming) otherwise it would already be happening as it would be a no-brainer otherwise.... M.
  15. Yes , One off them should look at the house before Demo and determine what if anything is Savable, as mentioned above in some Jurisdictions Foundations cannot be reused... M.
  16. Oops sorry P. for some reason I thought you were in San Diego , but maybe that is just Scott?
  17. Thanks for getting back with more info Joe M.
  18. Hi Joe , the Screen is not an Issue I just updated the"material" for Rene's window, Steve was wondering how to use the Window with NO Jambs or Casing , ie with just drywall returns but it appears that the parametric Jamb setting is ignored in this case , as Rene Built the window with a full Depth one.... so the Question was if Rene's Window had no Jamb in the Symbol would CA's Parametric one work as Usual? Mick.
  19. That is the Cabinet Schedule in the OP Pics not the Fixtures Schedule which controls the Appliances and other Interior Fixtures (eg Bathroom fixtures) M.
  20. I hadn't looked earlier, but it does look like you made the Jamb in your Model, so the Parametric one is being ignored , ie turning it on/off or adjusting inset has no effect. Not sure if it is as simple as not including a Jamb in the Window Symbol and letting Chief supply it's parametric one or not , as I have not built any Custom Windows. Joe would be able to answer that for you I am sure.... M.
  21. It appears, not to be that old (10-20yrs) so the City/County should hopefully have Full Records/Plans from the Original Build, the Owner may need to pull those for you though unless you have something stating you are the Owners' Agent. (as called here) I would definitely talk to the City/County before Demo, as here a Demo would require a Permit but more importantly any new Codes may effect the size and height of the new house, which may effect the build of a completely new Structure but not the structure of a Remodel ,(grandfathered). What constitutes a New build and what is a Remodel may affect plans, eg the exteriors walls maybe needed for a "remodel" , not just the foundation... something to look into anyway. M.
  22. I can't claim any credit for this Window it is all Rene's doing , I simply changed the Screen Material to what I thought looked better in different views. Rene will have the Original plan , so perhaps he can make a slightly different version for the Drywall Return situation. Mick.
  23. I hope you weren't driving and typing a reply ! CA has a bad Habit of "remembering" Room designations, ie delete a wall and the room is gone , but redraw a Wall and it instantly becomes the Room type again instead of resetting to Unspecified, ( easily done if your Proposed Design started as a Save As of the As Built Plan) so something to Check during remodels, as it can effect a number of things. It should rarely ever be that a wall needs dragging up or down in 3D or Elevation , it is usually a sign that something is "amiss" with the Plan, not that CA gets it right 100% of the time especially on complicated multi-storey houses. M.
  24. You don't have a proper Brick Foundation built, you have just dragged the 1st floors walls down to the Terrain , which is never a good idea.... But the main issue seems to be you are trying to build a deck off a Porch.....ie the Florida Room uses the Porch designation.....try changing it to a Court for example and the Deck builds, there maybe a better Room designation to use though?
  25. Try the Fill Window Icon and the All On Layerset too