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Everything posted by Rpadge

  1. I'm no expert, but I took a look at your plan, and see several little issues that are probably frustrating you. It looked like the roof was the main culprit for your dormer wall, so I adjusted that, you may also notice that the other dormer has different size boxed eaves, so you may want to revisit that as well. Hope that helps. Cape_Modifications_Rp.plan
  2. Would probably be a good idea to post the plan file.
  3. In Georgia, you don't need a license to do residential. And you don't need a license to purchase E & O insurance. I don't know how premiums are calculated, but I would imagine that they factor in the type of work (errors and omissions for only residential is probably less than that for commercial), as well as whether or not you are Licensed in your area.
  4. Not sure why its doing it, but if you add a room divider to make the out door are a "room" then uncheck "roof above" and uncheck "ceiling above" (in the dbx), it goes away.
  5. Heres an article that may help https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00036/creating-shaped-windows.html
  6. I always pick up some useful tips from your videos Steve, thanks for taking the time to make and share your video.
  7. couldnt you use a custom gutter profile? Or a moulding polyline?
  8. The Chief website has a lot of good info on it: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01809/creating-a-stepped-foundation.html
  9. Looks like you selected a cable panel for your pickets. You need to select "panel" as your rail style (not balusters), then choose the cable
  10. Those are really clean looking perspectives, what is your process?
  11. I think its fairly standard estimating practice to add in an assumed waste % isn't it?
  12. Not sure if I understand what you are wanting the program to do. I don't know about the exterior dimension, but for sure the interior temporary dimensions can be set to dimension to the drywall. As you mentioned, that would be selecting "locate wall surface"
  13. Looks like you need to also uncheck "Locate Interior Wall Centers"
  14. I think you need to select "Locate Wall DImension Layer" in order to get what you are looking for.
  15. In our area, you would not get roof elevations. Your lot appears to be almost flat, they gave you spot elevations across the property and at the corners, I would think this would be appropriate
  16. That would be nice to be able to do though,
  17. I appreciate the videos, it is very helpful to see how someone else uses the program. Learn something every time.
  18. I think you have to use Rich Text (but i'm not sure) in order to use a macro.
  19. I turn off the auto label in the DBX and use 2 different size text macros, one for standard rooms, and a smaller one for closets, pantrys etc.