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Everything posted by Rpadge

  1. I would recommend 1 TB as a minimum. and the 17" screen if its a desktop replacement, but if its to take out to the field, I would select the 15.6"
  2. It looks like you have manually changed the length of the roof overhang in the roof tab of the wall specification. If you click the little wrench icon, it will adjust the roof overhangs to your default setting.
  3. Chief is measuring to the outside of the framed wall, not the brick, if you turn on your wall layers , you can see it.
  4. Windows is a PITA on stuff like this, just checking - but have you rebooted the computer?
  5. Thats a pretty robust set of requirements, I saw a program called Monday.com which looked interesting and may do what you want. In any case, it sounds like you are looking for a true project management scheduling program
  6. I use Trello, I only use the basic options for it, but you can get pretty sophisticated with it if need be.
  7. Just curious, what are the 5 programs you hear are being used?
  8. Rpadge


    It is not a live view, you will need to update the view if you change the model.
  9. I am sure there are others that may have a better solution, but I changed the wall definition slightly for the thicker stucco wall, that seems to help.
  10. Theres one on Sketchups 3d warehouse, no idea how accurate it is m3.plan
  11. The frieze board on the front was raised up 12" for some reason. Might check that.
  12. Looks like the lower roof needs to be drug up slightly so that it touches the upper wall.
  13. Theres a couple of ways to do it, but typically I put my schedule on a CAD detail, then send it to Layout from there. Hope that helps.
  14. h I believe it has to be on the same level as the roof plane as well
  15. Thanks @SNestor , always nice to see different ways to accomplish these things.
  16. Heres a good article from Chiefs website https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01144/creating-a-custom-molding-profile-for-an-exterior-door-s-casing.html
  17. It might help to post the plan so others can see what you have done so far. Steve Nestor has posted some really good videos, you might try this one:
  18. would be easier to diagnose with a pln file
  19. Might help to post where the project is located.
  20. Plat Book 66, Page 38? Not sure what your question is, but the North Arrow shows you...North.
  21. There are some premade ones in the library, search for "corbel". Or you could make your own out of polyline solids.
  22. I'd probably look for a laptop that is designated as a gaming laptop, they tend to have better graphics cards and more memory. I have a Sager, but I also remember I was considering an MSI laptop. Alienware is also known as having good laptops.
  23. Will the laptop be your primary Chief Architect computer? Or is it for taking out to client presentations etc? or both? I purchased a Sager, with a fairly high end graphics card that has works well, its a little heavy, but thats part of the price you pay.
  24. Pretty sure that would not fly in our area.