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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. Yes. Just select whatever text and or dimensions and make your changes. You could also copy the area of the drawing you have as a detail to an actual cad detail and then work on it alone.
  2. You need to adjust your text size in the plan file before sending to layout.
  3. I am not sure what prompted this but this plan was working great until yesterday. This is done in X7. I can not get the garage on the first floor to believe that that rooms above all have the same ceiling height to be able to lower the garage ceiling. Maybe they don't and I am missing something. Help... Rut
  4. I fail to see the humor (or the car) in the image.
  5. I would put questions to yourself before the business card. 1. What is your goal? 2. Who are you? Are you a designer? A drafter? 3. Who are your potential clients? Builders? Homeowners? 4. Do you have design training (or ability)? 5. Do you have an attorney for your business? (This is the only person who should write a contract. You need a contract.) 6. Do you have a web presence? You don't have to have your own website these days. You could set up a HOUZZ or Facebook page to showcase your work. 7. Do you have the time to take on new clients or are you busy building (general contractor)? more...
  6. M-U-N-T-I-N! You say tomato, I say avocado. Mullions divide windows. Muntins divide pieces of glass within a window. PSA out.
  7. My Templates show as 4/5/16. You might need to delete your X8 Beta data folder? Check this path----->
  8. New Plan points to your Template plan that you designate.
  9. You need to update your template plan file. I believe you are opening a template file that was from Beta. Go to File --> Templates --->New Template From plan file, once you open a plan it will prompt you regarding associating this as your new Template file. This should lock it into the new plan file.
  10. If you hit the red circle all displayed layers will move to the top of the ALDO.
  11. Like Michael said, Mike, no. Mike, that is a great idea.
  12. Anyone remember Carnac The Magnificent (sp.)? The great Carnac knows all, and is pretty sure you need to snap that landing to the corner of the stairs.
  13. Oh Math. How you vex me so.
  14. Dan, use this method for testing: Start writing and spend at least 5 minutes with the "Reply to this topic" open, then hit "More Reply Options", add an image file then try to post. This is the typical scenario where the world loses connection to my infinite wisdom (if only that Brexit post had gone through....) P.S. I am using Firefox.
  15. Outside corners are the great nemesis of Material Regions. Look to a different solution.
  17. I can toggle those off! Thanks. The only time I use those is by mistake and usually followed by a loud, WTF.
  18. I have hired out of town engineers when I was pretty confident field observation would not be needed. Jared may be willing to travel to the East Bay.
  19. Jared Pechan (In Pacific Grove). He uses CA. 831-264-3217
  20. I generally just draw an arrow from the switch and put it on the Electrical Connections Layer. I add the "3" to the switch manually.
  21. You probably want to post your .plan file to get anything but wild guesses for that question.
  22. I have had that happen from time to time. Like Micheal, if I get too wordy Chieftalk edits me down to a lost post. I had an amazing diatribe going the other night lost to the ether.