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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. That is a standard item for listing local to me. After the crash I did this a bit but it was too time consuming to do in CA for me if I have design work available. I was charging $125 main up to 2k s.f.. I would add more for complexities. I have stopped doing it but get occasional calls for them. I have helped out a few when the house is too complex for the guy who does it locally. I actually just produced one last week for a buddy who noticed I had done the remodel drawinks for the house. That was pretty easy since the floor plan was done and I just hid the notes and changed the walls to a solid fill with one layer.
  2. That is a standard item for listing local to me. After the crash I did this a bit but it was too time consuming to do in CA for me if I have design work available. I was charging $125 main up to 2k s.f.. I would add more for complexities. I have stopped doing it but get occasional calls for them. I have helped out a few when the house is too complex for the guy who does it locally. I actually just produced one last week for a buddy who noticed I had done the remodel drawinks for the house. That was pretty easy since the floor plan was done and I just hid the notes and changed the walls to a solid fill with one layer.
  3. I store them in a .plan file. I have them organized on a grid that fits in my sheet. I have organization grid lines that I don't print.
  4. Sometimes you can fix that by resetting the Default Wall Top Height or Bottom. A lot of the time I can not get this to work when I have high and low spaces like you appear to on this elevation and then I go to Photoshop.
  5. Without a doubt I can say with complete confidence that the reason that wall is there is because you did not post the plan.
  7. The most mysterious thing about this post is why you did not post the plan?
  8. Sometimes, when you are dimensioning it is is helpful to turn on the wall layer "Main Layer Only" so that you are only seeing the framing lines.
  9. The white boarding program was dismantled shortly after Obama took the oval office.
  10. Bump up your exterior ambient with shadows on and see if you like it.
  11. The Live elevations are fickle. I have had to delete and resend sometimes.
  12. There are too many variables. Post your plan for an answer without guessing.
  13. A solid with a curve in one or two directions is not a big problem. I have done this sort of thing with solid subtraction. What I see in that image is a shape that appears to be a hyperbolic paraboloid. Yusuf will likely prove me wrong but I don't think we can make a hyperbolic paraboloid in CA. Also, I got to use the term "hyperbolic paraboloid" in a sentence and so I get extra credit in my architectural dweeb account.
  14. Thanks for starting this thread Jere. So far I have reached out to 2 planning directors in Monterey and Carmel. So far, they have both responded with "we are aware and unsure of what to do yet" type of answer. I encourage everyone to reach out and ping their local planning directors so that this is getting the attention it deserves.
  15. Those shapes are not what CA does. Those are something that needs to be created in a program that does NURBS modeling and then imported into the program. Rhino, 3DS Max, Maya, etc. for making those shapes.
  16. Here: use the wall break tool (Ctrl + and click at the wall intersection. Then you can change the closet wall type to a 6" wall. For your other end walls. There is recent thread speaking to this.
  17. You will need to post a plan and annotate what you are trying to do. That image does not tell me enough.
  18. With a name like Serenity, I thought you would take this type of thing in stride?
  19. That is Z-Fighting. It is possible this model is way, way away from the origin. Or, your wall layers are too thin.
  20. Get GIMP and learn how to use it. That is what will help you make bump maps and such. Also to adjust materials and grout colors in your tile materials. Creating very realistic renders takes a lot of skill and time. CA has a very good training video on bumping up the quality of your materials in prep for rendering. Since you have X7 I am guessing that you don't have SSA?
  21. I have always found the dimensions to be accurate. My models on the other hand.... And so I often do what Richard suggested. I force a dimension to be what I want by drawing a small cad line parallel to dimension extension , move the dimension string to that cad line end point and then adjust the cad line with the dimension string. I almost never do this with a wall but often do it for set back lines and other items that need a dimension but not model accuracy. If you have walls that are not correct when dimensioned, you probably have walls in the wrong location.
  22. I agree with Joey's sentiment. If someone walks up to a Tesla and says "but it is just a car" then the conversation is over. Be the Tesla.
  23. Larry, maybe just show them a basic set vs. a more detailed set? For sales advice I go to Alec Baldwin