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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. I am not feeling it yet in California. If I am not feeling it here then you are just fine. What I do feel is the need to be better and better at my job. What the regulations do is weed out the less competent. If you are good, can learn and grow with the times then you are able to sustain.
  2. When using the cable I always have made my own with a molding or poly solid.
  3. Yes but it is not to architectural scale. It is real world scale so they probably won't like it. You end up with a 17" long building.
  4. Faith, your question is leaving a little too much to the imagination. For a better chance at getting a clear answer you can post the plan plus some images of what you are trying to achieve and where you are having problems in the model. Without those basic elements your question borders on being a Koan.
  5. Does your foundation line up with the current wall layout?
  6. For the West Coast of the Americas: This is a well run event. I went to Portland 2 years ago for this and hope to attend again this year.
  7. If you are going to get a low cost full size printer, I am very happy with my HPT120.
  8. Attorney fee to review contract. 15k sounds like it is good or a bit high.
  9. I saved out my library that is working for this:
  10. Thanks guys but I am going to have to bow out of this one too. I have a scheduling conflict since someone dropped 4 tickets to a Quakes game in my lap that are on the grass with a lounge attached. I have never been to a (pro) soccer game before so I will be going to my first a spoiled customer.
  11. Done. Randal Layout-Layout.pdf
  12. Y he electrical connections are very fickle. They often appear connected but are not. You do have that one dangling connection to your attic. Is that an electrical connect tino or just a curved line?
  13. Vector view does that sometimes. Make your roof surface thicker and they will hide behind it.
  14. You might have better results if you post the plan that you are having trouble rendering. Using those setting I posted, if you results are bad there is something else going on that is stepping on the quality. Also post some images of what your renders look like now. Save the file with the camera saved and named so testing can be done apples to apples. The renders attached are some that I was doing today to check some material comparisons. Rendered out at 2000px wide with 8 passes and each took about 11 mins. Exterior comparison.pdf
  15. Try these settings from the master of the Ray Trace (Jintu, not me)
  16. If the chair image is for an elevation you can apply it as a material image (or a plant image) and bring it in. But, an image is just an image. If it needs to be a 3d object something has to be built.
  17. The license is what you own. If you have upgraded and are using the current version then you are still using the license. It is illegal to sell the old disc and hasp if you are using the upgrades.
  18. Thanks Joey. I have no idea why my eye kept stopping at the word Frame in the DBX and overlooking Framing. I remember having set this before. I think it is time to get some coffee.
  19. Hello Peanut Gallery Nuts, I was killing time this morning with my third or fourth best source of entertainment (DS Hall Youtube Channel) while icing my thigh due to my old man baseball game injury. (BTW, I broke a bat swinging at an inside pitch last week so either I am a stud or that was a really good pitcher. We lost the game which is a hint.) In one of his vids he mentions the Auto Detail tool which I have never used. Again, similar to my broken bat. So I am experimenting with the tool and it brings up a few questions. 1. That piece of insulation sticking out of the roof. Seems easy to fix by grabbing the polyline and adjusting. Is there a way that this does not need tweaking besides making a flat roof? 2. Window headers. Where the heck to I adjust that for a single 4x member above the window? Thanks, Alan (a swing and a miss) Lehman test plan for auto
  20. That was sarcasm. I didn't really mean that. Why doesn't anyone understand me. Make CADD great again.
  21. Try it this way. The way you are showing it is sending water to the wall in a big bad way.