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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. If I ever run into Greg in NY I am definitely buying him a pizza.
  2. The layersets are great functionality but the Annotation set is where you can set up to get your 1/2" scale plan to behave properly. Each unique annotation set only takes a few minutes to set up and then you can save them to open with every plan loaded with the annotation and layersets. By setting up unique layersets and annotation sets you can easily jump to your partial plan (or have a majority of the items locked) so you can navigate quickly and efficiently. As an example, the layerset I have for creating electrical plans has the cabinets, rooms, walls, fixtures, windows and doors on locked layers. Therefore, as I click in to grab a can light above a counter top I get the can light the first time.
  3. Sometimes you can get what works by adjusting the camera clipping planes.
  4. Once you create the dimension string you can move the dimension extension to wherever you need it to be. First click on the dimension line (where the numbers are located) and then grab the diamond shaped handle at the end of the dimension extension.
  5. I seriously doubt anyone at CA is looking at a thread on this forum with joy when one of us shows a way to muscle around a shortcoming to hack in a solution. I do, however smile each time someone comes up with a solution to a problem which can get my job printed.
  6. O.K. Rich...What did you do? Did that go out to Sketchup for the rotation?
  7. Barry did a project for me recently. I would email him directly in case he does not monitor this thread. His email is in the earlier posts.
  8. Someone wake up Lew. This thread is bound to be like getting the Games of Thrones episode early this week.
  9. Great info. Just read the first few pages and this puts to rest so many questions that have been bantered about on this forum.
  10. I use layers. Let's say I have a patio where I use a slab to make it display in 3d. It is the keeping track of line weights and fill pattern and then the fill pattern weights to make sure when I go to the 3d view or the site plan in Layout, I have good visual definition. Sometimes (or often) those two different views (my 3d rendering vs. condocs) each need different levels of visual punch per item.
  11. This is something worth discussing in depth. The big schism for me comes with trying to make sure my 3d objects work well as 2d objects. This comes into play if you don't want to make redundant items in plan view so that the site plan I send to layout for con docs is accurately reflected in the exterior rendering.
  12. A fairly typical file structure for one of my jobs. All the plan and layout files live in the Plan folder. Printing goes to the Plot folder.
  13. In your plan view, CAD---> Cad Detail From View. Then clean them up and save them as needed in the library.
  14. Are these Live Elevations? Probably so if you are sending Technical Illustration. They get blurry and then if you are in Layout and update the view they get great. Then they get blurry sometimes again. Then they get great again. Hakuna Matata.
  15. I'don't much rather have cable railings follow stairs than floor framing per room.
  16. Try the variations on the Blocks to import or not. Grasping at straws.
  17. Custom Muntins are easier to create than using p-solids.
  18. That is not good. I never noticed this since whenever I am making a custom profile I happen to be working in the elevation view at the time. Therefore, the CA anomaly matches my workflow.
  19. My bad, he nailed it
  20. I can't believe that Berkley Breathed missed that one. Has anyone else been following the new adventures of Opus, Bill the Cat and the others on Facebook?
  21. And here is a picture of a kitten in a sweater:
  22. It's gonna' be one of those days. "Ding, Ding, Ding... and in this corner weighing in at 74 years of combined experience...."
  23. Thanks Justin, I am working on a pool using the road trick now. Great solution.
  24. I have heard of Jelly Roll Morton but who is this Belly Rails Balusters and what instrument does he play?