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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. If I read the original post correctly the choice is bla, bla, bla, something technical thingy whatever or buy a new computer. Duh, buy a new computer.
  2. When I am clicking to in layout to open up the plan view X10 is always opening a new plan view window tab in .Plan. Is there a setting to have it switch to not opening new tabs but just going to the one that is already open? I am aware that I could head back to the plan file without clicking from layout but (dammit) I like to click back from layout. It is a very intuitive workflow.
  3. What was meant was to click on the tool bar icon for creating a new dimension string (or whatever hot key you have assigned to create a new dimension string) then hold Shift and do a marquee selection over your entire area where you want to delete the dims. This makes your gross selection specific to the active tool. This will not work for selecting awesome clients. That is a custom tool bar icon not yet available except in metric.
  4. It takes some time to be able to assign a number to a job. I work my fee structure as a time to a maximum. I rarely don't hit my maximum and that is mostly due to a high level of perfectionism. I did end up below my max on a job recently but I am also not great at tracking time unless the job happens in a short period of time. Basically, I am stating a high enough bid based on the scope of work and what I feel I can charge. I am on the high end of hourly rates that I am shooting for and don't mind being turned down on a proposal. I used to get about 90% of the work once I met a client. After a class at a JLC Live show I realized that I was only charging about 25% of what I should be charging. I left the show and immediately wrote a proposal for twice what I would have the previous week and got the job. On jobs that I have not gotten recently I go with the idea that "we are protected by our rejections".
  5. The calculation is T(L)-X =M/N Where T is the time you have already wasted plus some more time L is the loss of accuracy in what people are asking you to convey on the drawing X could be just about anything you like M is whatever Measly sum Micheal will ask for N is for now
  6. Tony, I would guess (and that is all I can do in this situation) is that they own the copyright to the work you did while an employee. I you message me I can send you to ask this question of a friend who is active in the graphic arts guild and is often in D.C. lobbying on behalf of copyright issues. Word of warning, her emails can be long. Really long.
  7. X10 renderings showing the same settings with the exception of the global illumination. The brighter ceiling has no global illumination. The global illumination is a much more attractive look but I can not get the ceiling brighter. I have tried using different backgrounds but nothing is changing it (except a blue sky which gives a blue cast to everything. Any tips.
  8. Doug, that will change over time. I had those struggles in the first year of using CA and would break the model badly enough to want to start clean. That never happens anymore as I know the software well enough to fix the problem or not create it in the first place. Or, if I am in a deep hole the kind folks on this forum have bailed me out.
  9. "Bob's your uncle". Oh so random and hilarious.
  10. Locally, what the inspectors have been calling for are double trimmers over a certain length header. Just to keep them happy I am putting double trimmers on anything over 36".
  11. I believe it can be in a laundry room. What is the issue is the clearance for working space. I think it is 15" clear each side of panel and min 36" behind.
  12. It was already on. I poked around with my display options. It must have been that my "Scale and Layout" of text was set higher than 100%. I had it set at 150. Put it back to 100 and it is better but now I need stronger glasses.
  13. I had been having this problem in x9 for a while and thought that x10 would not have the same result. Anyone else have a menu offset issue like shown in the image. I am clicking for the walls but the child menu jumps to the right (Rocky Horror style? but then it would go to the left).
  14. For CA, it is not an issue. This is a big box and drafting it is all the same as a small box but only bigger. For code issues, that is a different story. What state are you in? Is this getting a permit? Do you know what the exit requirements are for commercial? Fire codes, ADA codes, stair codes (different for commercial than residential). Commercial can be a beast of new information to learn.
  15. Visually they may look flat. Do they both have the same top height numbers in the DBX?
  16. This is a PBR image. Is there a way to get the shadows lighter? Also, I am having the white out issue if I switch to or open the the camera with the Global Illumination checked. Is PBR best for interiors and questionable for exteriors?
  17. Gawdzira


    The Chatroom is open for questions like that.
  18. Is this from update ? I have not done that one yet and hoping my draftsperson has not either.
  19. That is close to my system. Mine is working great. Check on the Outlet store at Dell over a several day period to get about $500 off your system. I was able to find mine on the outlet.
  20. Actually, that is what he is not asking for. That is why I chimed in (buttinskied in). What he was asking to do was A1, A2 M3...
  21. Joe has offered you what you wanted to know. I might be so bold as to offer you what you might not have wanted to know. That sounds like a really bad (confusing) idea.
  22. Alienware Aurora R6 Windows 10 Pro Intel Core i-7-7700k@4.2GHz 16 GB RAM 64 bit OS 256 GB SSD 2 TB Storage drive GeForce GTX 1080