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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. That looks more like a splayed pilaster. I would make that out of a polysolid and smash it into the wall for the 3d view. For plan view, make a CAD box to give you what you want. I would not alter a piece of actual wall.
  2. She is one belt buckle short of perfect.
  3. "Do I know you Chris? Are you Chris A.? " Is this a CADDaholics Anonymous meeting? CADD Club? The first rule of CADD Club, no one remembers where that toggle is for changing the text style for the all the dimension text without changing the room style text to a different size across all layersets while having the text style remain for schedules.
  4. Gawdzira


    I have a T 120. I am fairly pleased with it. It replaced a 110 which was a nightmare to load. The 120 is easy to load the rolls. I don't have a good out feed system and I really need to make that better. If you are not paying attention and a sheet does not clear the area at the out feed, it will bunch up on the cut. The color quality is good enough for con docs in color but I would not expect to make any posters or print renderings for presentations. Speed is o.k. but not very fast if you are printing a lot in a hurry. I buy ink off Amazon (Miroo) and it is pretty reasonable. Thanks for reminding me, time to reorder paper (Freedom Paper).
  5. I am constantly frustrated by Chiefs lack of ability to do things I don't want to do. Like drafting.
  6. I was working yesterday and did a search through my Library for garage door changes (not the user LIbrary area) and had 2 crashes within 10 minutes. No warning or freeze up. X10. Has anyone else had this same issue? No time to experiment with it at the moment.
  7. I tried a few passes with your file. I am using X10 Premier and I am not sure if the RT engine is different in your version. I am not getting good results either. There are a lot of active lights so you might try turning off the small cans around the cabinets or using a linear type light for your undercabinet lighting so you could have fewer lights. I think there may be one material that is causing the noise to appear. Is there some object or material you imported from Sketchup?
  8. "When you got a bunch of clowns, you're gonna have a circus." Wes (my friend from High School) About that Ray Trace, I looked through your settings and nothing jumped out at me that seemed out of place. I was going to send you a doc that would have directed you to use those (or really close to) settings. How many lights do you have active? How big is the full file? (I did not open up your file). Sometimes if you turn off any lights in other rooms that are not being used you can dedicate the computer resources better. More than about 8 active lights can choke the machine. How long did 15 passes take to complete?
  9. Jared Pechan is using CA. I am not sure if he has upgraded to x10 yet? He is in Pacific Grove CA. Design Everest is using engineers from a labor pool and could be located anywhere in the state. I used them on a project and the workflow was a bit trying at times.
  10. I would probably fake the second door for the rendering with a poly solid or some other custom object. It does not make sense that there is not an option for a screen door as you are trying to create.
  11. I am losing my edge. Good thing we were not using pistols at 20 paces.
  12. I am guessing that you just want the one door to swing both directions? If so, see the image.
  13. I recently started getting selection issues and was thinking it was my keyboard. Now I am not so sure. My issue comes up as not being able to Shift select items. This is very new for me and I have only been working in X10 lately.
  14. X9 will be fine. You will probably have some text wrapping issues.
  15. I am having issues (long story). But this problem in CA is probably the one that can be solved without a Doctorate in Psychology. See the images and plan. My balcony railing is causing a break in the wall connection of some sort. Please show me this easy fix and make it so easy I am embarrassed. DOL_DD_V1ss.plan
  16. Not yet. I tried deleting the saved plans and creating a new view. Same result. I tried with the zoom checked and unchecked. Same result.
  17. Elevations are fine. It is the switching of the plan view. The second frame is my clicking the tab to return to the saved plan view. I click the tab on the window view. Should I be changing to clicking from the project browser? I hope not since my project browser is the farthest object from my active work space.
  18. I have this plan view as a saved plan view (x10). When I click through to my layout tab and then return to the plan view, it is jumping to a new camera position as shown in the second pic. I have 2 monitors and keep my library, ALDO and Project Browser on the second monitor. Any ideas why this has such a high suck factor?
  19. Linda, don't share your product key. That is yours alone.
  20. This is a source of frustration but I realize that a 2d plant image has limitations (and I don't really want to bog mile file down with 3d plants. I did not want the base of my pine tree to move with the camera so I tweaked this tall Pine image so the trunk is centered at the bottom and the main trunk is a bit more to vertical.
  21. For each unique view sent to layout there should be a unique layerset. I have layersets for Site Plan, Framing plan, floor plan, elevations, landscaping plan, mechanical plan... I also have unique Annotation sets for each of those.
  22. Ohhhh, never mind. Build roof framing is the magic trick. Now go back to work, dinner or the basketball game.
  23. Why does this happen (to me). I made a change to that flat roof element at the gable end. You can see in the perspective view that things are all honky dory. But, in the elevation things are all wonky donkey. What is the magic trick to get the wall to rebuild? The rebuild walls and floors button does not do it? Closing the camera view and making a new camera view does not do it.
  24. Relationships with Realtors. Locally, about 50-70% of the houses purchased immediately have some work done. Usually something large unless the house had been turned by a flipper(or "Developer" as I have been informed is a better term).