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Everything posted by Gawdzira

  1. What is your resolution output in each of the printers? I don't find the files with the CA driver excessive. I print at 144 dpi as a general rule for full size prints (24x36).
  2. Thanks Micheal, I had never needed this option so I was unaware of the special snapping option.
  3. The ledger is showing on top of the siding. If you draw a section through this area and show framing you will see the layers and location. I don't like that this is the default. Is there a setting to get this to correct?
  4. Chopsaw, thank you. I kept repeatedly clicking and unclicking "Ceiling over this Room". I don't know if I have ever unchecked Ceiling Finish. I wonder if this carried over from the previous room type since I added this space where the deck was and then had to change the room type?
  5. My stairwell zone set up as an "Open Below" room won't let me put in a ceiling. I tried adjusting the height of the room ceiling and tried overriding the ceiling with a custom ceiling plane. I know I can make a polyline solid to fill the space but why should I do that? What is causing my lack of ceilinginity? EGT_dd_v1a.plan
  6. Not at my computer now (don't ask where) but do you have stepped footings?
  7. Is going back in time and altering history for the sake of (artistic) humanity an option?
  8. Gawdzira


    The area shown in pink is being called out as "Open Below". The program is doing what you told it to do. If you want less of an open stairwell you need to put in more walls to define that space. I am seeing the ceiling on the level at the top of the stairs. If you are not seeing a ceiling (or anything) you are probably using a "Floor Camera" instead of a "Full Camera".
  9. We can't complain about this enough. Someone wake up Lew.
  10. Thanks MIke and Jon for confirming that I am not crazy (as it relates to the lites issue).
  11. I can eventually get what I want. The issue was that when I was showing the number "2" in the dbx for lites and would click on the up arrow, it would jump to "4" instead of advancing to "3". As soon as I posted this question, I can no longer repeat it. I will try and reopen my older file and see if it is repeatable.
  12. It is happening vertically as well.
  13. When I am adding lites by clicking on the up or down arrow in the dbx, the numbers are doubling. Anyone else experiencing this anomaly?
  14. The quote from my friends dad "Why do you want to be an architect? Don't be an architect. Everyone thinks they can do their own architecture. Be a surveyor. No one does their own surveying."
  15. It looks like you may have the attic wall layer turned off. This is a wild guess without seeing the plan file.
  16. Scott, you are more likely to get a solution by posting the plan file.
  17. Here is a partial image of the directory tree. It looks pretty extensive.
  18. I do this all the time. Just copy and paste from one file to the other. I will delete the elements that have changed in file A and copy them from file B.
  20. For the view you send to layout you would want to be in Vector mode for the camera. Have Plot Lines checked but no to the "Color Fill" check box. In the second image I show the camera DBX. I was sending with shadows on but you would probably want that off for a clean, lines only view to layout.
  21. My suggestion would be to hire a Russian hacker to get the word out. They seem to have a finger on the pulse of how to get things done.
  22. Good space planning never goes out of style.
  23. Check out this slide show, or download the pdf (link on the first page). It is great directory of well designed small house plans.