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Everything posted by CharlesVolz

  1. Just make your "Top Height Reference" the "Top Tread" elevation and set the "Top Height" equal to the floor elevation.
  2. I like to have links via highlighted labels vs. URL addresses. So I use Adobe.
  3. I started putting hyperlinks in my PDF plans (via Acrobat) to Chief Architect's 3D viewer.
  4. Hey Rich,


    How do you like you computer with Chief? I am looking to build a new computer. It looks like you have a newer high-end rig.


  5. Data collection is over 4 TB. (some duplicates) My File History takes up over 4 TB. So I need 10 TB .... or I have to clean house. I was after 14 TB, but at $310 it is higher per TB.
  6. I just picked this up yesterday. It was the best deal per GB that I could find quickly. WD Easystore 10 TB
  7. Howdy All, I am available to take on more design work. I can assist you in your design work or you can refer customers to me. I pay a 10% referral fee for referred customers. Just give me a call at 210 744-7489! Here is some information about me and how I work: I am a creative designer who has acquired unique experiences and perspectives from my collection of work as a designer and builder. I have degrees in structural engineering (BS Rice University) and architectural engineering (MS University of Texas at Austin) and have planned, designed, developed and built various, diverse projects over my 30-year career. I am a member of the American Institute of Building Design ("AIBD"), which provides quality continuing education to ensure its members remain current with technology, materials and building codes. AIBD holds its members to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. I utilize the latest technology like GoToMeeting to work with customers live online and OBS Live to record "how-to" videos for builders, designers and DIYers, instructing home design using Chief Architect. I have worked with owners, builders, designers and architects from all over the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and England. I offer time-saving design assistance as well as expert training in Chief Architect. I am available to design your home from concept to working drawings, assist you in learning Chief Architect and/or improve your existing home design. Whether you need a home designer or just a few hours of training, I can accommodate you. Right now I am offering a discounted rate of $85 per hour for Chief users (an 11% discount from my standard rate of $95). I work in prepaid blocks of time. Once I receive payment, I schedule the time. You chose how much of my time you want to reserve (3-hour minimum) and can use the time (in 1-hour minimum blocks of time) for up to six months after purchase. When I complete the time, I will give you back the plan file or you can purchase another block of time. You keep the time credit left over, if any, for future help. This method gives you the flexibility to hire me for the work you desire without a long-term commitment. There is no obligation for you to pay for additional blocks of time. I am very fair with my billable hours and do not charge for nonproductive time. I bill using PayPal and add the fee (rounded) to the invoice. Regards, Charles
  8. That is what I suggest. Rent/Buy Home Designer Pro to layout walls, windows and doors then hire a pro to help you from there.
  9. I can help you. Just give me a call at 210 744-7489 or send me a private message. Regards, Charles
  10. Howdy Jon, I assume you have tried searching your computer for the file name.
  11. Here is what most of us in the U.S. subscribe to. ANSI Z765-2013.pdf
  12. I try to remember before refilling every cup of coffee.
  13. I agree with these guys. I used to use Chief Blueprint, etc. but opted out for cleaner looking and more condensed fonts. I was having trouble with too much congestion in my plans, especially with dimensions. Here is my current thinking: Font Selection Criteria: 1. No hand-drawn looking fonts. (Out of date. Not hand-lettering anymore. Not for commercial. Not good for modern designs.) 2. No all caps fonts. (Out of date. Not hand-lettering anymore. Looks like you are shouting due to texting conventions. Uses more space.) 3. Best legibility for smallest width in lower case, upper case and all caps. (Use line spacing to compact vertically.) 4. Dark enough when not bolded and bolded. Distinguishable between the two. 5. Must be available and look good/compatible in word processor, spreadsheets and CA. I Use: 1st: Myriad Pro/Myriad Pro Condensed (5" dimensions and labels, 3" small notes, 6" & 8" large notes and labels.) 2nd: Arial/Arial Narrow (4 ½" dimensions and labels, 3" small notes, 6" & 8" large notes and labels.)
  14. When beginning a new plan, I just rename the plan every few hours with consecutive numbers and an occasional note. After I link the plan to a layout, the plan and layout names stay the same and I use File> BackUp while in layout to backup the plan, layout and all associated files to Dropbox. The backup folders are named consecutively with an occasional note.
  15. Or paste into plan or layout via Edit / Paste / Paste Special / Image (Enhanced Windows Metafile). Resize to taste.
  16. Builders (and Bankers) Are Not Your Best Friend.pdf