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About GaryOhmer

  • Birthday 12/16/1953

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    Ketchikan, Alaska

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  1. sounds like you have foundation that has settle or framing shrinkage - one of our projects we used pressure treated insead of concrete - shrink a 1/2"
  2. Keeps getting later every year - been a user since it came out on floppy discs
  3. Looks to me that you have a really high heel height - change to zero
  4. We usually hear something about this time, any news, gossip etc?
  5. I built a building 32' x 62', 2/12 shed roof heel height 2', ceiling heel height 0, all interior walls ballon thru ceiling above, when framed walls are all screwed up on height, top plate extends above the ceiling and cut the top plate, then the program adds a stud either side.
  6. use cntr select and you should be able to move anywhere you want
  7. draw 31" cabinet - uncheck flat sides and flat back in toe kick - in accessories select cabinet foot style you want - place sink - change doors to draws - copy and block together
  8. go to the cabinet defaults and uncheck create automatic fillers
  9. you have to define the area about the garage as a room, set ceiling height to 1.5 for a sill plate - build your roof - once you have every thing in order go to the room and check no ceiling