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Everything posted by MPDesign

  1. Great tip Yusuf, we could also use this method for exposed stringers.
  2. Hey fellow users I looked at this again and if the beam pocket is no more than half way to the exterior of the wall. It doesn't cut the foundation wall. I suppose this makes sense, most pockets are only 4 inches deep.
  3. I am getting the same result. Will send a report. Good catch Joey
  4. A quick way to achieve this. Put 2 breaks in the roof down at the eave edge. Pull the edge between the breaks up, to have an opening in the roof to walk thru.
  5. There is also a problem with the live views and printing to pdf. Will be sending to support shortly.
  6. Thank you Michael I think Chief should compensate you for fixing there symbol!
  7. Mike, Here is a copy of your plan. If you look you will see that the room needs to be set to deck for the framing to be correct. The Balcony Room setting was causing the framing to not generate correctly. If you reconnect it and build the framing again you will see what I mean. Use the anno set - (framing) to view the framing on the 0 basement floor level. hth, Deck-framing-fix.plan
  8. Also try unchecking the box in the export. (truncate texture names )
  9. Scott, Also I wonder why after opening the file, saving, then close file. it ends up at 2.8mb's? I have noticed this behavior for quite awhile.
  10. Terry make sure the setting for scaling icons is checked mine are working properly.
  11. you need to turn on the ceiling in the room dbx
  12. Main menu 3d Camera view options or this tool icon
  13. Try installing the Paint color library, its not that big and shouldn't slow you down.
  14. I forgot the auto update of layout views!!!
  15. I like a lot of the new features! Well heck all of them! My fav's - Elevation reference for objects Object painter-match properties Auto Story pole dimensions in elevations Colored elevations to layout Auto detail and layer improvements for roofs Stair display improvements! Rendering and Raytrace sun options per camera!!! Bump and push objects to casings of doors and windows! Plus the big bonus of the software working faster! thumb up All 3d views are up very quickly! Especially the line style view! Thank you Chief! a great improvement in making, detailing, and presenting our designs!
  16. In the dimension defaults, under locate objects, select framing sides and the centers if you wish.
  17. Sweet! Will give them a try. thank you for your kindness Facer!
  18. looks like brick walls, 4 or 6" or a custom thickness. measure the dwg wall thickness and figure out an appropriate wall type. or make a new one to work
  19. I would try adjust (increase) the emissive property of the color/ texture on the ceiling.
  20. Jeff that is sweet! thank you! Does it tile well in chief? or is there a noticeable repeat in texture image?
  21. What is the total footage of the building? Need pdf's or scan's Andy how can you put a number on this ? No info