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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. yes the wall type will follow the wall below, but any auto attic wall will be places on the walls attic layer. If no wall exists below the attic wall then it will not generate an attic wall
  2. walls attic, at least I can turn them off in plan view easily. I don't think there is a default for that.
  3. try this, Change the conc. foundation wall to to designate it as framing and not concrete. by doing this, I can get the brick ledge even for stucco to go down 2" below the bottom plate line. maybe it will work in your condition. Why does it work, I don't know?
  4. In the first white railings the spindles are spaced too far apart for code. I would not buy a house like that, too many level changes, but I'm old, and everyone will get there someday.
  5. I use many different layers like walls normal, walls interior, walls no show on plan, Same for railings, interior, exterior. It makes it a lot easier to select the group of walls. You can set all the walls to go to any layer you want in the wall defaults.
  6. You might try a ceiling plane slopped the same as the roof but installed lower than the roof. of course, remove the drywall under the roof. the ceiling plane has its own framing to make any size and direction you need.
  7. Chief does not do it automatically, normally people will use a molding polyline using a molding that works for your roof edge
  8. Larry , this is how Chief has always worked , if you change the ridge to a larger member then the hips and ledgers will also change. I have sent this in many times. You need to use a roof beam for ridges and keep the ridge in the roof DBX same size as the rafters to work. we should have separate boxes for hips, ridges and ledgers.
  9. You can also try turning the "daytime backdrop intensity" to something around 500
  10. also make sure "rooms" are also turned on.
  11. https://fhc-usa.com/ Here is a company that manufactures glass railings including all details and ICC- reports. very handy, especially in California and Nation wide They also provide lots of other glass things like shower doors. The webinars are very informative pertaining to codes.
  12. I would not have it cut a wall hole and just use a passthrough for the opening
  13. Generally, walls will go up to meet the roof or follow a ceiling height setting. Don't know your situation but if you set your ceiling to 8' and the roof baseline to 10' then you can use the balloon through ceiling to automatically get the wall to 10' high, baseline height is set to the plate height plus the vertical depth of the rafter. It's all in the roof DBX.
  14. I would try a wall material region using a frosted glass from the lib.
  15. I did have cataracts but the latest and greatest was 5000 per eye extra so I went cheap
  16. Yep ,I got the cheap ones, distance vision only, wish I could do it again.
  17. Hay ,Joe, i also have the implants but near vision suffers, need glasses
  18. I have 2- 43" 4k monitors, plenty of space for photos,pdf's, lib's.
  19. Just a guess but maybe the slab is below the terrain?
  20. You can also create multiple schedules separating outlets, lights, switches. or however you want by checking what to include in that schedule.
  21. I use a separate layer set for sending elevations to the layout, with windows and roofs and walls line-weights set larger than any plan view. This gives it more pop. You can also adjust the actual material line weights as needed
  22. General rule of thumb is, attic walls will not build if no wall exists below it.
  23. i think it comes from using different resolutions between computers
  24. Just open it and close it usually fixes it.