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Everything posted by glennw

  1. You can't create a fill pattern or export a fill pattern. What pattern are you after?
  2. I originally thought that the best way would be to use 3D plants (2D plants would look pretty dicky) with either the Garden Bed tool or the Distribution tools because both these tools make it easy to automatically distribute objects. The idea would be to then to create a symbol and rotate to vertical. There was just too many surfaces and I gave up because it was taking too long on my machine. Someone else may have more luck with a faster machine. Why do just a boring old flat wall? Or you could crop this if you want to use as a picture.
  3. There are a heap more files in the folders
  4. This is what my help folder looks like:
  5. In the room dbx, uncheck Use Soffit Surface For Ceiling.
  6. Use terrain elevation data to shape the terrain and then sit the driveway on the terrain using a terrain feature.
  7. That's because it is a 3D Symbol Molding. A 3D Symbol Molding repeats a shape along it's length and you see each repeated shape in vector view, but not in a render view. As others have said - use a 2D molding profile instead.
  8. I was only spelling out all the steps, especially that the dbx says Interior Windows>Separate Trim and Materials On Each side.
  9. Do this AND check Separate Trim And Materials On Each Side (even though the dbx says Interior Windows) then specify different materials for interior and exterior trim - works for me.
  10. It reminds me of the time I went to see a specialist doctor. I was sitting across the table from hime and he was explaining some things to me and was writing notes and instructions upside down (facing me). Very impressive and a great talent!
  11. Seriously? Would you ever do the same thing with dimensions (although we can do that with dimensions)?
  12. I am still curious to know under what circumstances you would want the label to be upside down?
  13. Might be a lot easier to do with a 3D Molding Polyline. This will do the mitres automatically and on the whole should will be a lot easier to control. Here is a very quick one just to give you the idea. I have left the moulding away from the roof so you can see what is happening. Or, you could try using a Frieze which would be even more automatic. Having said that, and without going any further, I suspect that this is one of those situations where even a compound mitre will not give a clean junction between horizontal eaves and raking eaves. Similar to this....maybe?
  14. Scott, I think he wants to rotate the label another 90deg (180deg in total) so that it is upside down. Why, I don't know.
  15. You assign a window level (Vertical Stacking) in the Options Panel in the window dbx. So you might assign the lower windows as Level 0 and the higher level windows as Level 1. You can then control which vertical stacking level displays in plan view by changing the Vertical Stacking Level in the Window Defaults dbx - the non default windows will appear light grey. A search in the help file for Window Levels should give you more details.
  16. I think Polyline Solids are the way to go. Curved roofs will be a real pain trying to get the geometry and eave detail to work. One big drawback with curved roofs is the max roof slope is 89deg - as far as I know you cant draw one with a 90deg slope which means it will never sit properly on a wall. By the way, in X13 we have material (and other) defaults for Polyine Solids.
  17. Alan, These are the choices you get with migration.
  18. That's a very small building! And a very steep roof!
  19. In my template plan, I have Room Fill set to automatically display so that whenever I create a room, it auto fills with a light transparent coloured fill. This way, I can instantly see if my room definitions are correct.
  20. glennw

    Stair info

    This may get you going:
  21. I can see some real problems trying to keep water out of that roof. I think it needs a bit more work yet.
  22. Use Edit Area and Transform/Replicate.
  23. Larry, you don't need a second floor. You can drag the top of a railing up or down in any view type. You cannot drag the bottom of a railing up in any view type. Hence, you need to convert the railing to a wall, drag the bottom up or down and then convert the wall back to a railing.
  24. If you build walls in the attic level, they will not build through the roof plane - they will build from top of ceiling joists of the floor below up to underside of the roof plane. If you build railings in the attic level, they will build up from top of ceiling joists of the floor below through the roof plane.