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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Because we can (and some users do) print from plan view?
  2. I think you will need a Truss Base under the overlapping roofs before drawing the perpendicular trusses. Have a look in help.
  3. They definitely look like they are drawn in Chief. Can you get a copy of the originals? Just a heads up to be careful of any copyright issues.
  4. Also, probably better off not using a temporary point which is what the Input Point tool uses. You will loose it if you delete temporary points. Probably better to use a Point Marker. Alan, You can't move or relocate 0,0,0.
  5. You need to tell the terrain what to do. Place an Elevation Line at 0" on the high side of the wall. Or, drag the Elevation Region so that its left hand edge is just on the high side of the wall. Place an Elevation Line at -12" at the low side of the wall. You can drag the top or bottom of the wall up or down to fine tune it.
  6. General Wall Defaults>Automatic Walls>Connect Island Rooms. Probably best not to have island rooms though as Cief says they can cause problems with room definitions. The island room is actually the closet connected to the centre wall. You could make one of its walls a No Room Def wall and then delete the room divider. Or connect the closet with walls that form a path to the external with some invisible or visible walls. You can place openings in walls that form the path to external.
  7. There is a Wire Mesh texture in the library. OK for rendered views, but will not display as transparent in a vector view, which I assume is what you want.
  8. Make sure the ceiling and floor heights are the same on each side of the room divider
  9. I am not quite sure what your picture is meant to show, but it sounds like auto attic walls to me.
  10. Yes, this is a persistent problem with X12 and it happens so frequently that it makes that version just about unusable for me. I have worked out that the only way I can work in X12 is to reset the migration settings. So that after the toolbars all go haywire, I migrate my toolbars from X11. I can't reload the X12 toolbars easily because they all get corrupted and overwritten. Far from perfect.
  11. I am not 100% sure of what you are trying to achieve, but a beam will generate an auto post in a wall. Or maybe you mean that you have manually drawn a post and you want auto wall framing to recognise the post and frame the wall accordingly?
  12. This can be done without going the cad detail route. You can dimension to cross section lines. Unlock the Cross Section Lines layer and make it red and thick so that you can see them. Use the Backclipped Cross Section camera. The trick is to locate the camera so that it is within the beam (you can do this by temporarily making the beam really thick so that the camera is inside the beam, or, locating the camera inside the beam) - this can be a temporary location so as just to get the dimension to snap to the beam - you can then move the camera and the dimensions will stay. If you use the End To End dimension, it will place point markers to locate the dimension points. So, if you want to move the beam, make sure you select the marker and the beam and the dimension will move and update as you move the beam. Not perfect, but does work and is a lot quicker to do than it sounds. This pic shows a roof beam parallel to the camera and another perpendicular to the camera. The one parallel to the camera doesn't need any attention because the camera is within the beam.
  13. If you want something like this, do a search in the library for Atrium Windows. I just knocked this up as a quick example.
  14. Have a look for "Corner Windows" in the help file.
  15. In some instances, you may be able to get away with creating a symbol. Get your vertical wall set up the way you want, select it and then use Convert Selected to Symbol. The symbol will contain the wall, doors and windows. Rotate the symbol. You may have to make the wall taller than normal to allow for the loss of height due to the slope.
  16. The help file says "by default......" By default, Auto rebuild Terrain is toggle on. Yes, I agree, a poor analogy. A better one would be that if you change any of the wall framing settings, nothing happens until you rebuild wall framing. A driveway is an integral part of the terrain. Better just to leave auto rebuild terrain toggled on.
  17. Driveways really aren't "elevation data", but they are part of the terrain. If anything is changed on the terrain, the terrain needs to be rebuilt. You can leave Auto Rebuilt Terrain toggled on (preferable), or you can manually rebuild the terrain to update it. The give away that you need to rebuild the terrain is the terrain icon attached to the cursor. Also from the help file:
  18. I don't think the dimensions are changing layer "retroactively". Rather, you are generating new auto dimensions that go to the new default layer and overwrite the existing auto dimensions. Any editing to an auto dimension, will indeed, change it to a manual dimension - that is what is happening when you select all the dimensions and open and close the dbx.
  19. You can print (including to .pdf) or export to various formats. Then import into layout. You can change the material category (how the ML calculates - Area, Count, Linear, Volume) on the Material List panel of the Define Material dbx.
  20. You need to go back to the material definition and change the Material List Calculation on the Material List panel. Sounds like you want Area. Eric passed over it in the beginning of his vid. Then when you have a ML, you can change the units - ie, from square inches to square feet. You can't change the category in the ML - ie, from Area to Linear. There are no options to change Count because the number of bricks can only be defined as a number.
  21. Thanks Joe, you are correct - the dimensions are centimetres. Something we NEVER do. In my haste, I ignored the obvious.