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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Photorealistic rendering is an Art one learns through study, trial, and error activity. It is not a simple as pushing a button, you adjust, manually lighting, material properties, and other environmental variables until you get the look you seek. It is a learned skill. DJP
  2. A better question from Users is not "Why" but rather how to fix it, none of us are Software Architects, you know. DJP
  3. Do a search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hardwood+flooring&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS818US818&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig6JXy9LnfAhUKOa0KHd7XDAMQ_AUIDygC&biw=1280&bih=625 Or adapt an existing texture altering it in Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro or Paint and then import into Chief as a custom material. DJP
  4. http://djpdesigns.com/roof-basellne.html Watch this short video, it may help you DJP
  5. Check the windows specification dialog - Options Tab and make sure the windows are not marked "Recessed", on siding such a setting could cause these phenomena. DJP
  6. Those are merely shed roofs with corbel supports or post supports. Easily done manually. DJP
  7. You create a custom image (usually.png) using Windows Paint, Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop to add an image of their logo and add text using Photoshop etc, as a .png image that supports a transparent background, then import into Chief as a custom "material" that you then apply to the glass so it then appears like painted on Logo and Text or a decal. To do a 3D sign you use letters from the 3D Text Bonus Library or as suggested create something custom using Sketch UP to then import into Chief as a symbol. Without seeing exactly what you need and want it is hard to be specific. DJP
  8. There is no "Koch Cabinets" Library offered by Chief Architect Inc at present. There are lots of other brands available for currently download with an SSA account and the cabinet specification dialog in the program allows for lots of ways to customize any cabinet selected. You can request that Koch Cabinets work with Chief Architect in creating a library of their objects, in the meantime you have to move forward with what is possible. DJP
  9. Eric, are we having a "Bad Day"? I do agree that the picture is useless. If you want and need help, help the potential helpers with clear, concise verbal and graphic communication so others can help. DJP
  10. I think the only place where they call it a "Boston Hip" is in Boston (Do the Irish hate the Dutch?). Until I knew better I used to call that design a "Texas Hip" until I started using Chief, so I am not just accusing Bostionan's of Architectural bigotry, I myself have suffered from that malady. DJP.
  11. I used a Microsoft trackball mouse in years past and more recently switched to a Logitech two-button-wheel mouse. It has served me reliably for three years now, I do not miss the trackball. DJP
  12. I do this kind of work currently for firms in Austin, Plano, Dallas and Savannah, GA with great success. The key is good clear, detailed information, dimensions and client desires to make such an arrangement pleasant for us both. I have been doing remodeling work plans since I started using Chief in 1995 (Version 4). DJP
  13. Where in "Central Texas" are you? I can help you as I already do many others locally and elsewhere. DJP
  14. There are several ways to accomplish this result. One is to use a glass shower wall for the glass wall portion, that makes it easy to then add a glass shower door. For the pony-wall portion, you can emulate that with a custom slab or slabs and just envelope the left-hand portion of the glass shower wall (the lower custom slab to emulate the pony-wall and a second one to emulate the pony-wall cap. You adjust the glass wall top in an elevation camera to the exact height you wish the glass to be. DJP
  15. Yes, I saw nothing unusual in your plan before or after. DJP
  16. No unusual behavior observed in your plan on my PC. DJP
  17. Anyone who would help you needs to know what version of Home Designer Essentials software you use to make sure that when done, you can still open and edit your own .plan file. If all you need is a roof design finished, I can do that in an hour or less. I charge $75.00 per hour US. Let me know what you decide to do please. DJP
  18. You ought to plan on Home Designer Pro, it is more expensive than Architectural but it is light-years ahead in terms of ability and choices available compared to Home Designer Architectural. I do this kind of work for people like you all the time. Please visit my website for examples and testimonials. DJP