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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. It's not something simple like more than one file of the same name? You've got a really logical filing system? And I assume you re-open the files using the 'open recent files' option? Post your plan and I'll poke around as well to see if I can replicate it.
  2. Well, you must be. After all, you don't know what's going on there, do ya?! Maybe not inferior, but definitely incompetent! (totally kidding) Just had something similar happen with piles under a grade beam...somewhere between completing the foundation plan, and a section view, some of them moved. Yup, it doesn't feel good.
  3. It's not sunlight leaking or wall layers, it's just some weirdness. The easiest fix...paint the wall material with the same material (just so it doesn't reference the default).. Sounds weird but it usually works. Or add a wall covering of the same material.
  4. Open the default settings for exterior or interior doors, hardware tab, post a screenshot. Or... just change the hardware while you've got that open!
  5. Here'a a fence panel / column combo. Painted, precast concrete. You're on your own for the concrete pilings for the columns! Fence, Concrete.calibz
  6. @Alaskan_Son That's a really good point. It takes a bit of an adjustment to mentally grab hold of some of the new functions and make them a regular part of your workflow. Great reminder to delve into the custom schedule capabilities and set some stuff up!
  7. Yeah, I hear you. I just needed to turn on that polyline layer in my main floor plan instead of just in my site plan in order for it to execute properly (this project didn't need a site plan). Chiefs auto labels would suffice, I just didn't have my defaults for a simple garage plan setup to calc different areas for spaces like a lean-to parking area that aren't part of the 'building area'. Everything was setup really nice for it to be quick and easy, and then the whole project got quite customized which pretty much screwed all the auto stuff I had setup. If I'd known it would morph like that when I started, I would've used a different plan template...and I would've priced it differently!
  8. That's a good question. For this plan, it started off as a simple 3-car detached garage, then morphed into a a 4car garage made up of 3 separate bays, some heated, some unheated, some finished, some unfinished, and a covered lean-to parking area.
  9. It doesn't reference any global variables, however it does reference a polyline that is part of a site plan layer set, and is not displayed in that main floor plan view. So, just trying to understand this...when I open the 'main floor plan' view, the macro is not executed until I also open the 'site plan' view which contains the polyline and macro. A little context: This is for my garage and shop plans which are all setup to auto-execute as much as possible because of the general simplicity of the structure type and likewise, the construction documents. Obviously, I don't want to calculate the building area, I want it to display automatically. And...I didn't want to (at least not yet) change the default for "Garage" rooms to be included in the Living Area calculation, so I was using a polyline macro that you setup for me (which works great BTW and has saved me plenty o' time). For this case, the solution seems to be 1 of 2 options: Correct me if I'm wrong with these assumptions 1. Change my default for "Garage" rooms to include in the Living Area and use the Living Area macro OR 2. Place the polyline I'm currently using on the final main floor plan view, and adjust it's line type and drawing order so it doesn't affect my desired display. Any thoughts? This could of course lead to a suggestion for Chief to enable multiple groupings in the room dbx for area calculations.
  10. double click on the room in plan view. That will open the Room Specification dialog box. Structure Tab.
  11. I have a text macro in a garage plan that references the area of a polyline. In layout, that macro appears blank unless the plan file is open. Is that normal? I needed to open the layout file only (or so I thought) and make a few adjustments before printing.
  12. I believe the easiest way to accomplish the 2-ply on-flat header for interior door is to specify a single ply, then group select all of them in plan view and replicate up 1.5". That will result in the correct count and build, although the cripple studs above the opening will be 1.5" too long. If that is unacceptable, they can be trimmed by group selecting all of them, and reducing their length by 1.5" (keep the top locked). Another option would be to increase the door height RO by 1.5", then select all the hdrs and replicate down 1.5". This will result in a the wrong RO being reported, unless you change it after the framing has been built and locked. Chief's header spec dbx is not near good enough. Suggestions have been sent in but AFAIK there has been no indication of upcoming improvement in this area.
  13. robdyck


    @ChiefUserBigRob There might be something in this post that helps...
  14. It won't be an issue if you add the wall covering to each wall, but it is an issue if you add it to the room. It probably should be noted and sent to tech support and Chief could look into and possibly correct that behavior. They may not be aware of this oddity.
  15. It seems it's because of the wallcovering. When I delete or change the wallcovering, I can then select the walls. Seems weird to me. I certainly wouldn't use the wallcovering option for changing the paint color. Use the materials tab / walls instead (Room Spec DBX).
  16. I assumed because that's the usual culprit...I'll check out your file and let you know if I figure anything out!
  17. The internet can tell you...
  18. Yup. Most frequent users would have the default for that room type adjusted to not have any baseboard. Glad you figured it out!
  19. A screen capture of the output isn't helpful without at least showing the input. Post a SS of your camera settings for that view...
  20. on the 2nd floor, build a room the size of your desired stair opening, define it as "open below".
  21. Don't use a box window. Draw your walls. Define the room to have a raised floor. Place normal windows.
  22. I'm sure you're aware Rob, but conventional pole barn construction would utilize strapping on both side of the posts (if the interior will be finished). Of course, you can infill frame between posts with stud walls, that would just be a slightly more expensive option. As far as modeling the structure...use "posts". And it's easy enough to change the main structural layer of your wall type to or from an actual framing material depending on if you decide to infill frame, or strap the structure.