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Everything posted by robdyck

  1. I stopped adding image renderings to pdf's because of the hassle of aligning, resizing, and updating views. Instead, I provide the images as a gallery. For me, time and money trumped my desired finished plan. And if sharing an album link, you can probably find a service that allows you to replace images when things change saving even more time.
  2. For pages where each drawing has a scale indicator, I simply fill that space in my title block with something generic like 'AS NOTED'. This prevents user error. For pages where the scale is uniform for all drawings, I fill it in manually. I do not know of way to auto-report a preferred drawing scale to the title block on a page-by-page basis.
  3. You can't automatically drop the unit but for 1:10 or 1:20, you would just select matching units on each side of the dialog. In layout you can report the scale in the layout box label using the provided macro. 20250321-1406-45.9937679.mp4
  4. Not trying to be argumentative, but it looks the same to me. Perspective crop mode is just a zoom function, no? Create a camera, select PCM, zoom in and then press F6 (Fill Window) which resets the camera view. Undo Zoom tool goes back to the PCM view. It's perhaps a more flexible way of zooming in using the scroll wheel, but I can't tell any difference. Zoom and PCM allow you to zoom in tight on a portion of a view without affecting the camera position. What other benefits do you find using PCM?
  5. I have seen plans where a certain plan view fill pattern was causing the slow down. The simpler the pattern, the better.
  6. robdyck

    RDBD - Interior Renders

    Interior Renders. Click the link to view a 3d tour.
  7. robdyck

    Robert Dyck Building Design

    Exterior Renderings - using Chief Architect only. Custom Homes designed by Robert Dyck Building Design in Canada
  8. For an exterior rendered image, If I'm not mistaken that tool essentialy functions the same as: using the zoom tool which can be used for smaller details, or for exterior views, the camera can be positioned much further away and then 'cropped' using the Zoom tool for exterior views, positioning the camera much further away from the house and then reducing the camera view angle (NOT using the Zoom tool).
  9. @para-CADThanks. That example was not an actual drawing yet so it's too clean! I don't draw those the same for everyone. I only provide the schedule for those who want it, and other wise I generally provide critical dimensions. I've only had a few carpenters who ask for or appreciate all those dimensions and then I'll provide whatever they feel will help them.
  10. @JKEdmo Try this cad block. Explode and edit and also take a look at how it's made and see if it works for you. The arch polylines have 30 segments and I reversed the start / end of the middle radial.archlite.calibz
  11. Jim, try pulling the bottom of the radial lines back about 1/4" from the lower arch.
  12. Yes. Search the library and use of many materials.
  13. Hi Ange, you could try copying that shadow board and set it to 1/16" thickness, Eaves Only, set it to an invisible material.