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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. I am a little to far south but @MZLehman is in your area and @Rosco2017 is in Fort Wayne
  2. You can create a wall break and thicken the wall in those locations for a quick way to create those. If for a remodel, I generally like to know how those are build though and model that way. Are the furred or extra framed walls, or larger framing members?
  3. Hey Indiana folks. I am going to be holding a meeting to pass along some information about AIBD and forming an Indiana chapter of AIBD. Even if you think there is nothing for you there, give me an hour. It will be a virtual meeting. Shoot me an email with Indiana AIBD in the header and I will add you to my list.
  4. Go to the plan file of the shop and take a 3D overview and export that view/model while in 3D. Now you can bring it into your other file as a symbol/fixture/object and place it on the site. When I have done this in the past I generally make a copy and delete everything so that I am only exporting/importing the shell of the other building. Here are 2 models I exported/imported into a single file to render on a site.
  5. You can pay someone to custom cut those doors....most likely twice....or simply have them swing out the leave the full door.
  6. You aren't going to. You simply "stitch" them together in a layout page, or export the views as jpeg and "stitch" them together in a post production software.
  7. As said by @DBCooperthe view you are showing is not a single view, it's a stitch. You can see the heavy black line on each side of the curtains, those are the "stitch lines" which can easily be done in Chief, though not automatically.
  8. Line weights = 0 smallest, 20 thickest. I played with these settings for a month 20 years ago and this is the one that stuck with me.
  9. Check this box and see if you like the results better..
  10. Nahh....don't over think it. Just like you did on the left side. Make the base cabinet on the right JUST the 2 drawers, add a custom countertop that extends over all 3 base cabs and ends where you need it to end on that angle. They fill in the back with the custom backslash tool or a material region to match the cabs. The light angle piece can be drawn as a solid and stretched in place.
  11. Purlins, or you are framing between the posts? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of post/beam framing?
  12. That is all very confusing, not to mention time consuming. I am in my 30th year of architecture/building, and I have never come across a different way to calculate square footage of home than the outside of the main framing layer. My advise is would be to tell whomever, "that's how I do it, if you are looking for something else, here is a pen and calculator."
  13. You have to set it in the plan file, and the layout file. The two aren't matching. Very simple fix, and make you sure you save it in your template plan & layout and you'll never see it again.
  14. FYI...those tall deck posts are going to need some lateral bracing.
  15. As the title says.... I am being asked to do more and more light commercial work, especially gas station convenience stores. We JUST handle the design and con docs for the buildings. The tanks, site, and canopy are handled elsewhere. Specifically, I need you to handle the MEP design and an occasional beam design that I can't do. I have another meeting early next week that will line up even more light commercial and multi family residential. My partner retired last year and I have been working with a couple engineers in Indy, would love to have a new partner that uses Chief to make the transitions and work-flows a little more seamless. I am in and out of the office today and into early next week on job sites, so email me with your info and we can set up a time to chat. Don't have to be local, just able to handle the stamp for State Design Releases here in Indiana for your MEP design.
  16. You're overthinking it in my opinion. Simply get the first plan the way you want it, then use the EDIT AREA(ALL FLOORS) tool to select, reflect, copy, and using the TRANFORM/REPLICATE tool you can move the copies precisely where you want them. Notice the first floor plan (left) is reflected, then copied using these tools. Took about 4 mins to get the entire building copied. And since the first floor plan had an independent roof, all of them did making it easy to move them up/down as needed per the elevations.
  17. Just an FYI....these doors won't open with that window molding on the top.
  18. Not to hijack...but... I love to sneak pics of my kids into my renders. This one looks like a football game on the TV, it's actually a pic my wife took a few years ago of one of our boys playing QB in a high school game.
  20. Thanks for the quick response. This is a big miss for @ChiefArchitect with regards to the room finish schedule.