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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Short answer is no. What you want completed can not be done automatically.
  2. I have a few in my library but recently updated my template for X15 and added almost all of them into the wall def drop down menu.
  3. Did nothing but take a section cut and set the depth cue. I just need to label and dimension it to have a nice building section.
  4. Use the BEARING LINE TOOL over that beam/bearing wall and Chief will split the span.
  5. I had to do the same. Completely removed my user catalog, went back to X14 and cleaned it up a bit and exported it, re-loaded in X15 and I'm all good so far.
  6. @Eric_S there is no "thumbnail", though preview allowed me to get a little farther. When I click to open the User Catalog folder to see all my folders it hangs up again.
  7. I will need to try this as well, if I can get to that point...
  8. Columns and Pillars library also.. and Columns
  9. Thanks. I thought for sure I got it happen automagically before.
  10. I know I've done this before, unless I am loosing my mind. How do I get the sub-floor to read as 911.5' rather than 0' ? I did a search but I am loosing it this morning!
  11. check your layer set attached to the plan view.
  12. The problem, if I'm reading this right, is most likely that when you create your ceiling plane, you need to ensure that the settings for the CEILING plane are set at the room height. Once you turn off the flat ceiling, the ceiling plane you draw in now takes precedent. Check your ceiling base height.
  13. You have a saved plan view connected to those foundation plan(s) and are re-using the SVP and layer set associated with it. Read a bit about SAVED PLAN VIEWS and you will see that, most likely you are not using least not correctly...and thus you should probably just delete that saved plan view and then use different plan files for those foundation options.
  14. It sounds like you are sending a specific plan view to the layout and even though you are changing the plan and resending, you are not switching the plan view, and thus, its updating whats there. Unlink the plan view(s) or simply delete them if you aren't really using them. want 3 different foundation options for the same floor plan, easy enough but you do need separate plan files for that. When I do these for spec builders I have the MASTER PLAN FILE_CRAWL SPACE, then save as and name it ..._BASEMENT, then ..._SLAB and send those separate plans to the one single layout.
  15. I would make the girder truss a symbol so that you can position it accordingly without needed to create extra ceiling planes. Open a blank plan and create the girder, turn it into a symbol if you can and bring it into your plan.
  16. You can use a reference set that references the as-built plan.
  17. What company? Where are you located?