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  1. Is this kind of the script you followed https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222382/get-lat-long-given-current-point-distance-and-bearing or this http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html I checked the x and y position and they are accurate in terms of feet so inseams to be something with the feet per latitude or longitude degree?
  2. What programming language does Chief use for Macros? Is this compatible with languages such as python?
  3. Trying to stake out some gps coordinates to see what the potential window view angles of are at those spots. Alternatively if someone knows of a good calculator or IOS app I basically need to be able to take a known GPS coordinate enter in a heading and distance in ideally quadrant bearing and decimal feet and have it calculate the gps coordinate I can use my GNSS RTK rover to navigate to.
  4. If you draw a line is right now I am getting Degrees Minutes Seconds as two whole numbers is there a way to show two decimal places in the seconds field?
  5. I have a line that is showing N 58 degrees 58' 59" E I need to rotate entire plan so this line is 58 degrees 58' 55" E so 4" . Sorry new b question but how do I rotate everything 4 degree seconds
  6. I went back to the original Rabs Long and Lat tool.calibz I am able to get it to be as close as 9" which isn't bad but not precise enough if for me to stake out points on site to visualize and maximize window views. For comparison sake my GNSS receiver with an NTRIP RTK Corrections shows an accuracy of .33 in for horizontal accuracy. A couple things I adjusted in the Long and Lat Tool calibz. One is the marker radius I set super small. I noticed a 4" marker radius was creating a slight xy offset when I placed the point over the known point. Albeit not visible to the naked eye was enough to throw off calculations. I also rotated my plan to due North which I rotated 31.017°. I believe it is due North at least the plan arrow is completely in line with the North arrow of the plan. This could be part of my problem though as visually it looks correct but may be rotated off a bit. I can't recall where I calculated 31.017 degrees but it was a while ago. I also tried making the chief input to be decimals but went back to degrees minutes and seconds. I changed the split to " " so that it can use spaces. It seems like degrees minutes and seconds with 3 digit decimal input is a more finite input in chief than decimal degrees. The precision is decimals for seconds so I changed the rounding on seconds to 3 digits to match the GNSS receiver. I used this calculator and changed the feet per degree longitude and latitude to match the latitude of 41. http://www.csgnetwork.com/degreelenllavcalc.html Is there a way in chief to force it to calc using the most decimal places possible?
  7. Quick update I tried new I tried GPS Polar the known point matches, when I go to the second known point it is off by about 4'. I am pretty sure my plan is rotated so 0 degrees is due North. The North pointers line up. I did notice within Chief the larger the marker the less precise it is. I tried making the marker radius super small .0000001" and that did make a bit more precise. I also tried changing earth radius to earth_radius = 20902230.971129
  8. Quick update I am able to get the known marker match the calculated had to add a space where split was between the two " " longitude_degree, longitude_minutes, longitude_seconds = $longitude_degree.split(" ").map(&:to_f) latitude_degree, latitude_minutes, latitude_seconds = $latitude_degree.split(" ").map(&:to_f) I noticed one thing strange with Chief, the bigger the radius the marker size the bigger the difference between the known and same marker placed at the known. So I set the radius of the marker to 1" which is tiny but appears to give better precision.
  9. Looks interesting this one outputs a very low longitude and latitude at the same point as the known. I looked at code and looks like longitude and latitude may be switched?
  10. It for some reason is not matching my check point which I know is accurate to .36 of a in. The seconds are off pretty. I tried changing the plan rotation to 0 and also to be North. Not sure if this is an X16 problem but I can't get the points to match they are off by several feet. Anything I should check?
  11. Not sure if I have to adjust something or what I am doing wrong but I set the known point and it put that in, when I go about 18' to the side it is going from 41 degrees 43 minutes to 41 degrees 44 minutes but I double checked with GNSS and it should be even 18 feet should be 41 degrees 43 minutes. Do I need to set North properly or is there a setting should change?
  12. Sorry new b question is there a way to change floor 3 label to floor 2.5?
  13. Any Northwest Indiana or Southwest Michigan Architect and/or Engineer Chiefers out there?
  14. @Renerabbittso what I did was adjust the script so instead of splitting using a . it splits on a dash and then changed the known input and seperated the degrees minutes and seconds with a hypen rather than a period and that fixed. so the line in the script post adjustment is $latitude_degree.split('-').map(&:to_f) Not sure if this is an x15 x16 issue but the additional digits after the period were throwing it off. Now when I place a marker over the own it gives the same 3 decimal precision as the known.