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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You can relink the Layout to the new RENAMED .Plan File easily enough , though I am not sure if that is well documented? however if you have 52 plan files ie Rev.1 - Rev.52 then do you need a Layout Revision for Each Plan File too? relinking the Layout :
  2. Just curious why the 3D Library still shows only X11 and X12 Libraries if this has been updated? M. @Chief_Content
  3. As a starting point you could save ( Export) your User Catalog , and install it on the Assistant's computer, in the Chief Data Folder > Database Libraries folder C:\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X14 Data\Database Libraries https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/backing-up-chief-architect-content.html#User When you share Files, (.Plan or .Layout) do a File > Backup Entire Plan > Zipfile option Checked and share the Zipfile, it will include all the Materials and other related items such as Images, PDFs , if done from Layout it also includes all referenced Plans so there is no need to do those separately. Mick.
  4. one possibility is you placed them on the wrong Floor ........ as Chief displays Floor Framing on the Floor below. Mick.
  5. Try saving out of SU as a 2021 model perhaps, and try .dae as well if .skp does not work. Or perhaps just build the Custom door in Chief? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01808/creating-a-custom-door.html I think Eric has some Videos too @solver Mick.
  6. * thanks for doing your Sig. but there is no need to include your Phone number or direct Email here, and it may lead to "Google Services" trying to tap you. This might be one you need to call HQ on........ I don't have an Android or Apple Tablet to try those Apps with but I am not sure that Chief's 3D Viewer Files are able to be stored locally. Something to ask TS about perhaps? but you may need to use your laptop instead with a locally stored copy of the plan ( I make a save as version for meeting only so if something breaks it doesn't matter). Most (?) Routers these days have a built in "Guest Network" option just for visitors to the Home to use, but as you say not all clients are that tech savvy, but no internet can definitely be an issue. M.
  7. Are you referring to the Chief Online 3D Viewer or the Client 3D Viewer (App) ? the Chief Online 3D Viewer should be storing file in your Chief Account , and the link shared to Clients from there. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03068/viewing-managing-and-sharing-3d-viewer-models.html Also please do your Forum Signature as some Answers are Version Specific thanks,
  8. This should work , it's what I also did on a recent Job to remove a large Dbl Garage with Bonus Rm not being worked on. It does have the potential to mess up interior views though but a dedicated Camera View Layer Set ( - Exterior Only) can be used. M.
  9. It's a strange one for sure........I would just send it out from X13 then, the Render probably doesn't mind/care, do they? And please send the X13 and X14 plans to TS. to look at it. Mick.
  10. might be one for Tech Support , I tried all the same things as you and then decided to built a new Roof .... Auto with (3) Shadow-boards with auto build and the result was ............
  11. Have you rebuilt the Roof Framing in X14? And yes the Version info in your Sig , is sometimes important to know , as answers can vary by Version used. Mick.
  12. This one ? the K+B Design Configuration? I seem to have it but I did migrated my Toolbars from X13 ( X12 before that etc ) If CS Tips didn't hel you could also try a 1. ) Toolbar reset and if that didn't work a 2.) Migration Reset ( if you still have X13 installed?) so the next time Chief starts it will bring over X13's toolbars. 3.) You can also do it manually , with Chief closed , just copy the Toolbars folder from the X13 Data Folder to the X14 Data folder letting it overwrite any files already there. Mick. please do you Forum signature when you get a chance too........ https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662
  13. For those who haven't watched the videos, making custom Toolbars is pretty easy with the Place From Library Tool in this case you would need to make materials of each color if not done already and add them to your Toolbar. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00811/customizing-toolbars.html Mick.
  14. Were they made of Polyline Solids? not through the Roof DBX? , Chief has renamed them as 3D Solids with the same name for the Layer, you should be able to tell, if you can see them in Plan select one ( unlock if needed ) and see the layer it is on on the status bar ( bottom of screen) or by opening the object.... *I have found a few items myself which CA has "altered" in older plans , so it's possible as Joey mentioned that they were just "turned off" or deleted in the Roof DBX too. M.
  15. Thanks Rob appreciate you sharing your Symbols as always, Mick.
  16. Thanks Rich , I knew they did some (all) of Chiefs 3D models at one point , but did not realize they were also selling their Software ( as well as their Libraries) , and if you need 3D plants a lot, it is pretty reasonable at $129 on sale currently for MAC and Windows Os's, if someone wants to add that to their repertoire. https://www.xfrog.net/xfrog-software Mick.
  17. Depends what if anything you are willing to pay? if zero then you will need to spend time in Google searching "3D trees" but there are not many places that Support Chief Architect .calibz file types, so you may need .3DS or other file types. You can ask Chief to add the models needed , but that maybe pretty low on their priority list ? Desert Musum Palo Verde tree Yellow Bird of Paradise shrub @Chief_Content Chaste Tree there are also pay sites like Xfrog , which used to have Chief Files...... http://xfrog.com/category/AP.html and https://globeplants.com/collections/bundles?constraint=america
  18. Hmmm , exact opposite experience here in fact I use TurboPDF4 or BullZip to sometime 1/2 the size of the PDF. ( handy if there is a need to email at times ) Wonder if that is a MAC vs PC thing? you haven't done your Forum Sig , so I can't tell though. Mick.
  19. True Yes, The Delete Surfaces Tool is not for Large Edits on Symbols , the Original program is best if available. And you can't use undo etc as that will "refresh" the View, same as leaving the View will set it all back to default. From the Video it looks like you need to download individual Model , NOT Scenes....... Try .Dae or .obj files if possible instead too. Mick.
  20. Chief's Dimension tools can be real finicky at times on what they will and wont snap too so I have been using CAD lines with arrows for some time now in certain situations and figured it might work for this as well.
  21. I didn't try it with them off , I usually have in on in my Template............. , but would of thought that in this case it wasn't an issue , since I think that is the intent.... *** Okay tried it and yes they stay attached........... at least in X14....... M.
  22. This will work IF you add Arrows to both ends of the Line ...and turn on length to get the Dim. Mick
  23. You can use the CA Surface Delete Tool to remove things like Feet from Beds etc .... - Place Object from Library and in a 3D View..... - Use Surface delete tool to remove parts not required ( do not refresh view or leave view or deleted surfaces will comeback ) - Save remaining object as a new Symbol..... Mick