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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Sounds like you have it well in hand .... sorry , just can't stop thinking like a Contractor when I see stuff like that..... Fir decking though , I'd say that's more than a DOH ! though must have been free wood at the time !
  2. That is a long span especially on the LH side ,12' is long even for an effective 6x6 , is it not bouncy? especially at 42" centres , I'd add another 6x6 joist in between existing I think. M.
  3. DIng Ding Ding ,we have a winner still had the plan open so I looked and yes the main bearing beam is 2" higher than the Joists M.
  4. I guess you posted the fixed Plan Larry ? looks ok to me though I have seen that issue a lot myself. Looks like you need to extend the Main roof lane back under the eave on the LH side of that small gable too ,there is a hole there,as it only built to the wall line. Not sure why all your deck beams are cut off at the main deck beam though ........
  5. The EDGE is the important part for sure E. have a look at this HD Pro Training Video http://video.homedesigner.chiefarchitect.com/player/player.php?id=283&th=1&autoplay=
  6. "Automatically Place Roof Intersection points" ( aka the roof lazer) Is In HD PRO in Preferences, but not the other HD titles AFAIK , though it drives me crazy so is usually off. Sounds like you are trying to join the wrong edges with the "join Roof edges tool" check out the training videos perhaps... HomeTalk is here , use the same ID and Password , https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  7. There is a Number Style Button in the corner of a lot of DBX's where you can change some units etc. but not sure what you are trying to change
  8. Adrian try posting over at HomeTalk (Blue theme) this is ChiefTalk (Green Theme) for the Full CA Premier Package , you can use the same ID and Password over there , but I think only HD Arch. and HD Pro allow you to manipulate individual Roof Planes. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/5-qa/
  9. if you are on the Home Designer Site and Click on Seeking Services you end up here on Chieftalk , not sure why if you have the plans and HD software you aren't drawing it up yourself though? especially considering the Budget.... M.
  10. Perry do a little research , perhaps things have chaned? but my understanding was that defragging SSD's was a bad idea due to wear and tear ,at least if done weekly as was the norm for HD in the Past. IIt maybe that when you cloned your OS that the align wasn't done correctly for the SSD since you cloned a HD , that can cause a slow down ... M.
  11. yep very nice work Bill ,as much as I hate radius Drywall myself , that is also pretty cool.... M.
  12. another nice Video Perry , thanks. The tough part is going to be the triangular Header , and widened top part of the side casing I think since the Window is still rectangular in the OP's pic.... perhaps a head symbol is needed ,with the molding applied ?
  13. yep those Cood. are for Hamilton ,Canada......... not Hamilton, New Zealand you be upside down here's an NZ list http://www.skysat.co.nz/LatLong.asp
  14. Have a look thru Forum User RobUSMC content , he posted how he does this a while back. M.
  15. do you have all the ones in the Chief library ? other than making your own its the only source I know other than Chief Sample Plans which I have borrowed items out of by adding to my Library too.
  16. Samsung must have a new line coming out there was big price drops on some of there 4K units ,at least locally ,40-45% off this weekend. Still not at Seiki pricing though.... Samsung UN50HU7000 50IN 4K http://www.ncix.com/detail/samsung-un50hu7000-50in-4k-60hz-d5-94623.htm Samsung UN40HU7000 40IN....$699 http://www.ncix.com/detail/samsung-un40hu7000-40in-4k-60hz-32-94622.htm
  17. Thanks for looking into it Perry , my system is very similar to yours (i7-950 with 12gb) so I am following the thread with interest , since buying a GTX970 to replace an old gtx 470 really hasn't helped anything speed wise in Chief. ( couple of old games I still have on the comp , run much faster though) OS is on SSD here too but need to check where my undo folder is, as it maybe on the Raid 1.2TB Data Drives. M.
  18. you dont need a "workstation" for Chief Abe , just so you know , any good (gaming) computer will do it fine, its what most run, though you may have other software that needs a CAD workstation too??? if doing engineering or similar too ? with the budget of a Workstation , you would get one top notch gaming computer for sure though. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/664-graphics-card-recommendations-gaming-or-workstation/#entry37848 M.
  19. True enough , the 730 he was looking at will do the job and the extra ram should help too, but should make a noticeable difference even to that computer , on the other hand after 5 yrs perhaps its time for a new computer ? you know you deserve it Abe
  20. TS link is here Todd https://support.chiefarchitect.com/home click on the new case button in green
  21. Abe needs a low profile card Perry , and not sure his PS can handle the 780GTX either , but sounds like the update fixes it up for him. M.
  22. Attics cant have rooms in them....it's part of the software programming so you need a 3rd floor and hence see post #2 looks like you are adding a standard height (96"?) 3rd floor by the looks, try it with 0" wall height , then you should be able to add rooms, and with auto roof off be able to raise the ceiling back to 96" afterwards. M. or post the plan so Scott or another Guru can help you....
  23. That's why it is advised to add your Version etc to your Member Profile in the Signature area , as you can see on most of our posts, that way you get the correct answer 1st time around. go upto the RH top corner click on your user name and then my settings to add a sig. M.