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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I think Joe might be right about wall issues, it looks like the same/similar issue as in a post from last week by Jay6390 that I ended up fixing for Jay off forum and it was a total PITA to make look right as the wall wouldn't heal itself / cover the studs etc after it was cut back to the stair stringer in an elevation view and I added the Crown molding drop.... perhaps I missed a setting or something to get the drywall to recover the studs somehow ? though I thought this was AUTO if inside a room with definition? Jay's original thread https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5123-false-wall-to-cover-stairs/
  2. there was some weirdness in Open below Rooms , especially moldings in X6 , but I thought they fixed that in one of the Updates?
  3. Like Perry I use this feature everyday too , so wonder if there are any options? does it make any difference if shown in a menu or not ?
  4. haven't seen that myself , is X6 updated to the latest version ? and your Video Drivers?
  5. I usually get the model from Trimble , and their library is way bigger these days but often find Chief can't import the SU Texture , ie no chrome or Stainless etc. ( not that I can't fix it of course) , and the model is frequently upside down or backwards ,doesn't recognise the wall etc eg the K8003 BodySpray.
  6. Dennis maybe right , I have read a few threads with people with issues with AMD Cards and Chief , buying a Nvidia Card solved the issue , a forum search may find those threads , you might want to call TS today while they are open though and ask a few questions ,as I think Chief said they were working on a know issue but I am not sure I have seen this crashing issue reported before. M.
  7. if it's important to you, set up a Dualboot with Xp and Win 8 ,so you can install version 10 in XP and have it work correctly.
  8. I use a Logitech mouse/trackball ,and don't have this issue , you could perhaps try different drivers for your mouse
  9. best to post the plan for stuff like this , there are just too many settings to guess at.... M.
  10. +1 that would be great , I hate having to Open the DBX all the time....
  11. just incase you aren't being funny ..........idle time is the millisecond setting on the Undo Preferences setting , I have seen it mentioned in another thread to try 100 (10th second) and Richard says to try 1000 here
  12. I thought it was working as wanted/expected ,as you point out Joe, but thought he was saying it still wasn't working ...at least for him... M.
  13. Maybe I misunderstand , but I opened your test plan and placed several new cabinets and they all placed with the 1/4 RD molding no problem.
  14. nice and fairly simple too ... did you put the blocking in or is it auto generated?
  15. hi Joe, I was watching the Plot Plan and Annotation CA Video yesterday and at about the 11.30-15:30 min mark ,they are playing with those settings in the PL DBX and setting up text styles etc if I understand your question correctly. it is video 5480 , can't seem to get you a direct link...... this one...http://video.chiefarchitect.com/?search=plot+plan M.
  16. Personally I don't Facebook/Tweet/Instagram etc , so sorry I can't help
  17. It wont show Sherry if the Bonus Library isn't installed
  18. Kohler , Toto , Duravit to name a few on the Plumbing Side
  19. Made a difference for me , here is the Post that Perry did with some pics of his settings for me last year, I have updated them a bit since as I now have a GTX970 , not a GTX470. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/321-nvidia-driver-settings/?hl=%2Bnvidia+%2Bsettings I also loaded the new CA Update today and got the latest Nvidia Drivers too while I was at it (350.12) and it seems a bit quicker.
  20. The Nvidia Control Panel allows you to turn Threaded Opts. on/off or put on Auto ..auto is the default (Global) , this assumes you have CA setup on the 3D management Page , Nvidia Drivers have had it enabled/auto for quite some time , as far back you giving me your Nvidia settings P. about a Year ago, maybe longer ?
  21. Hi Alan I had forgotten about these Videos on symbols done in a Workshop by Joe Carrick back in January , not sure if you saw them but the link to the videos is still working, check out post #87 too for JC's Workshop Synopsis. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/3409-the-joe-carrick-symbol-workskhop-sat-jan-31st-at-600-am-pst/page-5#entry32191
  22. I hadn't either , but I usually leave Risers off even though I use them onsite as CA insists on making the riser the same material as the Stringers , not sure why Stringers are considered Risers or Trim though in the Material DBX though. There is definitely some weirdness going on in that plan , wondering if the Stringers are being interfered with by the invisible walls?
  23. agree with the Perry and Joey , I have seen that issue mentioned before , Intel Chip ? a picture says a thousand words ....
  24. good advice , if you have to mess with Partitions I have been using AOMEI Partition Editor lately , also the free version here http://www.disk-partition.com/free-partition-manager.html
  25. using the wrong dimension scale perhaps ? ie using 1/8" instead of 1/2" annotation set , so all the dims are piled on top of each other as they are too big.