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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. That is one PITA I am finding on my S3 too as you have to use the on screen keyboard and it doesn't auto popup (at least for me) when you have a text input box which means having to open the taskbar and click on the keyboard icon 1st ....everytime Does Chief only work with Disto Lasers ?
  2. If you use a custom newel (post) as Bill suggests Perry instead of the Auto Newels, it should work fine but Yes I guess CA should do this auto like other posts
  3. Did not know this was possible .....surprised they aren't pushing it more along with the Room Planner App ( which is Android now too) Hopefully someone can report back how well it works etc , might be worth it for us Windows Tablet / laptop users.... M.
  4. I did something similar in this thread but Perry is likely the one to help since I think that's what they call Cali Framing https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5784-porch-roof/page-2#entry50811
  5. Couldn't find Perry's old Post to bump up but If you haven't updated in a while there are refreshes of a few catalogs available today, maybe more for you depending on what you have installed but some of the Core Catalogs were updated too
  6. Are you talking about cornerboards or a true post with a radius'd corner ? What is the situation? It's fairly easy to make a post with a 3/4 " radius on it and turn it into a millwork symbol. Post Plan.plan
  7. close the Plan before you try zipping it or Posting it , you can post without zipping if it is under 25mb ... and make sure you hit the ATTACH button after you select the File M.
  8. Thanks for the Link Ross , appreciated...
  9. Funny cos the Windows 10 media creator I posted a link too earlier in the thread let me make a DVD with win10 pro or home etc in either 32 or 64 bit or both.... So far only my S3 has been offered the Update but after fixing IE11's install my old Netbook has been offered it too... My Office Computer has some sort of IE11 issue as well that so far even M$'s Trouble Shooter can't fix.
  10. if like me you have a system that wasn't being offered Win10 , make sure you have IE11 installed , I had uninstalled it due to another issue , and never reinstalled it , once reinstalled and I revisited Win. Update, which installed 2 other updates , the icon was on my taskbar and I was able to reserve it. there are also several other reqd M$ updates you need all detailed here , depending on whether you have Win7SP1 or Win8.1 ( you won't get win10 if still on Win 8 either.) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3081048
  11. I thought at 1st perhaps they were drawn in the wrong direction and just needed to be reversed but I couldn't replicate the problem but haven't seen those linetypes in CA either.
  12. Richard was kind enough to post a couple of Marcos a while back that you can use a text box with Arrow to automatically show the Area . I think JoeC may have posted something similar but this is Richard's Post https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5338-area-calculation-diagram-video-tutorial/?hl=%2Barea+%2Bmacro
  13. Are you using the SAM Method by chance ? cos it looks like to me you didn't reset your Floor and foundation Defaults after you deleted the old Plan as everything is at the Defaults eg your basement at 133". Seems to be the case as I deleted everything and redrew a test box and still got what you have .... eg 1st floor defaults etc
  14. Just curious if those are CA Line Styles ? or you made them ? or perhaps imported them from another CAD Prog. and they aren't working Correctly? Just a thought , Glen and Joe know what they are talking about......
  15. WINDOWS 10 RANSOMWARE HAS APPEARED TOO SO TAKE CARE WHERE YOU GET YOUR DOWNLOAD. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/31/windows_10_download_ransomware/
  16. Hi, this is a Shelf I install , 1-3 of in almost every bathroom I do these days , and I thought others might like it too. It seems to Ray Trace pretty well too. 9in Rad. Glass Shelf.calibz
  17. If your Kohler symbols are in your Library , you can Export the library (right click) to a calibz File and Post it here on the Symbols Forum , I for one would appreciate it. You did get the bonus Shower hardware Library library did you ? I am about to post a 9" radius Glass Shelf I made to use in Showers as I install them all the time too if you'd like it too.
  18. is the Truss sitting on the wall marked an end truss ? and also reduced gable? if not select it and use the force truss rebuild box , see if that helps.
  19. Got an email from M$ this morning , and for those who can't wait there is also a Win 10 Media Creation Tool which is good if you have multiple PC's to update, lot less GB's to download too. http://www.microsoft.com/en-US/software-download/windows10?OCID=reserve_r_PostReserve_MediaCreationTool Or http://windows.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows-10/media-creation-tool-install?ocid=ms_wol_win10
  20. Hi, and Welcome, as Perry said ,post as many questions as you like on the Q&A Forum as you want to. It sounds like you dimensions are maybe setup incorrectly ,as I assume you are measuring existing homes? In which case your Dims. should be set to locate Surfaces ,not the wall dimension Layer otherwise you could/see differences due to the thickness of the drywall at least or possibly 1/2 the thickness of interior walls or even the thickness of exterior walls as dims maybe defaulted to the Wall Dimension Layer which for exterior walls is outside of Framing. Probably best to post a question on the Q&A about the Wall Elev. there are a number of good kitchen guys here who are happy to help. It's always good to add picks to your posts showing the issues you are having ,and even attaching the plan in alot of cases is very helpful and the quickest way to get good answers. Mick.
  21. something weird with your wall definitions I think cos the Wall def. DBX preview is showing the beige wall ,same as the overview ,yet it's defined as 110mm red brick....
  22. there are a few Chimney Caps in the library if you don't want to use a few P-solids..... M.