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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Hi ICTHOMES , I am always happy to help if I can and find it helps me learn too , but I appreciate the kinds words , thanks very much. I am working back in town thankfully after doing a Contract without internet access etc for many months , so I am hoping to spend a bit more time with Chief and learning it's many in and outs here on Chief Forum and over on the Home side too this year. Sounds like I have a big decision today though , I was not really expecting Scott's comment earlier in the thread yesterday , so I am now thinking X9 is really X8.5 .
  2. Same response I got unfortunately since my SSA is not valid to Feb 15th 2017. I asked about paying for 6 months SSA too so my SSA doesn't fall at Xmas with all the other Holidays Bills and then Pay for the Yearly Renewal in July again but they won't allow that either.....
  3. I liked the X7 to X8 new Features but I haven't heard much about the X9 beta and it new Features etc due to the NDA and had hoped for more info before my renewal this week. As a Contractor who does most of his own Drawings , I was hoping the Materials List had been updated/easier to use and working correctly and that the common bugbear of Stairs had been somewhat made better.
  4. Hi Guys, been a while since I posted but that is not quite correct, I have SSA but it is not valid to Feb 15th so I can't get the Beta, so I asked yesterday to try it before renewing as it seems my $500 didn't get me much last year, but I was told no. So I am here reading X9 posts to see if it is worth SSA this year, since I am not a full-time Chiefer , but hoping to spend more time using it again this year now I will be working back in Town. Thanks.
  5. Not sure if it works for what you are trying to do but you can as you start to drag an item hit TAB and then input the distance and angle of the move too. M.
  6. if Mark's suggestion doesn't work , open it in sketchup , rotate it up to vertical and resave it , then import it.
  7. It almost looks like you are using the wrong annotation scale ( too large?) Seaside and it is blocking into those green blobs....
  8. You can't use this method and have Auto Roofs on at the same time, but it just means you have to go into the Build Roof DBX and "Build Roof Planes" each time manually if you don't want to loss previous work.
  9. not sure if Ver.7 qualifies for an Upgrade Pricing Rebate ? ( online only shows back to ver.10) but you can download the HD Pro Trial for free and Try it, graphics ae pretty good (render Only) , but if you want Photo Realism (Ray Tracing) then CA Interiors or Premier are the only options , however if only doing it for a 1 off project perhaps a bit expensive ?
  10. do you have deck framing/planking etc turned off in Display Options? BTW the Home Designer Forum is here : (same User ID and PW as here) https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  11. a framing reference should work I think , if you already used one on say the rafters use one on the joists too or post the plan.... M.
  12. try zipping it and then attaching..... it must be under 25mb to attach.
  13. The Jing download is available for Windows or Mac., Jing is Snag-It's little Brother, and works well , they have a good tutorial page to get you started too. https://www.techsmit.../download/jing/ and the Jing Tutorials Page too https://www.techsmit...orial-jing.html
  14. Looking again at the DBX's in the 1st post I think Glenn maybe right in that you have checked "foundation Wall" on the 1st level wall's DBX , rather than Build a monolithic Slab Foundation right ? M.
  15. that is true for something that large you may need to look for a Seamless Texture.
  16. is it this issue ? https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/6435-materials-not-mapping-to-sketchup-objects-properly/#entry57417 otherwise post the plan so someone can look at settings.
  17. Where did you find UGM Videos Larry? , I didn't see a link in the Video Train area , Thx. I was told the Hillside Contemporary Plan in the Samples Area was only up for the UGM and would be taken down but have not seen any other UGM content yet.
  18. Hi Ross , It was just your Framing defaults , subfascias must always be 1 nominal size smaller than the Fascia used on the Gable or Eave otherwise there is no room for the Soffit material Your sketch shows no Eave subfascia so I turned it off ( if there is one it would need to be a 2x4 with 2x6 fascia) Your Gables do have subfascia as you need backing for the soffit, so it needs to be 2x4 too. (would be nailed to lookouts as a fly rafter) ( in your last pic I think the Gables are 2x8 , at least so the Subfascia would be 2x6 or 1 size smaller) Roof Trouble_MH.plan M.
  19. Thanks Wendy , good vids again. MUCH appreciated. Not sure you saw it yest. but there is a post on that arrow you are using and how it has a Bug in X7and it not resizing itself properly on Zooming , I had stopped using it too , but Kirk confirmed it is a "known issue" here: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/6437-temporary-dimension-extension-arrows/#entry58140
  20. There was a post on Skylights a while back where Scott and perhaps Bill Emery? played around with the skylight holes etc , not sure they got it perfect though. edit: found it..... it was Larry Sweeny , Scott did a vid. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/2183-skylight-problem/?hl=skylight M.
  21. Thx for the heads Up , probably a good one to put in the Tips Forums under a CAD heading actually.
  22. The Ramp technique was posted in the Tips Forum a while back by Yusef, there is a video and a plan file , the ramps are hidden on the Z Layer which is off if you look at the plan. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5306-deck-railing-post-fascia-mount-tip/?hl=%2Bramps+%2Blayer#entry46363
  23. That makes them almost as old as some of CA's videos I'd be happy if you started a new Thread Wendy !
  24. it might be as simple as someone clicked on the Color toggle Button (see pic) on those two computers , but I would still call the 1-800# as suggested. Color off can be Black and White or Greyscale depending on your setting in Preferences. M.
  25. I believe you are right Makes sense I guess , its not really a post to rail if Newels are Taller !