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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You can create a User Library Filter ..... That DBX works backwards from what you would expect , read it carefully , you select what you DON'T want a filter to show so.... Add a new Filter name it USER and then check select all in all 3 categories , hit Ok and it will now only search the User Library.... as you have de-selected EVERYTHING else I also have a Filter for Core, Bonus and Manufacturers' setup using the same method.... seems to work okay here... Not that the above helps the OP ...... contact support BEFORE to try too much yourself so you don't Overwrite existing Files by accident.... M.
  2. That is really strange indeed , especially as there is no stairs (yet) but I would check your default settings for Railings as Follow Stairs should not be checked by default for every Railing , it is used for railing on Stairs only usually....
  3. Set the joists out with a Framing reference @16" spacing ( or as needed ) 1st and then place the 1st bolt between the 1st and 2nd joists and multiple copy it with a spacing of 16" ( or 32" or 48") and it should be between the joists all the way down the foundation. *** Note: This is just an example spacing explain how to do it, as I think 1 bolt every 48" and each side of Corners is actually Code in most Areas. here i just used a pink cylinder so you can see it easily....
  4. Not necessarily , though I guess the link to your mac above isn't the one you have? as it says it has 4GB ....looks like you could add another identical stick if needed though if you definitely have the intel 4000 GPU? ( not the 5000 listed above) , I would contact sales/tech support and clarify if it is capable or not with 2018 as it can't be upgraded like a Ram stick and there is a time limit on your 30 day money back policy. M.
  5. As Eric pointed out the new version does not do the Final Render immediately by default so people with lower spec'd computers don't get slowed down too much when they 1st open a view, generally it will get better if left open ( smooth when idle) I think is the idea but I have a 980Ti here so it always looks pretty good....make sure hardware edge smoothing is set to High in the Prefences >Reender Panel too. Personally I think Bloom softens alot of views , so I turn it off and turn ambient occlusion down to like 50% only to avoid darkening in Corners...
  6. @ChiefSales Hi Derek I would appear you need to edit your spelling of chiefarchitect in your email link .... finally figured out what the issue was with my sent email... hopefully they don't get 4-5 from me
  7. I think because you have been playing with Manual roof planes and have Auto Rebuild off , you need to Force some areas to rebuild in areas you have made changes too, like at the bumpouts on the garage and kitchen and as Eric mentioned , unchecking the default overhang setting ( and uncheck flush eave) and set it to your default overhang distance of 24" and they should rebuild without messing up the Manual Roof planes... seems to work for me. Also on the garage bumpout you need to reset the Default wall height and uncheck stop at ceiling boxes on those 3 walls to eliminate the holes. I didn't go around the whole house, but hopefully that's get most of them.... M.
  8. I just added another link to a tutorial in my 1st post.... I have been using it for years and never had an issue... okay here .... https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-documents-folder-move-location-windows-10-a.html
  9. you can use windows ability to move Library Locations to easily do that , here is my post from a few days ago for someone else here is perhaps a better guide than mine you can also move your Pictures, Music, etc Folders the same way... Move Documents ( including Chief Data folder) https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74952-documents-folder-move-location-windows-10-a.html Move Pictures https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74942-move-location-pictures-folder-windows-10-a.html Move music https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74966-move-location-music-folder-windows-10-a.html Move Downloads https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74949-move-location-downloads-folder-windows-10-a.html Move Videos https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/74955-move-location-videos-folder-windows-10-a.html M.
  10. Best to post this in the Seeking Help forum , plenty of people to help , not sure about BHam though. oh and no need to use all caps here..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/15-seeking-services/
  11. I am not having Chief issues either , but with 833.0 up I am/was in other programs ( directx crashes), and there is lots of complaints in the Gaming community too about them . With CA, it seems to be mostly the Mobile Nvidia Chips in Laptops etc doing it. M.
  12. There are KNOWN issues with the latest Nvidia drivers, in particular they cause the Label issue for many , try the 382.05 Drivers from May if you have a Nvidia Card , and make sure Chief is using the Nvidia Card not the integrated GPU too.
  13. Hi , you have posted on the Chief Architect Forums instead of the Home Product series Forums ( same login over there ) https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/?_fromLogin=1 However the graphics requirements for X9/2018 were raised and the videocard has to support OpenGl 4.1 on Mac , (3.3 on windows) which I am not sure if the 4000 does ( it's gen3 I think which is 4.0) whereas the 4200 or 4600 does I think. Are you sure of your Card ? cos your link says 5000 or Iris....... Make sure you have the latest drivers installed too... https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/system-requirements.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005524/graphics-drivers.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005477/graphics-drivers.html not sure how long you've had it ? you may need to use the 30 day guarantee and downgrade perhaps ...till you have a more powerful computer.... https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/guarantee.html M.
  14. AFAIK it is a limitation of most VideoCards , which can be noted on the Preferences>Render>VideoCard status Tab. M.
  15. Not sure if you got round to it Rob but I finally finished updating that Library for myself as a number of materials were missing in Chief X9, so I thought I'd post it for you and others to use . Insert them into a Doorway , and use the Doors-Nana - Layers to turn them on and off for open and closed in views..... FYI these symbols are courtesy of David Michael at D.M. Designs (DMDz) , All Credit for their Original Creation goes to him. M. DMDz NanaWalls Updated 2017.calibz
  16. Joe is Correct ...for some reason CNR Cabinets are not on the drop down menu , you have to go into the Library and there are two available including an FH with a lazy susan.....
  17. You need to check the "show position in camera views" box for the fixture like this..... M.
  18. If you turn on the cross hairs as Graham suggested for each light you will see which ones CA is actually using , not just making them look like they are on in Render views..... here is a quick room with 49 recessed cans added and as you can see only 8 are being used for light data ..... you can see that side of the room is slightly "brighter" in the pic....
  19. The Wayfair Cataloque was converted from their Sketchup files which tend to have very high face counts especially for anything with round or curved Surfaces.... eg CA's Gourd lamp is 2600 faces whereas Wayfair's Roanoake Lamp is 19500 faces , that adds up if you are doing a Whole interior.... But anything with Curves will tend to slow things down if there is enough of them, eg Oval vanity sinks vs Rectangular , CA's models tend to have much lower face counts so are usually better to use if a difference is noticed, as many Manufacturer's models start as Sketchup Models 1st and they aren't adjusted for CA's requirements. you can check face counts by opening the symbol (pencil and chair icon) rather than opening the item's DBX normally.
  20. On My Computer with a 250GB SSD I use windows ability to move Library Locations to another Drive eg D: and E: where there is plenty of Space , eg the Documents Folder , Pictures folder and also Videos. Music etc , all things that don't need the SSD speed usually. I also have OneDrive and Google Drive ( now Backup and Sync) on E: . Open your User Folder scroll down to say Pictures , right Click it and Use the Location Tab in the DBX that pops up to move the Files to a new Folder on D or E Drive. Click apply and say yes to move all existing folders to the new Folder. Doing this with Documents mean the Files for Chief are still in My Documents and Windows knows it is now on D: Drive for eg so you don't need to change Chief Preferences. M.
  21. I usually keep a copy of Draftsight Free around for checking and looking at AutoCad files.... https://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight-cad-software/free-download/
  22. Both Nvidia and AMD Laptops often have this but in Nvidia Control Panel ( right click the desktop and open it )... Under 3D Settings>Manage 3D settings > you should see a Preferred GPU drop down box at the top..... you can also go upto Desktop on the Menu Bar and Check the Display GPU Activity Icon , so that if the Nvidia card is being used it will put a rainbow coloured icon next to the clock or on the hidden menu....drag it off the hidden menu and drop next to the Time Area if you want to see it all the time... you can also Add Chief to the Programs list on the second Tab if you want it to use settings different from the Global Settings in the Driver couple of pages about Dual Cards setups and changing them... http://www.techadvisor.co.uk/how-to/pc-components/how-set-default-graphics-card-3612668/ https://support.lenovo.com/ca/en/solutions/ht078706 M. This might interest you if looking to save on purchase.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/15715-chief-architext-premier-x6-license-for-sale/#comment-132236
  23. The basics should work like Curt said , using a shed roof at 1-2 degs. with multiple buildings it may be a bit tricky figuring out the settings for each wall , but it could be done with a manual roof plane too. Shed Roof ( and others) Tutorial https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00359/automatically-building-the-basic-roof-styles.html#Shed
  24. I think 288in ........ 144in of soffit vent (Bottom) 144in of roof/ridge vent (top) how many panels vents depends on how many sq.in each one is .... but in my book you can't have too many vent's.....
  25. I think Perry is right , the website has split the result in half because of the 50/50 rule on inlet and outlet air. ie soffit vents and roof vents