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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. There is also a Toggle View button at the bottom of the Library Browser ( icon #5) that screwed me up a while back
  2. Did you use CAD lines to do the PL's ? or ? Did you try the All on Set ? As DJP said posting the Files will likely help you the quickest , just make sure they are closed in CA when you attach them. M.
  3. Hi Steve , Yes DBX is short hand for Dialog Box around here sorry. Last night when I tried it in a plan brought forward from X9 , the blank Boxes happened to me and opening and closing fixed it but this morning in the same Plan and in my template Plan it is not happening and I get the New Button Active if I delete the Current Molding as I thought. P. you can't select the Profile when this happens , you need to use the New Button to do that and it's not enabled ( greyed out ) Normally you get this after deleting:
  4. You will see that after you delete the current molding but if you close the DBX and then re-open it the New button should be available again. I can't remember if there was always a need to reopen the DBX or if it updated automatically before though... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M.
  5. This works for a single window sloped one way but not a Tudor Arch as Eric used above , so some math using Roof Pitch and Run should do it or CAD Lines as Eric showed to get the height.
  6. You have 4 invisible walls right there and a 1 tread staircase you don't need too? , 1 room divider will give you the step down by altering the room Floor Height. Your two windows are different sizes / at different heights ...that is the issue I think... and possibly the Window separation still at 2" in the Defaults. ***Edit ...it appears Scott and I are both correct the Window won't form correctly if the Wall Divider is at the Corner and they aren't the same size.
  7. post the actual .plan file , just make sure the Plan is NOT open in CA when you attach it, as CA locks the File when open and it won't upload and someone will have a look no doubt.. M.
  8. Using the Air Gap just makes the Cantilever Material invisible so you see just concrete ( not sure why your Floor is 2 layer Concrete) when you look up under the Overhangs. M.
  9. It looks like framing the Floor/changing the Floor defaults to Concrete fixed it... do per Rob above to fix the "shimmering material" appearing on the Concrete overhangs, this is autogenerated by CA and would usually be the ceiling Colour.... "no material" doesn't appear to work in this case for the cantilevers but Opening -No Material does...
  10. The actual .plan file , just make sure the Plan is NOT open in CA when you attach it as CA locks the File when open and it won't upload. Did you build the framing yet? Please add you software version at a minimum to your Signature as different versions may require different answers
  11. I didn't look at Greg's Plan , so not sure what the issue is but it seems to work okay in Mine ...sorry should of attached plan but figured you didn't need it earlier... NYSTIE_1c_MHD.plan
  12. Lowering the roughness below about 13% will also add to the Reflections I have found.. M.
  13. Hi Scott , had a minute to have a play , and it is fixable though this shouldn't be needed.... 1.) I added 3 walls and marked them "no room definition" 2.) in Section Views I pulled the bottom of the Walls up and added a P. Solid on the slope to fill in the Bottom 3.) at the top of the stairs I deleted the Railing Wall and Doorway (Auto Stairwell?) and replaced it with an invisible wall to get the Open Below Room instead. you can see in the pic that the Full height walls are still not joining properly with the stairwell walls (see light patch on wall Corner that looks like z-fighting but I am not sure it is ) which are only 1/2 height walls (3D Polyline when selected) but I'm not sure you can do much about that as CA seems to have issues with Walls that meet at different levels eg around Porches etc. M.
  14. Are Are you sure you have the Electrical Layer Displayed in Elevation Views ? On my laptop the Nvidia Card wasn't being recognised but switching the INTEL driver to an older one seemed to fix it , the latest intel Driver was causing the laptop to start with only the "Microsoft Basic Display" and the Nvidia card wasn't being used ......not sure if you have the same issue? M.
  15. Good point , I am not sure what the current limitations are for the Trial Version. I don't remember having these Issues though either....
  16. The easy way is to open YOUR template via the Open plan button and then do a SAVE As Template , it should also ask if you want YOUR Template to now be the Default Template for New Plans and it will update the Preferences too for you. Mick.
  17. when you save as a Template are you then also changing the Preference Setting for the Template for New Plans to Open that new Template? otherwise you would still be Using the default Template (Residental Template.plan) if using the New Plan Button. M.
  18. Kbird1


    CA has a video showing some of the Features here https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html?playlist=139
  19. Good News I would make sure you backup ALL the files including Core Libraries etc as eventually the files disappear from the CA Servers as new Versions come out.
  20. I was thinking it was to do with the split level but maybe not , but the Garage wall is causing the issue somehow....... there is some strangeness in the 3D views , looks like z-fighting in standard view , vector view is strange too .... see below.... wall definition issue?
  21. Are you sure you sent to layout at 1/4" and not fit to sheet ?
  22. Are you Importing known X6 Libraries ? a User Library backup? some more details may help.... Is your X6 the latest (last) version ? ie , not sure if 64bit vs 32bit makes a difference but make sure you have the right one anyway... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates/updateprogram.html?program_name=Chief Architect X6 Premier Windows 64-bit&update_name=Chief_Architect_Premier- Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M.
  23. You may find that the Point to Point Tool is "snapping" to the GRID rather than where you are left clicking exactly , you can disable the GRID temporarily if needed , you will find that the Tape Tool is also effected by this if GRID Snapping is on. M.
  24. rim joist changed to white perhaps or the Railing Exterior Wall colour perhaps? but as Eric said best to post the plan.... M.
  25. you could place a Doorway of the correct size , then add the Door Slabs manually from the library... *** Or add the Steel Mesh door( security?) manually to a normal Door , perhaps made from a Solid or Soffit and metal mesh material https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/961