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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You may find that the Point to Point Tool is "snapping" to the GRID rather than where you are left clicking exactly , you can disable the GRID temporarily if needed , you will find that the Tape Tool is also effected by this if GRID Snapping is on. M.
  2. rim joist changed to white perhaps or the Railing Exterior Wall colour perhaps? but as Eric said best to post the plan.... M.
  3. you could place a Doorway of the correct size , then add the Door Slabs manually from the library... *** Or add the Steel Mesh door( security?) manually to a normal Door , perhaps made from a Solid or Soffit and metal mesh material https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/961
  4. Are you trying to show a Door that swings both ways in Plan View or will there physically be two doors? If you are only showing it swinging both ways there is a checkbox in the Door's DBX for that.....
  5. best to post the plan for stuff like this if under 25mb...just make sure the plan isn't open in CA when you attach it , as CA locks the file while open and it can't be uploaded. M.
  6. I am not sure this effect is normal, if you switch wall types it should automatically change the material to the correct type and thickness , it is certainly happening in your template though.... I think Robert is correct , (nice catch ) you have overridden the Wall's Materials Defaults using the wall specification DBX even though the Default Brick is Rosewood for that wall, you also set it manually on the materials tab so when you goto change to siding it stays rosewood due to you manually setting it that way , so only the thickness changes. When I checked the materials , I didn't notice at 1st that the word Default was missing from the Rosewood brick material see below after resetting it...
  7. Don't use CA's "Walls" for the Shower enclosures , they react to other "Walls" and sometime not in good ways. You can use Polysolids for the Curb and 1/2 Wall and also the Glass , you can also use Cabinet Partition for the Glass , though Soffits do work too. Soffits can pick up the cabinet and room moldings automatically though so may not work in all situations. Don't paint Objects if you don't need to is the general advice , change the material in the Object's DBX. Use Wall Material regions to do the Tile inside the Shower.... These are polyline solid curbs and Soffits for the Glass Panels and Door, I changed two of the panels to grey glass so you can see them better in the pic....
  8. Shouldn't be an Issue , the step down to the landing should be the same size as the standard Stair Riser Height. Though in alot of places you cannot have a Door open with a step down directly at the opening. If you Draw the Staircase and make it best Fit Floor to Floor the DBX will tell you the number of Risers and their Size , you can then uncheck Automatic heights and subtract one Riser and draw in the landing manually adjusting its height as needed. M.
  9. So in Preferences I need to change all Folder Options to the Dropbox Folder ? ( e:\Dropbox\CA Data Folder in my case ) ie it seems the Dropbox Folder is not an exact Copy of the standard CA Data folder in My Documents , ie my Save options meant I was still saving Plans to my Project Folder , which I keep in the CA Data Folder in My Docs, so the Data Folder now in the Dropbox Folder didn't have them. I am new to Dropbox , but have OneDrive and Google Drive and they seem to update/sync their "copied" Folders from My Documents etc which is how I assumed DB worked too. M.
  10. Thanks Robert ... There is also some Solar stuff including a roof mount and framed mounted Panel in the MEP No1 Library https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/637
  11. Making the Pattern file is fairly easy , there is a free Excel .pat file generator at the link below I use , just be sure to save the .pat as the exact name in RED so they work . Best to keep them in Chief's Pattern Folder. The Texture or Image of your 1/3rd offset is the hard part but you maybe able to find one online if you don't already have a seamless sample image? Otherwise you would need to make a single tile material and then use material regions , in rows, to get the Offset which could get tedious but Copy and paste would help to make multiple Material Regions, doable if the area you need to cover isn't too large. http://www.cadhatch.com/hatch-pattern-generator/4588167700
  12. You are correct , I should of been clearer in that post , as CS mentioned there is no place to assign a material but strangely this is not needed for Deck framing or posts and beams, check the treated box ( same as in the Sill Plate's DBX ) and they automatically use the Treated Texture , not the standard Framing Material, the Sill Plates do not, even though the box is checked by default. M.
  13. I think he is referring to the fact that CA cuts the sheathing and Siding out around the Deck Ledger and butts it up to the Rim Joist , I have seen this with Wall ledgers too when doing Roof Framing. A point to Point dim should still work though , after moving the Deck ledger out in Elevation of course.......
  14. The 1050 and 1050Ti can and do use the same Driver , so you could try the latest ( ) if you want too... linked in my Post above....
  15. Hi Mike , I am actually using 398.36 on both my Desktop (1070Ti) and Laptop (1050Ti) , using the respective Desktop and Notebook Driver Versions, I updated both late last week and have not had issues with either yet. The Laptop also uses the Intel HD 630 (same CPU) per the OP's Laptop (Driver , it also runs X10 fine but is only about 1/4-1/3 as fast to Open 3D views compared to the 1050Ti it also has. More in Post no#7 on the Intel Driver if you also want to Update it. Mick
  16. What kind of Data you have ? from the Surveyor may determine the input method... if you have DWG or DXF Autocad files you can import them.... assuming it is in the right Format https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00719/importing-terrain-elevation-data-from-a-dxf-or-dwg-file.html
  17. A good reason to have your Forum Signature filled in , with hardware being used and your current Version of Chief.... ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. PS I am using 398.36 with my 1050Ti. https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/135678 M.
  18. The "Bug" is much Older than X9 but effects very few people , and has always been thought to be due to the inbuilt anti piracy security in CA ( denied by Dan and Dermot ) due to the fact it mainly effects CA Users when using a hacked .exe , in that "world" it was/is? known as the 50 Click Bug. http://www.chieftalk.com/showthread.php?55759-CAX3-obruptly-closes-when-deleting
  19. Another thought would be that if you aren't using a standard US english Keyboard Layout and the keys are assigned differently by Windows 10 ..... M.
  20. there is also the High DPI Icon Option in Preferences>Appearance>Toolbars though I thought it was on by default.... Some Older Versions of Apps eg Adobe PS are not scaling aware so can be very small a 4K. Current Versions don't have this issue AFAIAA.
  21. Thanks Facer_03 *** note: hovering your mouse over the word Preview doesn't seem to work for all items listed at least in FireFox and the preview is fairly small , so I found it easier to just "Download All" for the section I wanted ....eg HardiPlank on Furred Wood Frame.
  22. It maybe that the Intel Driver is too new for X9 to work properly , the latest Driver is working with the latest X10 version 20.x.x.54 on my Laptop if I force it to use the intel Chip (630 HD) instead of the Nvidia Chip (1050Ti) though. Earlier this year several of us found that Driver version x.x.x.4590 worked well with the Intel Chips , perhaps try it... that thread is here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16988-oops-not-so-fastalmost-solved-w-update-202051-x10-with-an-intel-card/?do=findComment&comment=147057 To try that Driver , Scroll to the bottom of the page linked below and select the x.x.x.4590 download ( 1st in list currently ) http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/intel-hd-graphics-driver-download-4590.html
  23. Undoubtedly Joe's method above works too, but CA suggests another method in their KB Article here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03090/moving-library-content-to-the-cloud-or-other-custom-location.html I am just trying this myself on a newish Laptop that came with a free Dropbox Account.... and don't see a "Databases folder" just the C:\ProgramData\Chief Architect Premier X10 Folder with all the Libraries in it. *** Edit the Databases Folder is in the CA Data Folder so it is already in Dropbox if you copy the whole Data Folder to Dropbox I thought Joe was referring to the CA Core, Bonus, and Manufacturers Libraries which the KB Article above is about but you will need a BIG dropbox for that folder mine is 19GB alone without the Data Folder.... M.
  24. Thanks Johnny , I wasn't aware of that but my desktop is Nvidia Only and so far my laptop has not been offered the 1803 Update , which I read maybe due to it having an Intel SSD so I haven't forced the Update on it yet. PS....The Feature is at minute 5:10 in the video above if you want to have a look at it ...
  25. His X8 is working JJ , it is X10 that he is having issues with....