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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. You can add New Wall Types to the User Library and bring them back in when you need them , to save having to recreate them , if you think you'll ever use them again , doing so automatically adds them to the Wall-types list for that Plan. M.
  2. I don't usually change that setting and leave it on D , so the Build Roof DBX has Control unless you change a specific wall... It can be changed temporarily though to draw a different part of the Project eg a Detached Garage, so you don't need to go in and change it on each wall , but it is just as easy to draw the 1st wall , change it and then drag out the rest.... and it won't case issue like this.... M.
  3. Have you set CA in the Nvidia Control Panel to only use the Nvidia Card ? 3D management Tab... , it maybe trying to switch back to the Intel card for the 2D plan views... That being said I found about two weeks ago the latest Nvidia Drivers didn't like the latest Intel Driver ( ) going back to I think it was corrected the issue. can't check sorry the Laptop has now been returned due to a faulty battery. M.
  4. Simple Left to Right Gable if you are trying to save money? dustin_Simple_L_R Gable_plan.plan
  5. The usual issue is that you have unchecked the toggle buttons...
  6. The usual issue is that you have unchecked the toggle buttons...
  7. Do you mean the Core (CA) Libraries are gone or can't be seen ? Open Preferences>Folders> and click the Show Button and make sure the Library files are where they are supposed to be ...... Don't play with it too much today , call Support tomorrow morning if you have SSA , you don't want to accidentally overwrite something.... .
  8. There is some strange things happening in that 1st plan Pedro , I think you have been playing with all the Settings and Materials as Framing isn't building and or displaying in Plan view etc. Also when I 1st opened the plan I couldn't even see a Foundation ....then I read CS's note on the room definitions ....to fix that click on the Wall Icon , then hold Shift and drag a box around the whole house and open the DBX and UnCheck "has no room definition" on the General Tab. I think you may want to start over with a Clean Template ....have a look at this quick one I did to get you started.....check the Saved cameras 1st and see if it is setup how you need it.... Pedro Template.plan Mick.
  9. Walls cannot have a Roof Pitch of 4 if they have not been edited and the Roof Pitch is set to 6 in the Roof build DBX , in the Wall DBX they will show 6" (D) in that case. HOWEVER if you have set your Default Exterior Wall Roof Pitch to 4" instead of using the Build Roof DBX for that, then they will ignore the Roof DBX Default setting of 6" ....... this maybe your Issue? In your example the Roof Pitch would be 4" as Wall Directives Over ride the Default Pitch if the Wall's Directives or Defaults have been edited to 4" and the (D) removed.
  10. It would work but you'd likely need the Truss engineer to still sign off on it , so He may want a say in How it was done......maybe easier for them to supply a few extra "Over Trusses" even? since they didn't confirm the Drawing either put some responsibility back on them perhaps... M.
  11. To investigate further we would need to see the File too , as I , like Chopsaw , can not make CA do what you suggest. Templates and other Plans brought forward from other Versions have been showing some weird effects at time though , are you using the default X10 "Residential Template" as your test File?
  12. The Base line is usually over the Main Wall Layer outer edge at the VRD (Vertical Rafter Distance) above the top Plate , but if you use the settings in the Build Roof DBX in the Roof Height Area like Same height Eaves , CA will change that to correctly build the Roof as you have told it too. This can include a pitch change as well. The Wall DBX Roof Pitch setting , if the (D) is missing will over-ride the Default in the Build Roof DBX , it is how you usually get a single Roof plane to be difference from the rest , eg a Porch. see this KB Tutorial.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00045/changing-the-pitch-of-a-single-automatic-roof-plane.html
  13. OP has not done their Sig. so I am not sure what version they are using but what I have done it the Past when needed was to setup on the Exterior Dims Defaults with auto refresh unchecked and applied a set of Auto Dims. Then go back in and Change the Defaults to get the missing Info / remove the Overall dim etc and then applied a 2nd Set of Auto Ext. Dims. but I am not sure that works in X10 any longer , I think it now Auto refreshes even if you tell it not too instead , it did work in earlier versions M. edit: Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window.
  14. Sounds like Greg is right , the Contractor A.S.S.U.M.E.d you had sent the revised plans to the Truss company ( not really your Job ) and now you both look bad..... but you should be Okay if the standard Plan Note I see all the time is there about the Contractor verifying everything on Site etc. M.
  15. I also find it easier to Create the Terrain on the 1st level but maybe that's just me? In this particular case setting the Terrain height manually makes all the difference and you can use real world measurements , eg set it to 20" , then the Front region can be extended ( always pull regions outside the Terrain Perm.) and set to 0" ( really -20" ) and you can then set the rear one to -90 or so. Remembering terrain regions influence the Terrain Perm. which is already at -20 really , so -20+-90 =-110 or 9'2" below Level 1 subfloor , a cross section can help you wrap your head around some of this .... cameras saved in Plan below lot 4-126_MHD.plan M.
  16. Something like the Pic below ? I may have missed something? I haven't tried playing with the Line Auto Sort ie how they draw away from the house..... It's a matter of setting the Auto Exterior Dimension Defaults how you want them and additionally setting the Auto 1st line and line separation values in the particular annotation used Defaults too , I find for Exterior Dims the defaults are way too crowded and close to the house. M
  17. That is a very long RT you must be using a very high Resolution and probably DPI too? try them at low settings 1st eg use 1980 for the 1st Picture size number and 110 DPI till you work out the Light Bleed Issues then you should see something in 10-15 minutes max.... or set it for 15 passes and from yesterday....
  18. Yep weird one....probably worth sending to TS to look at .... I deleted all floors and Added a Floor back ( level one) and your default baseboard (skirting) was back..... I don't usually add extra Floors like some in my template plan , not sure if that was the issue here....
  19. The 1st Floor must sit over the foundation ....you don't need to do anything in this situation , you simply end up with a ledge in the Stairwell where the walls change thickness , the only option would be to Fur the upper floor walls if the ledge really bothers someone but that means a tighter stairwell too. If the Stairwll wasn't int he Corner you would ony need to fur one upper wall and some people may prefer that look but in a Corner it maybe more problematic..... M
  20. and one more way...the knowledge-base is always a good place to start if you have questions.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00547/creating-stairs-in-sloping-terrain.html
  21. Great ...... be good to tell the Thread how ,so future readers who find it can solve it too though....
  22. If you position the Window Carefully it won't show anything in STD or PBR views but Curved wall Openings where they meet a straight wall even in 3D tend to never look 100% perfect, unlike two straight walls meeting due to the Radial way the curve is done I think. The Wall Layers will always Show in Vector View as seen in your Pic AFAIK. In Plan view I don't think you can get rid of the Main Layer showering at the intersection even though in 3D views it is Siding or Stucco or ?
  23. that sounds like you may not of used the Plot Plan Annotation set as the default text size is 30" , if you used the 1/2" Annotation set your Text maybe only 2" high as an example, and when zoomed out it would be very small , so you may want to adjust the Default Plot Plan Annotation Text size assuming you used that annotation otherwise you'd need to change a different Text Default depend on what was used , in the Plan below they are set to 10" PL Test.plan
  24. If you can post the .plan file ( make sure plan isn't open in CA 1st ) , that is always the best way to get good answers here, I and others are always willing to help if they can thoguh I wouldn't say I am a RT specialist, I am also using PBR more and more in CA X10 as it is usually "good enough" M.
  25. The usual suspects for light bleed are No Roof or no Foundation ( true Floor ) built in the Model , not sure what you have there ? I have also seen in a Forum Plan last week where some had used Interior Walls for exterior Walls light bleeding around Cabinets and at the Fridge. Using the Correct Wall Type fixed that issue.... Post the Plan if you want Others to Help.... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too ..............see mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on in UserName>Account >Signatures...... go to the Upper RH Corner of Forum Window. M.