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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Pictures and the Plan would help....
  2. $1300 to upgrade is alot of money but $500 of that is SSA really ( it comes with an upgrade ) which would likely mean you get X11 next year for "free" as well. 1 caveat though , if your Signature is accurate ? is that X10 has ALOT of new "eye-candy" like PBR View and thus the need for a better VideoCard has been needed by many as CA now recommends one with 4GB memory , though your 1GB card still meets the minimum according the System Reqs. page. others have reported otherwise , it looks like it is a Laptop too , which means just the Videocard is not upgradable https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/sysreq.html
  3. Funny you should say that , Implants ain't cheap hence the budget for my Laptop
  4. This has typically been happening in X10 to people without the latest Nvidia Drivers installed ( 399.07 is latest currently ) , you are the 2nd or 3rd report I have seen this week and upgrading the Drivers fixed it for them. Desktop https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/137270 Notebook/Laptop Drivers https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/137272 Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  5. Ouch , that must have been some machine but been a long time since I built one from the ground up.....been upgrading for years on the DT so it doesn't hurt quite so much...
  6. With Mark's help (above) I just got an MSI Laptop , with an 8 gen. 6 core processor ( 8750H) which has good cooling and 16GB Ram . My Budget was far lower than yours , so you could go for a better MSI GE or GT Series laptop (mine is GP) with a 1070 etc. MSI also is one of the few manufacturers that allow you to access the Advanced Bios which is helpful , for eg set the ram to 2666 and changing some of the power options to help keep it cooler under load , undervolting also helps with this , I am finding.
  7. If you have X5 it is worth nothing already , if according to your Signature you upgraded to X6 , you can't sell X5 and keep X6 as X6 is an Upgrade Copy and has the applicable upgrade discount applied. If I were you I would Contact CA Sales Direct and see what they can do for you, they will also supply the Transfer Forms if you really intend to sell CA , and tell you what they will charge to do the Transfer of the license. M.
  8. Yes I cheated ...... just a bit and just pulled the bottom of the Door up to until the Muntions lined up after dividing by 3 instead of 4. It's the down and dirty fix for a Client view only .
  9. From playing with muntions in the past , i don't think they work with all types of Windows and doors Larry , eg the glass slab , but in this case I think 3 Glass Panel doors with the frame made 1" will work , this way you can use the standard "Lites" Tab to add the muntions (mullions). Make the two outer doors with a swing angle of 0° so it looks right in plan view and also turn off swing indicators. You could also make a Symbol in a Blank Plan fairly easily.
  10. All you 3D moldings lines seem to be there but they don't/didn't generate it seems as you have Soffits turned off in the Roof Plane DBX , setting them to on at 1/8" made them all appear, but because you have Gable Fascias Off you see the Gaps above them in 3D views...so it looks like you were 1/2 way there already. I think Glenn probably sent the View to a CAD Detail from a Elevation view of the gable copied the bottom Fascia Line and then copied and pasted it back with hold position in the Elevation Section view and then converted the Cad line to a 3D molding poly line and applied your Gutter Molding, and then you extend the 3D molding line around the Gable end, seems to work pretty well for me.... ( 2nd Pic)
  11. You can select the Exterior Room poly line , cut it with the cut line tools at the two spots indicated , then select the middle piece , open the DBX and select no molding on selected edge. You have Gutters turned on for the Roof Planes AND the Ext. Room Polyline making Gutters , so they are fighting each other in some areas. The Gable Ends you can probably apply the Gutter molding as a gable only Shadow Board and get close to what you want I think but the 3D molding line may work better?.
  12. Aug 23rd 2018 : Intel has released a new Driver for 6th, 7th and 8th Gen CPUs with intergrated Graphics Cards (iGFX) But if it ain't broke perhaps don't "fix it" Release Notes https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27988/eng/ReleaseNotes_24.20.100.6286.pdf 64 Bit Drivers https://downloadmirror.intel.com/27988/a08/win64_24.20.100.6286.exe The Main Web Page at Intel if you Prefer : https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27988/Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-10 ***Note that it is reported the Intel Driver and Support Assistant does not detect and replace Drivers modified by Laptop Vendors so YMMV using it, however it did work for my MSI GP63 to find these as well as newer Wifi and Bluetooth Drivers. Please report any issues found if needed here and Tech Support too M.
  13. Bullzip did not fix the Issue , so I tried Vector View... I do however Recommend BullZip PDF Printer. Might be one for Tech Support to Look at so it gets Fixed.... M.
  14. It appears to be something to do with the Full STD View Used in Layout , if I change the View to Vector > no Colour in the Plan it doesn't happen.... It is make huge PDF's though for some reason , the single sheet 7 in STD View was 15mb and in Vector View 10mb which is huge for 1 page..... especially when it looks like your Layout has 50 Pages...
  15. Did you try another Print to PDF Program ? I am assuming you are using the Built in Chief Print to PDF....... personally I use the Free BullZip PDF Printer, it seems to make smaller Files ie better for emailing.... http://www.bullzip.com/products/pdf/info.php
  16. Chief Auto Updates the Layout before Printing , so has the Plan File changed since you sent those views to Layout ? M.
  17. yes the Reveal thing was just the 1st example that came to mind ... I have NEVER seen an RO under a Door but maybe that is just how I install them ? No, it is another example of Chief's Programmers not knowing how things work in the Real World , they need to to a Practicum OnSite for 6 months
  18. YES ! been that way a long time and I have never understood why ... I don't understand why it is a Reveal on Doors and a Overlap on Windows. ie completely opposite settings ..... and who ever heard of a 0" overlap? set by default? be a bit breezy around those Windows I think But No I haven't reported it.... perhaps move this to Suggestions too?
  19. You can also use them for the Roof Framing eg set out from center etc
  20. Unfortunately is is no cheaper to wait and upgrade every 3-4 years , it still costs $500yr or more, so you might as well pay SSA ($495) and have all the latest features like PBR and new Libraries all the time. What is worse is if you wait another year ( or 2?) you'll have to pay for a Full version again ie if you had X5 now you'd have to pay in full again , so my guess would be, you would need to upgrade to X10 ( comes with SSA so you get X11) before X11 comes out ( 6-8 months if schedule stays the same) *** Full disclosure .....I DO NOT work for Chief Sales
  21. Yes use the Windows Snipping Tool ( In Accessories ) , save to Desktop and drag the Pic into the bottom of the Reply Box where is says Drag Files here I think the Forum now allows a direct right click>Paste from the Snipping Tool into the text Area too ......
  22. Hi Basil , perhaps you can explain with an image or something what you are trying to do so we can help more as there are issues with your post and wall The Post symbol says it is 4"x4" x 36" but it's biggest issue is it is orientated incorrectly and I can't seem to rotate it in the symbol DBX to get it correct , in the image below I made my own to fix that but as you can see a 2.5 x 5" Newel post doesn't work at the Corners , will they really be 5" x 5" ? the Railing Wall is set Post to Beam ? and the railing is only 2.5" high ? ( 42" is STD height ) I have a feeling you should read through the help for that DBX (F1 while open) so you can set things up correctly ...I also changed the "wall" in my pic below to what I though it maybe that you want ? but are sure... M.
  23. No problem , to get the best help here , it is best to fill in your Signature too , see mine in Blue below for how..... Am assuming you have X10 but ????? M.
  24. No Problem .... What's the Sub-Contract worth M.
  25. this may help get you started.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2424/distributing-objects-along-a-path-or-region.html more info about page 1004 of the Ref.Manual