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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. No the same issue probably so Post/attach a copy of your plan file to a Post so people can look at it for you. Make sure the Plan is closed in Chief when you attach it in the reply window otherwise it won't attach properly. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  2. Thanks P . I had some Library Issues on the weekend , (I tried rebooting my computer while CA was Updating it) and I thought I may have corrupted something but I guess the update Monday morning for Core Libraries was a coincidence and nothing to worry about. M. *** Strangely when I check manually for Core or Catalogs it says I am upto date....
  3. As the others have alluded to I don't think it is possible to interconnect between floors in CA hence the workarounds unless that changed in x10?
  4. Just curious if I have an Issue with my Core Library or if there is indeed an update to the Core Library everyone is getting as I haven't seen anyone else mention this Update yet? The Update has been offered the Last two days when I Open Chief each morning but I have been hesitant to have my Library screwed up or Lost as i have seen others report in the past. thanks, M.
  5. The Siding is set at 0" thick (see Scott's Pic).....should likely be 3/4" ? that fixed it for me..... However the Siding 11_2 in my plan has all the above in red set to OSB already M.
  6. Diamond extends the current line , Square makes another line that is still connected to the last one...... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in as Bob mentioned, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  7. CA has an assortment of Items in MEP Library 1 too https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/637
  8. Had a Quick Play and if you do it EXACTLY in the Order Eric does it works ie : Wall 1>paint siding>change material offset>Wall 2>paint siding>change material offset>Wall 3>paint siding>change material offset If you paint ALL 3 walls with new siding then change the Offset on 1 Wall they All Change as All 3 are still set at the "Default Offset" for that Material ie it works similar to other CA Objects and Items in that Defaults are important...and Global... Changing the Offset on each Wall as it is placed (must) cause CA to "see" it as a Different Material as not All Settings are the same, ie it has a similar effect to renaming the material to xxx_1 or xxx_2 or xxx_3.
  9. AFAIAA from playing around with this in the past , mostly with Tile like Graham, Textures and Patterns both reference the Grid Coordinates of 0,0 not the 0,0,0 Origin of the Object or Symbol in question , most likely done like this so everything in the "CA Universe" will Line up when needed but it causes issues as you've both pointed out. Notice how all the paver joints line up.... even though each paver strip is in a different position in the "Universe" , the yellow pyramid is at 0.0
  10. Eric's probably on to the best idea, moving the Mudroom wall Forward , maybe even as far as Flush with the room to the left , would allow enough room for his Stair or Mine I think especially, if you come up out of the garage with 4 Risers not 5 to the Mudroom level. You may need to Vault the Ceiling in the Mudroom for headroom on the Stairs going UP either that or change the Roof lines/ceiling height as well. M.
  11. That area , especially in the Basement is going to need a redesign as even switching the UPstairs to opposite the Front Door and adding a left turn landing doesn't give you the head room required to get under them....and I needed to alter the basement foundation to get this far , which means point loads , bearing walls etc are likely screwed up too.
  12. You're welcome, Try a Forum search on Nvidia Optimus, I have made posts on it with better instructions before..... M.
  13. Might be worth considering 2 x 32" 1440p Monitors , you should find line-work etc crisper than on a TV LCD, (which aren't designed to be viewed so closely) the newer model of mine the BenQ PD3200Q gets good reviews , it also come in a 2160P (4K) version but is more expensive. MarkMc got the 27" version a while back and really likes it too AFAIK. https://xsreviews.co.uk/reviews/benq-pd3200q-review-a-giant-1440p-monitor-for-creatives/ looks like in the US it is the same Price Direct as on Amazon etc currently.... https://www.benqdirect.com/pd3200q.html though I got mine at BestBuy for the easy local return if needed, perhaps you can even check one out there? https://www.bestbuy.com/site/benq-designer-pd3200q-32-led-qhd-monitor-black/5713590.p?skuId=5713590&intl=nosplash M.
  14. AFAIK Suite ( and Architectural ) can export DXF but not import , only Home Pro can do that , see page 7 of the comparison PDF attached below. comparison-matrix.pdf
  15. If it is greyed out like the Pic , then the compatibility Option is NOT being used..... ie you or Win7 haven't checked the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" box Vista just happens to be the next OS down from Win7 same as in Win 10 we see Win8 listed 1st.
  16. Your desktop? the R7? the 8700 has a 630UHD intergrated GFX init to so perhaps CA is using that and not the 1080Ti ? ( like a laptop with Optimus does) if you right click the Chief desktop Icon is there an option to run CA with the Nvidia Processor? if not you can switch that option on if available under 3D Setting at the top of the NV Control Panel . Try adding CA to the 3D managed Apps list , you may need to select the Manage option 1st if somehow that has been set to the Performance or Quality Preset. Once added set the 1080ti to the preferred card for openGL.
  17. Same Issue here P. been wearing Glasses for 10yrs bit longer for Reading. I tried a 4k TV and it was no good for me everything was too small, eg Desktop Icons, even at 200% scaling , so I returned it and got the BenQ 2560x1440p monitor in my SIG ( newer model now) and have been happy with them at 125% scaling , in fact I have since added another using Visa Points. I actually still have one of my old 23" 1080p monitor running as well and also run it at 125% so the scaling is similar to the other monitors. Win10 now handles 4K better than it used to and most (all?) newer programs support scaling now so 4K maybe okay these days. I think Win10 at 1080p is recommended to use 100% scaling ? Hopefully in Win10R% we will have a few more Options like we had in Win7, but because I use Chief Full Screen I really like them to give us Control over the Text size in the Library and ALDO just like they do for the Materials list. M.
  18. Hi P , I guess those Fonts really were bothering you , but you are right Win10 Font's these days seem a little "grey" to me too. Was that the only issue or was it the size in Win10 too? at 40" I assuming you use windows scaling at 150%-200% too? or is your 40" only FHD ? (1920x1080) I really wish Chief would let us use our own Fonts and custom Sizes rather than the system wide ones , I have Menus at 14 which works well but I don't really want Icons Text at 14 so the ALSO and Library are easier to read as it also affects All windows Apps (Explorer) and Desktop Icons too. The Same guy who made ASFC also makes another App called ColorClassic which lets you change the Color of many of Windows' other elements like ScrollBars and Buttons etc. Windows now lets you turn scrollbars back on permanently ( Settings>Ease of Access>Display ) which was another that annoyed me personally having used a mouse with no scroll wheel for years. I did read a while back we will get more Text Options in Redstone5 , the next big Windows update in Oct. but who knows for sure.
  19. I have seen a few reports of the Threadripper CPUs being unexpectedly slow , but as I don't have one have not looked into it more , one suggestion though would be to check the 32GB of DDR4 Ram is Certified for use with ThreadRipper and your particular Motherboard if this was a custom built system? Google Search on Threadripper 1950X being slow I had a quick look at CLX (Cybertron) and aren't sure of your exact specs but a system similar to yours with an AMD Threadripper 1950X is speccing Intel compatible RAM so it maybe worth looking into more as the Timings maybe wrong... https://www.cybertronpc.com/clx/kits/gmset0000015mk/configure https://www.corsair.com/ca/en/Categories/Products/Memory/VENGEANCE®-LPX-8GB-(2x4GB)-DDR4-DRAM-2400MHz-C14-Memory-Kit---Black/p/CMK8GX4M2A2400C14 Cameras can take 1-2 secs to open ( textures loading) but after that everything should be pretty smooth especially with your config... hmmmm looks liked you changed some specs above while I was typing ie 1080 not a 1080ti *** found a number of reports saying to disable HPET , it fixed their issues , like this one https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/844464-threadripper-1950x-sluggish-performance/?do=findComment&comment=10535404 and https://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=278979&sid=df85357d7c7ba12baed6a597035038cc#p278979
  20. This is the Laptop MarkMc has help me find and I will likely Order next week Diane, it is configurable but they also have higher end machines depending on your Budget, for me it is a secondary machine , so not totally spec'd out, though that isn't always necessary as often the internal components are all the same in higher end machines, ie they tend to be all Aluminium for example rather than plastic or have G-Sync capable Screens which isn't necessary for ACAD or X10. (gamers like it for fast paced action) The 17" screen is AHVA ( IPS like) not TN which is similare to AMVA which my 32" BenQ monitors have , and so should be an issue for me with the Flicker. I have spoken to ProStar several times in my research and they have been very nice, helpful etc , and answered on the 2nd ring both times which was nice...no phone menus to deal with, straight to a real person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY_Zj3clviE&feature= https://www.pro-star.com/n870ep6.html
  21. Interesting Idea , I see AOC makes some too like the I1659FWUX , may not be as good as an Asus though ...
  22. Hi Tim, most Clients have a 40-50" TV in the living Room these days, did you consider a HDMI/DP cable to it , instead of another monitor....? ***FYI.......... If you use Desktop Icons and change font sizes , spacings etc , it will screwup you desktop layout too.... M.
  23. Happy to help ....if you find another way please update the thread as I wish I could set Font sizes in CA too. M.
  24. Unfortunately Chief Uses Windows standard Program settings for Menus etc , you can change them but the Change is system wide. If you want to play with it Advanced System Font Changer at Wintools is a handy portable App but as far as I know Win10 is bringing back the ability to Change Fonts (as there was alot of complaints,) so we have the same control as we did in Win7. the Icon size is what changes the size in the ALDO or Library etc , Menu size is for Menus etc.... https://www.wintools.info/index.php/advanced-system-font-changer
  25. It is strange we can add our own easily but as soon as you reflect the Arch vertically you can no longer do Auto muntins. It is fairly easy to add one of the Library custom muntins eg CAM03 explode the Block , delete one vertical, center the other two and reblock them, then click on the Window and select the Custom Muntin Button on the edit toolbar.