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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I think Lew has stated before that you can "donate " old HASP Keys to other Users but best to call Chief and confirm .....though Lew may pop in here too and know the SOP. @lbuttery
  2. I believe Ray is correct , if you pull the Roof plane back to the inside of the exterior wall it may even popup on it's own? you should then be able to edit the Wall shape , pull it up , slope it, etc as needed, you may not need Chief at all to do that. Best to post questions like this in the Q&A section, as this section is for providing Tips , not asking for one..... M.
  3. sounds like you ( or someone) changed the Color Off Option in Preferences to gray scale
  4. Kbird1


    I think you need to provide some Pics or better yet a plan that it is happening in, as I am not sure I have ever seen what you are talking about. We also have no Idea what software you are using...... It's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  5. The sub-fascia/fascias are indeed set incorrectly , one side has the sub fascia bigger than the fascia , though the roof pitches seem to be the same so I just set both sides up the same and it looks okay, I think, without digging deeper into your Roof Structure .....I assume you are trying to simulate a metal flashing over the Subfascia since the fascia is set to 1/8" ? Chief doesn't handle that well as it auto applies the Soffit to the bottom of the sub-fascia and since it is 3/8" thick , your metal "Fascia" will need to hang lower than 1/8" past the sub-fascia, 1/2" should work.... see the pic for the settings I used below...
  6. Use Wall Material Regions for a more realistic Tile Installation , you can set thickness etc so I think it looks better , it's also fairly easy to do feature Bands this way too. Set the tile so it doesn't cut the parent surface/object...ie it sits on the drywall/backerboard as in real life. M.
  7. You can set the Backdrop for each Camera Type in Defaults>Camera Tools in X10 it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  8. Kbird1


    Many have switched to Chief's PBR Views in X10 , But we don't know what you're using since you didn't do you Sig. It's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M. *** Chief's two videos on PBR ( Physical Based Rendering) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2412/3d-rendering-features-added-in-x10.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html
  9. You didn't close the plan in CA Joey before you zipped it so the Zip File is empty ( size is 1KB is a sure sign) as CA locks it while in Use.
  10. Winders are what you are wanting is my guess , just keep in mind many jurisdictions don't allow them to come to a point on the inside and may have a minimum of 6" at the wall and 12" at the Walking line.....check that locally. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00884/creating-stair-winders.html
  11. Yep looks better with that Stone on the Wall , it appears to have "depth" now , you could add a Cap to the stone-work as done Onsite , eg Sloped Concrete , easily done nowadays with the Wall Cap Tab for the Pony wall , Sill-01 in the CA Library works pretty well ( 4"x5" with a negative horizontal offset -2" ) or you can make your own Profile and Use it , if you need to do Section views etc. M.
  12. Nicely done Alvar , the starry sky is a nice touch.... One suggestion would be a nicer Texture for the Stone wall and perhaps a bump map for it , a BM for the sidewalk would help add to the realism too. M.
  13. A guess would be that you didn't Import them as Electrical Items>advanced>switched etc and perhaps used "Interior Fixture" instead? Attaching the .skp files to a post would be easiest for someone to check for you...
  14. If you Have CA X10 Premier you have PBR if you are using CA v10 then no, as it is a 10-12yr old program.... X10 is actually V20 (X being Roman numeral 10) and PBR was new this Year Mick
  15. PBR is the new Light engine in Chief X10 ..not available in the Home Designer Products like Ray Trace. Sun can be turned Off/ On/down/up etc in the Adjust Light Toolbar ( looks like a light bulb with a red + on it some basic settings from early in the Lets PBR thread may help , set them in **your** Template Plan so you don't have to set them every Plan drawn. Having 100 automatic lights and improve lighting quality checked usually help in PBR https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16912-lets-pbr/?do=findComment&comment=142683 Chief's two videos on PBR ( Physical Based Rendering) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2412/3d-rendering-features-added-in-x10.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html
  16. Terrain is usually built on Level 1 for this reason.....if you haven't done any work on it yet simply delete on the Level 0 and rebuild on Level 1.
  17. Lighting in PBR and RT is also helped by ALWAYS building the Roof and the Foundation ( just a few button clicks on auto) even if only doing a small Reno like a Bathroom, where you don't need the full house, it is just how CA works with lighting. Light bleeding at wall/ceiling intersections and through Cabinets , under furniture etc are one symptom of not building them. Check out the Let's PBR thread for more Info and some nice images posted by Graham today here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16912-lets-pbr/?do=findComment&comment=161519 M.
  18. Great , can't wait till you publish your Tutorial with all the reproducible settings perhaps CA should pay you to do that so they can Publish it in the KB ..... every scene is different though and that will always be the tough part...it at the pint where PBR is getting to be as much work as RT's were.... the feedback is just a bit quicker. Glass Reflections of any kind in PBR seem to be a Issue , have been from the start and I have not had much luck in the limited playing I've done with it either. I realise now going full screen, the weird reflection seen against the Island is actually the glass Tabletop , did you add a bump map to it? to get reflection, as it almost looks "dimpled". for some reason my attention keeps coming back to the puck lights in the glass cabinet above the Wine glasses , not sure if you had to crank them up for some reason? don't get me wrong , I think a Client would love to see a Pic like this......
  19. Hi Newell , It is still doable in your Plan , just takes a bit of work with the manual Framing Tools after deleting the Foundation , you 2nd Floor should be at about 16' though ( 15' plus depth of Floor) if you want 15ft Clear to the bottom of the Floor framing , it is currently 110". The Floor is also showing 1 1/2" OSB for the subfloor and a Floor Finish of 10 3/4" ??? .... I didn't play with it as I am not sure what you were trying to do there. The 3nd floor Deck of 4" concrete has me a bit confused , I'm not sure why it is concrete , nor do I see any supporting structure for it. Mick
  20. It's starting to look really nice Graham and I am sure it has taken alot of time and "fiddling" to get there , it's just a pity that only someone with your experience and knowledge will ever get this out off CA. 2 things I did notice is the weird reflection in/on the end of the Island , down low, in both pics and the "splash of pink" behind the hanging Wine Glasses , which on looking further is a Sunlight reflection I think? , looking at the Wall cabinets either side of the sink on the other side of the room. I looked for the 1/2 empty glass too but also your Trademark Stand Cake Mixer ...though I think it might be hiding in the corner by the Wall Oven..
  21. Haven't had time to look at you plan but usually you do NOT use the CA standard Foundation at all, as Michael said just a Slab---with Footing in my pic below, and the Poles and Framing/beams etc are all done manually , with copy and Paste and multiple Copy it isn't to hard to do. this is from the Test Plan I did a few Weeks ago after looking at the Linked KB.
  22. There is a Tutorial on doing elevated Structures , it was done in 2015 and I have asked that they update it for X10 as some of the DBXs and other settings are a bit different now but it may help.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01027/creating-an-elevated-structure-on-pilings.html
  23. what is a atd File? regardless you should be able to open the Original.dae file with SketchUp and fix the Rotation and possibly explode it into its Components and change materials , then reblock it and save, so that once imported into Chief you can add CA Materials as needed. At least I was able to do it to a .skp File recently. M.
  24. Correct but Bob was in Fillet Mode so it is "below" , so you are both right