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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Not sure why they do it that way, I just remembered I had seen LSL somewhere but you can request a change in the Suggestion Forum though. Maybe it changes how things report to the Materials List (ML) I am not sure ? changing the Material may only change it's "appearance" in renders, you can change the size of the texture file ( 25x25" standard) to make it look more like the real thing or even use a photo of the real thing and resize it, it what I did for the Microllam LVL Beams we use. M.
  2. It maybe a memory issue with WMP trying to load a file of that size , perhaps try a different Codec eg XVID or X264vfw, I found both made much smaller Files back in March in this thread.... VideoLan will play both if WMP doesn't, it is also a great free program. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17455-x10-windows-7-video-card/?do=findComment&comment=146648
  3. You can Leave the General Tab as Eng. Lumber and then on the Materials Tab change it to LSL Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  4. I went the MSI for the Cooling too , they also have a Nice Workstation Range ( WE/WS/WT) certified for AutoCAD if you do need a Quadro. for Example this one from the mid price range..... https://www.msi.com/Workstation/WS60-6QJ
  5. Yes , TN panels in LCDs can be Glossy or Matte , some LCDs are also MVA (VA) like my BenQ Monitors , they are also typically Flicker Free but VA isn't common on Laptops yet, AFAIK. *** many laptop screens now say IPS "Level" in the description, this is usually a sign it is actually a AH-VA type screen, not TN , only LG can use the term IPS apparently as it is TradeMarked. http://www.tnpanel.com/tn-vs-ips-va/ https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/1890-panel-comparison-tn-ips-pls-va-crt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin-film-transistor_liquid-crystal_display https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPS_panel As far as AutoCAD you could check the system requirements , I know some Engineering Packages require or suggest a Quadro for "Precision" but I am unsure if that is needed in Architectural Environments. They do suggest 4GB of memory though here https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/System-requirements-for-AutoCAD-2019-including-Specialized-Toolsets.html
  6. You could also check that you have that Toolbar ON in the View being Used in Toolbar Configurations , if they are gone in all Views then a Reset as Eric Mentioned maybe needed.
  7. Most Routers now allow you to connect a USB HDD to them for Storage on the network , so you really may not need a "wireless external HDD to accomplish that goal especially if you already own a USB ext. Drive. If that P70 is the Lenovo Thinkpad ( you don't give brand ) then you don't need to spend that much as Chief does not require a Nvidia Quadro Graphics Card, a normal gaming Nvidia Laptop would be fine with say a 1060 or 1070 GTX depending on Budget, eg one of MSI GP Series like in my Sig. (models numbers differ in CDN to US) As I have just found out many laptops have TN Panels which my eyes cannot handle but if your Current Desktop monitor is a TN LCD rather than IPS technology you are probably okay with a TN screen at 60 or 120hz screen resolution. M.
  8. If you use GF Experience , it should offer to Auto-Update Drivers for you when they are available. ( I don't, as it adds all the unnecessary stuff like ShadowPlay and 3D Vision, Physx which we don't need, I always use the Driver Only>Custom> option and Uncheck them) M.
  9. UPDATE Sept 17th 2018 Drivers for both Laptops and Desktops have been updated to 399.24 Desktop https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/137727# Notebook https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/137729# No Issues on 398.98 for me either. M.
  10. You can turn the Crown/moldings Off on the Cabinets around the Fridge Cheryl and use a molding Line 93-94" ? off the floor snapped to the Cabinets with the crown and Finshed Stock using the same Molding PL Stock instead. M.
  11. Score 1 for Graham thanks for letting us know Cheryl ......
  12. Try the Wall's Roof Tab and check Lower Wall if Cut by Roof if not on and change the Walltype to Interior 4 M.
  13. It's a strange one, as I have set all Chief Files types to Save As File types in FF under Applications , as I am constantly downloading files from the Forum and the Download in your Other thread of the Wild S Door which is also a .calibz File downloads with no problem, I guess FF is seeing the Download button as something other than a link but not being a Website builder I have no clue on how that works. The Right Click Save as Method does work though, thx.
  14. I have seen this reported by several people here , even earlier versions of X10 Plans will give the Warning if you try and save them in .54 which is the latest ( and last apparently) from May. As Joe mentioned X10 especially when upgraded or migrated is bad about resetting the File Associations for .plan, .layout and .calibz or .calib Files especially if X9 is still installed. If you Double click a Plan File on the desktop and X9 opens instead , you know the File Associations are wrong, same goes for Library Files , if they aren't in the X10 Library afterwards, likely Windows tried installing it in X9 due to the File associations. I am not sure if this is an issue with the MAC version though. M.
  15. Looks like you need to cut the main roof plane with a V shape so it lets the Wall continue up to the new Gable Roof is all. M.
  16. Looks like it got Moved..... , it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  17. did you try this KB Tutorial? https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-01020/creating-multiple-shed-roofs.html but best as Eric said to use the Hometalk Site so others with Suite can Help You as you don't have manual Roof Planes M.
  18. Hmmmm , I got Dave's S Door Calibz just fine ( don't usually have any issues with .calibz files) but this one gives me the goobly **** above , might be a Chieftutor website vs direct download from Chief Website thing perhaps? *** didn't know *ook was a four letter word around here EDIT : it is something to do with FireFox and ChiefTutor.net ( ad blocking?) , I tried several Browsers and Chrome was able to download it okay.
  19. Just a heads up Dave , something is still wrong with the Download button/File, this is what I see when clicking the link on the 2nd page above
  20. It looked do-able to me but sometimes you just get too far down the Rabbit hole to come back :), though sometimes it is best just to do a "save as" plan , delete all Roof planes and try Auto Roofs again..... There are some weird Walls in the Tower on the leftside, though I didn't investigate further , but it looks like the Auto Roof has found them their on the left side too. M.
  21. With Practice yes,and of course time using the Program ( you aren't going from 0 to 100 in a week or even a month so be patient) , with Auto Roofs Off you lose a few Auto Roof Tools so you'll just have to do it manually, biggest Tip I can give with that is to use the Join Roof Plane Tool Often it makes things much easier. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/724/joining-roof-planes.html I just cut the existing Roof Plane with a V Shape over the Windows and then drew in two of my own matching the Fascia Height in the Main Roof plane's DBX to get them at the same height over the Exterior wall then dragged them in Plan view close to each other and then used the Join Tool to auto snap the planes together. PS I don't think you Roof baseline for the Main Roof is correct , since it is 20" ? off the building , the Baseline is normally over the Framings' outer edge. From the manual : moving it in will mean adjusting the Pitch is all , it is not currently 6" PPS I agree with Glenn actually , I normally do as much as possible using Auto Roofs 1st. M
  22. CA only includes in the ML what is exactly in the Model and by default the program only uses 4' x 8' sheets , it is not smart enough to know to use a 10' or 12' on those length walls or Ceilings , so you would need to do that yourself in every room , same goes if you want to use 54" drywall for 9' stud homes, ie you need to assign 54" Drywall in the Model. Drywall is not one of the Default Materials you can assign beforehand AFAIK eg say if you wanted 54" sheets used throughout. I think is runs drywall horizontally though as that is the standard in Nth America. The sheet Count is actually just the square footage divided by 32 sqft (4x8 sheet) , or was the last time I checked , might be okay for a base price quote but not good enough to hand to a Sub. You could change or use multiple Wall Definitions to use 8' sheets, 10' sheets, 12' sheets etc I guess if the information is really needed. YOu can also Change ALL ceilings for a Floor to use 12' sheets in the Ceiling Defaults for the Floor but that's not a great help as all ceilings are not 12' Note the ML does not allow waste automatically or ANY of the small items needed like Nails , glue, caulk etc , ie not in the model = not in the ML. M.
  23. That mostly concerns when you Upgrade/Migrate to a new Version , eg if you were moving to X10. If you are just reinstalling X9 on a new Computer , then open X9 to let it create the Chief Data Folder ( in My Documents ,maybe already be done?) then close X9 and Copy the CA-X9 Data Folder from the Old Computer to My Documents on the new Computer. You can use a USB key to do this fairly easily. I suggest renaming the existing Data Folder in My Documents 1st eg add _Old to the end of the Folder name , so it is backed up for safety. there is also other ways and folders to transfer depending on what you want transferred , eg Templates, Textures,Backdrops, Images etc but most of these are already in the Data Folder mentioned above. Preferences are in Chief's .ini files and can also be transferred if needed. If you don't have access to the Old computer ....then you can get some settings from existing Plans and Templates eg by importing your Defaults. I'll find a PDF I have from the last time I did it if you think it'll help.....it have more detailed info. M.
  24. Thanks Graham , I had noticed it seemed to happen more over the Tree Leaves in the Windows and Doors , but did not look into it further once I changed the Lamp Fabric, either way hopefully Support can figure it out and issue a fix , but it sounds like they need to Update the 2D Plant libraries for PBR if you are also seeing them "disappear" occasionally. PS . I think Cheryl was trying to stop the colour cast of the background (common in PBR) not Add one .... but maybe I misunderstood that... I think I have seen MarkMc say he uses Large White Solids he calls Billboards. M.
  25. Well at least it's there I guess it was you that made it Brass , pretty sure it wasn't me --- yuk ! sorry I wasn't around earlier , my ISP was here 1/2 the Day it seems installing their New Router etc , so I was Offline most of the day. Have you tried Ambient Occlusion at about 30% , at 100% I see weird ( to me) shadows in all the Corners and at the Ceiling Wall line. I see you have Shadows and Reflections off too which surprised me as I usually have them on ....for Client Pics at least. I use the Sky3 Background with PBR usually but even it can add a Colour Cast , but I usually prefer a "Cooler" look (blue) myself. Once I wasn't using CA's emissive Lamp Fabric , I didn't notice anymore Issues , so I am not quite sure what Graham is seeing with the Trees? I think I have seen Others saying they Use "Billboards" outside the Windows at the edge of the Terrain Plane with Images stuck on them to help Control the colour cast of the standard backgrounds but I haven't tried that myself yet. Oh , noticed you don't have a Foundation Built on the House , it's always a good Idea to build a foundation and put a roof on even foe an Interior Reno , as it helps CA manage lighting better especially Light Bleed under furniture and around cabinets etc. M.