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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. If the Room is labelled as a Porch I get the siding still on the edge of the Floor , if it is labelled a Patio I don't note: CA always brings the siding down to the bottom of the Floor platform ...whatever it is.... not sure if a "Patio" causes other issues though....
  2. the Electrical ( lights/Fans) snap to the Ceiling (0" offset) and in this case I think your Manual Roof Plane has overridden the Room Ceiling Heights , do the wall go up to the Roof Plane? they don't appear to in the plan/camera view I took must be the Order I did it I guess cos Balloon Framing with Hang on Wall... still enabled didn't fix it for me...
  3. Turn on the reference layer (F9) and drag the staircase in till it snaps to the red line shown for the foundation wall..... If you have 2 storeys? ....you will need to switch the reference line for the 1st floor to the foundation 1st....
  4. See my sig or my 1st post above for instructions
  5. The opening height is controlled by the Railing Height on the Newel Tab
  6. Looks like you found your 1st Bug ! make sure to report it please so it gets fixed..... and don't forget to fill in your Sig. Please. M.
  7. It looked like a Floor structure/roof plane issue to me , so I unchecked Hang floor platform above on wall and it fixed it The Balloon Framing option only works if the above is unchecked ( as in Roberts pic ) , it doesn't fix it on it's own for me.. . unchecked on the Main wall BTW : looks like you may have some lost Electrical , looking inside the Roof Plane ..... I thought maybe there was a beam in that Corner , so pushed the camera through the wall an saw....
  8. Is that a Pony Wall around the Porch? perhaps that is the Issue ...change the wall type to test it ... M.
  9. Try deleting the stairs and draw new holding the alt key from inside the porch to out ..... perhaps post you plan file ( attach it while plan is closed in Chief ) Which tutorial exactly are you using? M.
  10. Are you sure the Stairs snapped to the the edge of the floor ? cos if the wall is marked as a Railing it should work.... M.
  11. The default Sun settings are way too high in general and they seem to balance themselves off the other lighting in the scene somehow , so one setting for all situations does not work in PBR. Another thing to note with PBR is that the light will pick up a Colour Cast from the backdrop image , ie green if alot of trees , orange if a sunset etc , a Sky Backdrop like Sky3 works fairly well but can make the scene a little "cool" being the backdrop is mostly blue... Might be good to edit the 1st post and tag it with PBR and Raytrace too , so others can find the info in this Thread M.
  12. Try Picket Railing , I found this one....
  13. There have been posts on this in the past Larry and it was doable , though I have never used that style myself so I didn't read to far into it , so hopefully someone familiar with one of those threads will tell you how or link you to it. M.
  14. I am not sure what happened there , not sure if it was something to do with the Zipfile when you made it or something on my system ? ( maybe mine if no one else saw it?) In the past I have had issues with Materials no having unique names or the same name as a default CA made material as CA will find those images 1st in it's folders before it looks elsewhere for them. I usually use PBR now (lighting is easier with instant feedback) but when I was doing more RTs I was usually using 1280 pixels x ( aspect ratio set by window size) as I mostly Email them to Clients and aren't printing them , and as Graham mentioned this fixes the DPI pretty much it seems and file sizes are small which is good for email or even sending to Layout.
  15. Graham's settings work pretty well ( as expected ) , I made a few small changes for my view but found the Couches were using an image of a fireplace front with flames for the materials in the 1st RT , so I made a few other changes and reshot it. It actually looks good in PBR too ...see saved camera plan below. MHD_Example with decor.plan
  16. Usually if you click about 6 " away from the exterior wall you will get the Exterior Room if the Walls are closed.... everything is ok in your plan , it only took two clicks to get it to show..... One other way is if you get the wall 1st is just to use TAB or the next button until you see the Exterior Room like in blue in the Pic below.... there Idea does work Pedro ...here I used the Gutter I made last week from your profile..... make sure to uncheck the Extrude Inside Polyline box in the Room Molding Polyline DBX to get the gutter facing the right way .................. the plan file..............Plot3V9_with Gutter.plan
  17. Kirk linked you to the KB Tutorial this morning about that , post no# 8? approx..... it's in the Material Definition on the Textures tab, I mentioned that in post no#3 If you turn down ambient occulsion in the Camera Properties to about 20 instead of 100% you won't get the weird shadow in the Corners too M.
  18. You have Added 3D lights in the Plan , they are no Cans (Potlights) in the Plan but they are pretty bright...... try 500 lumens If you have turned them all off that is about what I would expect to see as it is lit from the Windows only....
  19. It will put everything in the plan in the Zip file , all the materials , images, pdfs etc , anything related to the plan so Others will see what you see when they open it.
  20. Do a File>Backup Entire Plan it will create a Zip file with all the Textures and the plan in it that you can attach instead since it looks like you have Custom textures....
  21. I didn't see Joe's post ( link? ) but am thinking he keeps the Details in a Single plan File so they stay "live" and sends them to his Layout Template from there ... He maybe doing the same as Scott Harris in the Lake Point Videos I watched recently though....... The whole Video is worth watching and there is a sample Details plan in the Lake Point Download here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6193/construction-drawings-tips-and-techniques-lake-point-project.html?playlist=151 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6183/plan-management-and-work-flow-lake-point-project.html?playlist=151
  22. Assuming X10 ( your Sig. isn't done yet ) you can now use Pony Walls I believe to place the Railing on top of the retaining Wall structure. As David said post the Plan as I have no idea how you made the Railing float like that from the pics...... Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures
  23. This is CA's Video on PBR , https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2412/3d-rendering-features-added-in-x10.html They use the Settings some of us discovered while trying to fix issues in the Earlier versions of X10 , these can be set in your Camera defaults , the Use Enhanced lighting and setting max lights to 100 is important otherwise you can get White-outs or Black-outs in the PBR Camera. The Who thread is on PBR when you have time to look at it...
  24. Thanks for the reply...... I was following your Tutorial but could not equate the Histogram Slider in Gimp/PS to something Similar in Awesome Bump but I haven't played with it much yet. M.