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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. They may have taken the Server down for Maintenance after Hours ? those email addresses look right though as to get my Full PDF invoice this Year I had to request it. SSA Renewal invoice came from sales@chiefarchitect.com and the Requested Full PDF Invoice came from Chief-Architect@chiefarchitect.com M.
  2. looking pretty good Alvar..... Will the Herringbone have Black grout? or is that an effect of the "normal" map ? I'd also consider having no Counter Backsplash and have the Tile right down.. M.
  3. Did you use Library> Import > calibz ? worked for me , I tested it before posting the file.... however some people have found the File associations are still linked to Chief X9 as the X10 Installer doesn't correct them properly when it installs, so the drag and drop method or double click method may not work properly. The Lamp is called Table Lamp - Orbel I just label my zipfiles with MHD_ so I know I made it. The emissive is set to 0 but is actually 0.19 , you have to down arrow it , to get 0.0 . It was these Fabrics that gave me the Transparency Issues so I switched the Lamps to Crepe Mocha ( white with slight texture) I think it was but you can make it anything. Oh wow X2 , I guess you've had it a few years then Played around some with you plan , your Clients should love this look you've come up with , it seems to PBR Well too....
  4. Hi Cheryl , as an exercise for myself I turned your Orbel Interior Fixture into an Electrical Fixture and changed the Materials to Chief's ones and thought you may like it too (below). From playing with this Symbol , it would seem that the issue is the CA Fabrics used for the Shade and perhaps their Emmissive Quality that is built in, as I saw the transparency issue in the 1st build of this new symbol so I made a few changes and they are no longer Transparent when in front of Windows. If I am wrong about that, let me know and I'll have another play with the new Symbol ( I'm no expert) , but if you import a Lamp from Sketchup, when you do, import it as Electrical not as an Interior Fixture , that way you get the Light Data Tab like a Light Fixture, (unless you don't want it to be a "light" in CA of course, just decoration) It is setup to sit on the Floor or a Table ( will find a table's height if there) otherwise you can drop it on the floor and set the height off the floor to place it on whatever you need. M. MHD_Table Lamp Orbel.calibz
  5. After I did the above and read the comment about the Lamp shade "colour " I changed it's material to "Matte" type which forced the camera/3D to rebuild and the Pendants are fixed too it seems ???? ( they are now using Lighting-White" not Color - White in my plan) Weird.... as I had closed the view and re-shot the camera after the material changes and it didn't help .... maybe something up with that Sketchup Lamp "Colour" *** maybe related on my end to the fact 12 materials are missing from my Plan though? M.
  6. Happens to me in your plan too Cheryl , swinging the camera makes both pendants transparent as if they aren't there.... changed the door glass to Standard Glass and the Pendant "Light " to Lighting-White from Color-White but it made no difference really...a little better but not much I still see the tree through it M.
  7. That is the "block" I meant , not the lamp, just thought it was strange being square , as it didn't look like a shadow to me as it is brighter....
  8. I have not noticed this happening , but I have not had this particular scene with a pendant in front of a French door either , so that may mean nothing , 1/2 a missing pendant is definitely an issue ...did you try other Pendants? same issue? I see the strange square/rect. block of light in one of the pics Joe is talking about too.... (the 3rd image posted above)
  9. That is weird ..even after deleting the wall the Main Room shape doesn't fix itself hmmmm F12 fixed the 3D view but not the plan view..... looks like you had a hidden power outlet and coax you need to raise up behind the TV too.
  10. He is talking about using the very useful Wall Material Region Tool , it will add a layer to a wall either on the surface or if you check the box in the DBX , "cut the parent object" , will cut the Wall layers to the Main layer. They are how I do all my Tile now for a a more realistic look and adding decorative feature Bands etc. Definitely worth look into more Alvar......on the Wall Menu at the Bottom , you can also set up default Wall and Floor Material Regions for constant use in your Template File. Thanks for the Normal Map , I have to give it a try...... M.
  11. I would say don't use a railing wall for a fireplace if that is what you have done? Apply the Brick/stone to a Solid or a Soffit even, instead and use a 2nd one for the Mantel M.
  12. The Devil is always in the Details huh out of curiosity do people actually make Showers like this ? I have never seen a shower done this way , most people just want walls of glass...and no frame M.
  13. You can use a Material Region or Custom BS for the backsplash tile to fix it around the Window and at the end over the 1/2 wall if needed but adjusting the base cabinet BS to 18" ( counter to bottom of Upper cabinet) may also do it for you...
  14. I think he is referring to my B&B Library Rene, the Battens are actually Framing, one of the downsides of the method is that it auto frames double studs at Windows and Doors and a double top Plate etc , and just like the auto framing doesn't always get it "right" but the Battens are easily moved and deleted just like normal Studs. You can actually build the framing at the usual defaults, retain framing, then change the defaults eg single top plate and rebuild to help clean things up though. ( or maybe I do that in reverse been a while since I had a B&B house to do. )
  15. Looks pretty good Alvar and is a good solution in situations like this where you only want to do a few Attic Walls/Gables. Is it possible to Share your Normal Map ? I am still not very familiar with Apps like PS and Gimp to make them myself, seems likeI may need to learn it as every in CA needs them to look good , eg the Stone work in the pic could really do with one too. M
  16. Doesn't sound right ? but maybe Eric is onto something.... how are you setting the 1st Floor height and does it match the Floor Default ? ( each floor has a Default accessed only when on that Floor btw) Defaults>Floors and Rooms>Current Floor>edit and look for the floor level in the title bar of the DBX (dialog Box) to ensure you are on the right Floor.
  17. You need to NOT paint exterior Walls especially twice ! your wall definitions are all screwed up in this plan.... siding 6 , brick 6 etc etc are ALL using Moss Green Alum. siding, Painted "Antique" as the material .... you need to select the wall and switch the Materials to Default in the Material DBX , in the case of the Siding 6 which is usually Lap Siding you have also changed the wall Definition and painted it Be a good Idea to hit the Purge Button while in the Material DBX too to remove unused materials from the Plan before choosing Default. Don't try cutting the wall right at the Corner like in your pic, do it about a foot away and once the wall is defined properly just drag the new wall out to the Corner and let it join up at the corner like normal. M. figured you might want the plan back too.... FS 2_MHD.plan
  18. You could try the B&B Batten Library I made in the Symbols Forum...it uses a "Framing Material" to generate 3D B&B just make sure to have Framing on in ALL views to see it.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16852-board-and-batten-library/ there is also a Rainscreen Batten library done the same way https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/16723-rainscreen-batten-library/ M.
  19. Ahhhh ..... this explains ALOT ..... I was only "Salt and Pepper " in January and now look like I have a Grey Beanie on ...be aware PBR doesn't only effect the Head too .
  20. Yes I was surprised to read last week that there will be no more Updates for X10 , which really surprised me as I don't think it is really "Done" , still seems to be lots of little niggles and PBR I thought was a "Big One" , as noted above with exteriors being a mess still in particular. M.
  21. That seems typical if you have no background .......is that your case ? I have been using Sky3 lately as it seems to impart the least colour to the lighting in the scene
  22. right, I forgot about Resene's Library but have seen Lysaghts libraries. .
  23. It's a bit strange as in a current test drawing with decks on 3 sides of the house I have it displaying 3 different ways --- for 3 different measurements 10' 2 3/4" shows as 10' 2" 18/25th" 12' 1/16th shows as 12' 0.0525" (and 9' 1" 1/16th shows as 9' 1.3025") The house interior is 25' 9" and shows as 25' 9" so it might depend on how accurate the drawing is perhaps ? I didn't find a setting to get them all the same however. My 1/4" defaults are set for 1/16 accuracy currently
  24. There is an Ozbreed Plants Library but I don't really know if the are truly Australian Plants or not ? ( I am not a landscaper or in Oz) Hardi Library is available though not in All styles yet as I think it is based on US Market Products but Boral has a Library too There is an Old Library of Australian Home Templates around however I don't think they would be all that useful in X10 ? Glennw may know more about that , but I really can't think of too much specific content for Downunder, lots of people from OZ and NZ on the Forum though so you will be in good company. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  25. Ahhh .....that is not clear from the OP ( it says free ) , OR the new Post.... M.