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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It's a good series , and looks at the ConDocs side of CA rather than the EyeCandy Elements and it being done in X10 was my other interest as I still don't use Plan Views like I should be. Scott's Video's are always good to watch I find , lots of small tips and He explains things well I find , it would be a good series for those New to CA too I think. M.
  2. Thanks Kirk , are you aware of Awesome Bump ? it's a Free Open Source Bump Map Program I found recently on GitHub , latest version is 5.1 ,it is a portable Qt based program so nothing to install , just unzip the Folder. I'd be interested in what a 3D Artist has to say about it as it's not exactly my field of expertise. https://github.com/kmkolasinski/AwesomeBump/releases/tag/Winx32v5.1 One Note about Awesome Bump , I found I had to Open the 3 Config files and change the Font Size to 12 to make it all more readable for me , not sure which one is controlling what so I changed them all ...The Author must have good eyes as it is set at 8. Main folder : Config.ini Configs Folder : gui.ini and 48_AwesomeBump.ini
  3. Do you have a Foundation and Roof Built ? both are usually required for proper lighting to work in my experience..... Are there Potlights (R.Cans) or added 3D lights in the Red Sofa Room? , not sure why there is 4 light blotches otherwise. lowering the roughness of the Floor material to 10-15% should give it some shine at least that works in PBR but the settings don't always translate, but make sure you are using the latest Updated X10 Material Libraries too ( Library>Catalog Update) CA older Wood textures don't work well in X10 and have all been now updated. M.
  4. @Evolution Hi Bob, I thought of your post here while watching Scott Harris's Video on Construction Documents today , I'd suggest downloading the Sample Lake Point House Plan Set 1st ,so you have the Files. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html The whole Video is worth watching but in particular from about 15 mins on, in regard to your questions about using Plan views and Cropping Layout boxes etc. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6193/construction-drawings-tips-and-techniques-lake-point-project.html?playlist=151 If you like his Annotations / Layer Sets etc in the Video , he basically tells you in this one how to make the included Sample Files your Own in this Video which I had watched 1st. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6183/plan-management-and-work-flow-lake-point-project.html?playlist=151 M.
  5. Logitech Mice and Trackballs with the Options Software eg the M510 or MX2 have the reverse Function but Older Mice and Trackballs using the SetPoint Software do not. ( At least on my systems ) Been a few years since I used AutoHotKey but am surprised you can't run scripts from the StartUp Folder. M.
  6. Perhaps as Eric said start your Own thread with the Tutorial Plan attached for others to try..... Save the Camera view etc so others will see what you see.... Make sure Plan is closed in CA before you attach it to the Post or it won't attach as CA locks the File when Open.
  7. Start the X10 Tutorial again in the Full X10 version , I think you are missing Options as the Plan was started in HD (Pro?) which doesn't have Annotation Sets AFAIK. get the X10 Docs here https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/documentation.html
  8. CA's documentation tends to lag behind on new features , so they are not always mentioned in the Manual or Help, Bump Maps are assigned on the Texture tab of the material's definition but for many many materials they are not supplied by CA , so you would need to make you own in Photoshop or Gimp or perhaps an online converter? M.
  9. If you mean Speckly not sparkly , then my 1st guess would be you need to run the Ray Trace for a longer number of Passes (or time) and that usually decreases. *Most people are mostly using PBR View now as it is quicker and easier to setup lighting in..... set your maximum lights to 100 in those views. Check out the "Let Ray Trace Thread Graham (KitchenAbode) started for lots of good info : Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  10. If you mean Speckly not sparkly , then my 1st guess would be you need to run the Ray Trace for a longer number of Passes (or time) and that usually decreases. The Mouse Orbit Tool should let you spin or adjust/move the Cube , teapot etc You should also be able to swap view type STD/Vector/PBR/RT Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  11. I use the Plus button to add them to the Post where I want them too, but I haven't seen the Snipping Tool make such small pics before , unless you are using a small monitor/screen? as I think the snipping tool captures at true screen size..... which I guess is why mine are big (32" screen)
  12. it works per the Manual for me.....you do need to select the WMR to get the Temporary Dims to display along with the edit handles.....if they don't you have toggled Temp Dims OFF there is an Icon on the RH Toolbar , large T with a diagonal double ended Arrow ...the box should have a check mark if they are ON. M.
  13. Curious if the Label on the JD Line (JDL) changes to the correct size for you ? ...... The Joist will re-space as shown , ( on rebuild ) and the Spacing measurement (24" in pic) changes but I am not sure why it is saying the Joists are 4x12 ? The I-Joist JDL is showing sizes and spacing correctly
  14. It is do-able ....... by selecting Joist and then Shift-Selecting the Joists you want to be 1.5" , it will say no change , when you open the DBX due to the group selection, but it does allow it and apply the thickness change. I think this would be a good one to add to Suggestions actually ...if we can specify type and Depth why not width per room? M.
  15. How are you making the pics Larry? they are really Tiny , try the Windows Snipping Tool...see my Signature for a how too. Ok I think I get it now........... the floors are the same heights but different thicknesses...... and you want the siding all the way down..... I have not tried it but I think CS's method of adding an AirGap/Opening-No Material to the bottom of the Floor Structure should work as CA is hard-coded to drop the siding to the bottom of the Floor Platform. M.
  16. 1.) each WALL DBX has theRim Joist Radio Button under Structure ( 4th section) ........... Default is Automatic 2.) let me check..... I think the Room's Joists will have to be group selected and changed to 1 1/2" though.
  17. Some Mouse software has the ability to change the scroll Direction too...
  18. Can you post a Pic Larry ? I don't think I quite understand what you are trying to do..... Michael has a method for removing different layers in the Tips Forum I think it is , by making what is called a Wall Layer Cutting Tool , I'll see if I can find the Thread. @Alaskan_Son
  19. 1.) in the Wall DBX there is a radio button for the No# of Rimjoists ........ If you have changed the Plan Default under Ext. Wall it will effect all exterior Walls. 2.) you should be able to Frame the Room with 2x12 with the Room's DBX>Structure>Floor Structure settings at the bottom....
  20. You have both Flat Ceiling and Shelf ceiling checked but I think the real issue is that the Open Room above is causing the Ceiling not to build ( or is cutting it off) , if you chose shelf ceiling and a height of 90" it shows up for example.... changing the Wall definition back to your normal exterior Wall ( IFC,Siding. Drywall) did not fix the missing Drywall at the Open Room Below area like I thought it would but I seem to be having issues lately with X10 no rebuilding 3D views or it "remembers" things it shouldn't....
  21. The Ceiling planes just need pulling up to the center of the Room (apex) but the gaps in the walls are due to the Open below Room you have created on the 2nd level to get the Loft Area, I'm not sure why CA isn't filling them in properly though? it's basically the floor thickness ... perhaps check wall definitions and alignment 1st.... I'll have another look later when I have more time if needed... M.
  22. I don't see the F&F Logo ( 3rd pic in post 1 ) in you Forum Signature ? but as David said any image type file should work , if Save in plan is Checked in the Image's DBX I would of thought it wouldn't have this issue though. ( ie the link being lost ) Put the logo File in your Chief Data Folder and import it from there , then you should always have it and the link should always work , saving it "In plan" can increase File size but the size of a Logo shouldn't matter too much in this case. M.
  23. He says he's using a Laptop Rod , so he'd need a USB to Parallel Port Cable type Adaptor instead , as above in post #4. I would suggest some research on Google with the Plotter Model No# though and make sure to find a Compatible one, though I have had good luck with Startech products and Support.
  24. If you have the PW etc what is the Issue ? some of the Older Versions my not run on Win10 , for one that old you may need XP or Perhaps Win7? Do you mean a 25pin DB25 Printer Cable perhaps? there are USB to DB25 Converter Cables available eg : https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812200160
  25. Same here Roof Grade Vinyl (60-90mil) usually , I have ripped out too much Fiberglass due to building movement or User damage to recommend it as the replacement. I try to get Clients to add some kind of "Duck Board" , a removable Panel, made from Decking to protect the Vinyl though. M.