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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. There is an Ozbreed Plants Library but I don't really know if the are truly Australian Plants or not ? ( I am not a landscaper or in Oz) Hardi Library is available though not in All styles yet as I think it is based on US Market Products but Boral has a Library too There is an Old Library of Australian Home Templates around however I don't think they would be all that useful in X10 ? Glennw may know more about that , but I really can't think of too much specific content for Downunder, lots of people from OZ and NZ on the Forum though so you will be in good company. Also, it's good to have your Forum Signature filled in, especially with the Software Version, and of course a real Name is nice too .............. See mine below in Blue for how to do that. If you don't see my Signature then you have them turned off for the Forum so you need to Toggle it on by going to the Upper RH Corner of this Forum Window and Clicking on your Username and making sure Signature are enabled (green) and then Add your Own Sig. too : UserName> Account > Signatures M.
  2. Ahhh .....that is not clear from the OP ( it says free ) , OR the new Post.... M.
  3. Nicely done Bryce ! There you go Archi , save yourself some time and buy an Auditorium Symbol off Bryce
  4. Add it as your cover photo in the Profile , not to the Signature I believe... delete it from your Sig. too
  5. Not sure ? all I did in a fresh copy of the plan was mark the walls knee and deleted the truss base and everything is fine , but I did the Wall>Knee change 1st .
  6. I have noticed CloudFlare has been having some Issues myself if you use their DNS servers?
  7. Nice work as Usual Dave , you might want to Put things in there Own thread though as Others who saw the Railing may not look again in this thread. PS the Door does not appear to be where you think you left it page 2 ? http://www.davidmichaeldesigns.com/free2.html M.
  8. No. 7 clearly states knee walls...... I don't know if it makes a difference in this case , but marking them Knee ( Roof Tab) and deleting the truss Base lets the 3 trusses at the Front generate properly 7. Select each of these two interior walls and click the Open Object edit button. On the Roof panel of the Wall Specification dialog, specify them as Knee Walls. creating-an-attic-truss.pdf
  9. Use the Windows Snipping Tool in Accesories to take a screen shot , save it to your Desktop and drag the pic into this reply box where it says drag files here... you can then delete the file on the Desktop.
  10. It's there now .....not sure about earlier ...sounds like a Server issue
  11. ConDocs are not Automatic ... just a FYI ... they can be a lot of work....
  12. Good advice..... some cards come in smaller versions like the 1060 too
  13. Hmmmm if you have X10 , I am unsure why you don't have Support (SSA) , I thought it was automatic with X10. The Error message is caused by the Attic Truss Setting as I don't think you have fully gone through the Attic Truss tutorial ( I see no knee Walls per the KB) as once I finished the Roofs I can do the Trusses no problem until I set the "Attic truss" in the Truss DBX. ( because I don't have the Attic knee walls either yet I think , too late now to keep playing.) As Eric pointed out there is an unneeded truss base in there too https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00933/creating-an-attic-truss.html?utm_source=Chief+Architect+Premier+20+x64&utm_medium=software&utm_campaign=Resource%3A+faq&utm_content=Error+ID%3A+272003072
  14. Would depend on the Model but you would have RAID 0 NVME SSDs PLUS a HDD ( 1TB-2TB?) for Data in most cases , higher end Laptops have 2 M2 ports usually plus a SATA connector for a standard HDD or SATA SSD for Data
  15. This should really be in the Off-Topic Chatroom but any 10 Series Nvidia card 1060 6GB and up ( 2nd hand 980ti too) will do the Trick...your budget will determine the rest and perhaps the computer you want to add it too....the devil is in the details hence please fill in your signature too. See mine below for how.
  16. No Support , so I guess V10 , not X10 ? (X10 = V20 shingabiss ) If you have HomeDesigner V10 that is a different Forum altogether.....this is why we ask for the Signature. The usual issue is the Roof and Ceiling are not generating properly, hence the Trusses won't build as they need both, to Shape them automatically.
  17. Be best to start a thread in the Off Topic Chatroom , with the info here and I am guessing Mark will drop in when he has time.... M.
  18. With those Specs I'd think you will be over your 2K USD, maybe even 2.5K that is a very high end machine ...and Mark is definitely the guy to ask about that..... M.
  19. I know what you mean , I think they allow SSA on monthly payments now instead ( once you have a full version again) but CA's rental programs are ****ish expensive even compared to my Visa Card ,( 28.5% now, was 22.5% ) so a small Biz. loan is likely a better way to go and pay it off monthly with lumpsums if you get a good Job perhaps... M.
  20. They are a huge company , been around a long time and are supported well in the US , some models have a 1 yr warranty , some two years , depends on the model and how much you pay , The GP73 8RE is getting good reviews on alot of Sites Like Notebook Review ( has a MSI Forum to check too ) and NotebookCheck . The 120mhz screen is supposed to be nice , some come with a 60hz so look for one with the 120hz screen ...it likely costs more though, but for what you want to do worth it. Another line maybe the Asus ROG Strix series which I have read good reviews on too. When it comes to notebooks and CA Mark's @MarkMc is the ear to bend as he stays up on the Laptop side of things , he lead me to the MSI GP/GE Series.... www.notebookcheck.net/MSI-GP63-Leopard-8RE-i7-8750H-GTX-1060-FHD-Xotic-PC-Edition-Laptop-Review
  21. If it's not what CS said best to post the plan or at least some images of the issue... M.
  22. That does appear to be the Issue ........ you can set the heights manually CC55, but they will all need to be negative numbers to force it below CA's set level 1 height of 0" I just thought it better to force the whole structure up one level above
  23. I wouldn't say it is the quickest in X10 though I just got X10 on it last night so haven't used it much yet but the laptop in my Signature I just got is not that expensive though if you can afford it I would go higher eg for the 1060 or 1070 model with the 120hz screen, which if it was my only machine is what I would of done myself... if you want 17" look for GP73 models instead of the GP63 like mine which is the 15.6" version. https://laptopmedia.com/review/msi-gp63-leopard-8rd-review-a-mixture-of-premium-and-budget-qualities/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9tahu5FIEc
  24. I inserted a floor into your plan while on the foundation level 0 and created a new 18" deep "foundation" and the Roof plane is acting as it should....