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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. If it is just one door it maybe easier to turn the Label OFF and use a Rich Text Box instead? M.
  2. Try re-drawing the Wall because it should happen automatically , but doesn't always as you have found out. Or post a copy of your Plan in the q&A section of the forum for other to have a look for you. (make sure the plan is closed in Chief when you attach it to your reply/post.)
  3. If View>Project Browser or the Browser Icon next to the ? Mark Icon ( on my Toolbar anyway) , then in Preferences goto Reset Options>Reset Side Windows and restart Chief. M.
  4. I don't care if you Post here BTW but in this case we don't use the same technique as Pro , so People over their should be able to advise you better.....if fact I'd be surprised if Eric (Solver) isn't over there too
  5. Alt-Q ........... check the appropriate box ....... I would also recommend getting the Reference Manual and Tutorial Guide PDFs from the Website under Documentation. (scroll all the way down) Temporary Dimensions ...toggle On and Off .........see above..... or Hit F1 for the Help Menu M
  6. Thanks G. will try it......the Sun angle is Automatic..... got to head out too actually....... M.
  7. It's actually the same account for Both Forums ...Home Talk is Blue Themed and Chief Talk is Green themed .... Curved Roofs with Pro are actually small short Roof planes unlike in Premier, so a different method is used. M.
  8. Light Off and Sun On..... 400 lux......( and yes I have a Roof and Foundation on the Model......) ........ I must have something wrong?? Here's the plan , that should make it easier for you to diagnose ....... Simple PBR Test Plan.plan M.
  9. the Blinds didn't effect the Light much actually but they don't cast shadows even though Shadows are turned on, they do change the sun "patch" size on the floor accordingly though. Removed the 4 surface lights and put in (1) x 4" Potlight and look at this......... and Sun Off.....
  10. Yep set the "Lighting White" Material to 0 but not much change ...will remove them. Strangely Mini-blinds block the sunlight , and the sun patch on the floor is only the size of the un-blinded part..... it doesn't shine through like in your pic...different Blind I guess?
  11. The Surface mount lights are indeed emissive...25000 ! let me play some....
  12. It actually has 4 Surface mounted (Floros) from the test Plan I did for CS with the missing light Surfaces. (full plan in that thread now) I turned the sun down to 400 and the exposure to 0.1 and it looks way better but it appears as if it's nightime outside still even though sun is streaming in Cam.exp. at 0.18 and Brigthness at 30 instead of 100 looks about the same as above...
  13. 4000 lux per your Recipe above..... with background set to Black (000) I guess my test house isn't the same as yours? ie 4 walled box with auto roof and Foundation)
  14. Now I think you are just teasing me ...nicely done BTW Is that 1.0 for cam. exposure or .1 ? with it set to 1.0 and a black background in my test plan the Windows are Jet Black but the sun looks like it is streaming in....weird effect as it looks like it is night time outside... (though way over exposed inside).... but your windows appear to be "normal" , is that just the Window treatments causing that then?
  15. Now about this one? only hex one I have......
  16. @Adrean How old is your Imperial Template CS ? it seems from playing around a bit, that CA will always look in the CA DATA\Textures Folder 1st and then looks in the Program Files\Textures Folder Next and uses the 1st copy of the BMap file , BrushedMetalBump_CAAB.jpg, it finds. There is an older BrushedMetal.jpg in each folder too which perhaps an older plan is Using since I think the Metals are Predefined in CA ( ie no texture file shown normally) , I made a new material from it and applied it to the Light but , it still rendered Correctly for me. \Documents\Chief Architect Premier X10 Data\Textures\BrushedMetalBump_CAAB.jpg I looked in my CAX9 Textures folder and the BMap file is in there too , it is not there in the CAX7 Data Folder (i reinstalled X8 so the Data\Textures folder is empty currently) I have not tried the Other Light with missing Surfaces above have you? ***Here is my Full plan and all Textures in case it helps you figure something out..... Surface Light Plan and Materials.zip
  17. Yes I spun each one in the library and even copied one to my User Library and changed the Alum. to Pink and still all good. I have no idea where the Bump-map came from then as it is supposed to be using a default CA Material isn't it? I renamed my textures folder and reopened CA and it is now using the same File in the Referenced Zips but the File is still MetalBump_CAAB.jpg . Removing the BMap from the Texture made no difference to me how it rendered. Hopefully Adrean Checks back in.....
  18. Looks good here, that's why I thought it maybe your Material...the library would use it , where-as my plan would use the one in the plan already...
  19. Which light fitting exactly? are you talking about the gray/black sides or ends? or just the Clear Lense part? Vector view or std? Your Default (Core) Aluminium Brushed material isn't missing or messed up is it ?
  20. I think if you choose anything and check the ALDO > Linestyle you will find there are only 6 , which means it is the Special Template that Dermot Posted in the LinesStyles Topic a while back , I just found it last week and was playing with it as a New Template.....can't remember if I imported my Defaults into it ? but I now know not all Defaults are imported when you do that it seems ( does 1/2 the job ) from trying it the other day.... Okay found it again..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17252-ability-to-delete-line-styles-please/?do=findComment&comment=145450 *** just tried it in the OOB residential Plan template and I don't seem to have any missing surfaces...still have ugly shadows on lights though. M.
  21. Oh that's right you had issues with 3D PDF's right? that's a strange one , thought this disappearing Surfaces thing my be Driver Related.... and you did check your Clipping distance in the camera correct ?
  22. Jared is in Tacoma check his contact info here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/19903-tipsadvice-for-new-adventure/?do=findComment&comment=162760
  23. Thanks Adrean ! happy to tag you if you don't mind on content or bad symbols.... Personally the Surface mount lights are not an Issue for me except for the weird 3 light types included on one fixed, they don't work properly till that is removed and changed to a Spot, light Source ( per this thread) but some seem to have the missing surfaces Issue . I did mention the Clipping Distance early in the Thread but both Chopsaw and Graham are both Power Users so I was assuming another type of issue eg graphics card drivers
  24. Ooops that's not Good I think this is one Adrean can look into though , along with the fixtures in the 1st Post? @Adrean
  25. Ahhhh ....wasn't sure what I was seeing actually , I believe the WF Catalog is just their SketchUp Library Converted for Chief and was likely done with a Batch Converter? so not surprising....