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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Your test plan is not the same as your houseplan.....you have 3.5" Casings and no conc. cutout..... but it's working Once I changed it it seems to work too , see pic below .......hmmmm let me look some more cos this is not how garage doors are normally framed PS. ITRW don't run the Jamb to the slab....that = rot and peeling paint.
  2. Which Rollouts are they ? if I use the Rev-a-Shelf ones they are in the component list as an "Insert" M.
  3. Are these maybe from X10 ? ie not working in X11 properly perhaps?
  4. Thanks Michael , certainly looks easier than Molding Lines and it will frame too....wasn't thinking about using Ceiling planes "outside"....
  5. Thanks for the Diagram will be handy when dealing with Lighting especially, which is the only place in the Manual I have ever seen Chief explain any of this actually, it's like you should "just know" the 0-180 line is the Horizon Line, but looking at the Diagram I realised it's just like looking at my old Drawing Protractor ( flipped down for the negatives) , so I made a quick Reference Image, figured someone else maybe able to use it too, if they have a "Practical " Brain like me....it's likely you can make it better than mine but I'm more about Function than Form If you search the Ref. Manual there is a bit on the Horizon dealing with Light Data or there is some info in this KB Tutorial on lighting too. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00777/working-with-light-sources.html
  6. this is one of the threads Eric was talking about , with a short Video.....assumes you have Elev. Regions in Suite? either way stay away from Points... You need a minimum of 2 Elev. lines , eg 0" at front of property and -96" and the very rear for a 8' fall.... if you add a third line the software will join all 3 points ( in cross section) to "smooth it out" , but I'm not sure Suite has Cross Sections.....but this may help.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00574/how-chief-architect-interprets-terrain-lines.html
  7. It appears to be working as you described in a normal interior Wall Dermot , at least on a Windows PC . (looks like Steve is on a Mac.) so I think you maybe correct about the Invisible Wall, neither Vector or Glass house give any indication either. Perhaps the Show Wall button should remain visible but greyed out perhaps or the icon could show INVIS on it , so people would know what was happening instead.
  8. That is true, they aren't quite the same, I did it like you 1st time around , then tried Glenn's method and found it all depended on the Pitch and wall thickness etc on whether it showed on the inside, but you have to make sure the ends of the line don't come through the drywall in plan view , which may mean issues on the outside , with it not reaching the Wall properly , but making your own molding profile would help though I think, Ie like a normal Crown with no solid back, instead of using CA35. M.
  9. Try the molding line , not the (closed) polyline it's a bit easier to work with.... you can draw a CAD line around the Framing , then move it in the width of the Moulding (10" below) and then convert it to a Molding Polyline and uncheck extrude to inside. Note the bottom is hollow , so you may need to add a a Solid to fill it in depending on your View and the angles desired etc.
  10. You would think this would be one of the Options in the DBX since it is a fairly Standard detail on some types of homes. But I am guessing it is because Chief can't do Sloping Walls and normally this would be Framed....but even if it didn't Frame , ie was just Faces it would be better than nothing. M.
  11. I would just build 2 Mulled Units and keep both in the library , you could use 1 but your'd have to un-mull it to reverse the Slider, so easier to just keep two in the Library. Post a sample plan if you need someone to play with it ........ and don't forget to do your Signature at some point particularly with the Version you are using , ie. no point someone working on a plan if you can't open it later....
  12. Perhaps a Videocard Driver Issue on the Old Computer ?
  13. Then try X11 it should be in your Digital Locker under the Upgrade Button assuming your SSA goes past March 30th... Very nicely done Rob , I'm sure all the trades appreciate it..... M.
  14. Do you have the old Computer and can access the Program? The Data Folder in My Documents will have some of it including the User Library. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00091/backing-up-library-content.html
  15. Yep a bit strange but I hadn't noticed as I don't normally work with them on , good they can be turned off then as it looks messy.... you would think they would be inline with the glass , not an 1" off the Wall.
  16. I would likely have don't it like Robert myself to be honest it is why I never looked in the Library , so was surprised to find that Library.... kinda surprised there isn't a GH in a bonus Library though eg Exterior Structures , along with playhouses etc.
  17. Thanks Barry for sharing , I'll take a look for sure, not a big keyboarder due to a hand injury but , I need to get better at it.... PS , dont be shy do your Forum Signature ... Ohhh and some from Glenn too ...thx....
  18. thanks Jerry , have not played with those at all...both Flat and Radius-ed Glass good for a Sunroom I guess..... in fact not sure I have seen them even mentioned on the Forum before...
  19. If She's paying I am happy to work in X9 please pass on my name but seriously let Her know if She is going to upgrade to do it very soon, ie before x11 comes out next month or She will need to pay for a 2 year Upgrade instad of 1, ie about double the cost. ( doing it now gets her X11 too, due to SSA) M.
  20. Hi BT , thx , looks like we need the Context set to Owner after evaluating the Marco too?..... KB
  21. For the Rails hit replace and goto Library>Core>ARCH>Moldings,Profiles,Extrus.>Handrails and Caps>round rail
  22. Thanks for the heads Up Alan , I've been using the Free Version of DraftSight in a Similar Way...... but this mayabe worth a look too, looks like last stable release was 2.1.3 , though there are beta Releases too.
  23. Yes 1 month after P.Beta approx. usually yes yes yes It will install side by side with X10 so don't worry.... it's not an overwrite type upgrade.....
  24. It's do-able with Railings, it just wont have the mounting plate but you can do those easily enough with a Solid if needed. use round newels set at 2 1/2 inch and change the Rails to Round as well and the Material to Chrome.... your's won't look like this as it is X10 PBR View , sorry don't have X8 installed anymore.