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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Change it in your Template Plan too , ie do it once and forget about it M.
  2. Try F12 too.... save the camera when it is good and reuse.... don't open a new one...may help? Daylight and Interior in the Camera Defaults.... M.
  3. Completely agree , it seems to have ONE m2 slot ( probably a combo nvme/sata) port , so you would need a SATA me Riser card to reuse the 1TB drive along with a much faster (4x) Samsung 970 EVO 500GB or 1TB ......I use the 500GB for Programs and OS. If you buy direct they maybe able to do it for you? , Don't forget about Local Stores too... https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1439214-REG/cyberpowerpc_sfg9ex_syber_forti_desktop_computer.html
  4. If you don't add lighting Chief will add one to the Room the Camera is in , which can have issues in alot of current designs being that everything is Open plan now , cos you can view stuff one or two "Rooms" away eg family into Kitchen etc if it is just spilt up with invisible walls or you are standing in a Hall looking into a Bathroom. I normally set both Ambients at 50-55% (and nightime at 6-8%) which can help , as I don't do lighting early either..... For PBR try .4 exp. and 100% brightness. M.
  5. I saw another report of Sills not working Correctly in X11 too , so it maybe nothing you are doing , there appears to be a new bug they are trying to sort out.... But without a Plan ...who knows.... M.
  6. I didnt try the OP's setup, true.... but had this one...... winders is set at 48" but I didn't test further...... usually i just go double plus some, from the width. ***edit: It does work , just tried it on the other end of the Deck above.....didn't need to alter default winder contraction even make sure you have ROOM Definition.....or winders don't work. ie you need to enclose the stairs actually...just just an invisible wall each side...see pics
  7. Ding ding ding.....I think we have a winner .......I think you meant Winders though, I sometimes wish there was a Wonders checkbox though *** you need to enclose the stairs though and get room definition, not just each side....
  8. Thanks G. nicely done , not sure I have seen that Tile layout done before but I like it. M.
  9. Now there's an understatement be easier to use in Chief if you didn't need to know 3 different method of using the same macro in different places ( it seems to me)
  10. There are free versions to play with like Sketchup and FormZ_Free but I think you will find the HD line of products easier to use...but don't skimp spent what you can afford , thoubh the good thing with HD products is that you can upgrade to the next one with a full refund from the previous Title eg Essentials to Architectural if doing it in the same Version, ie you just pay the extra.
  11. If you have a Copy of the Chief Data Folder that was in My Documents , then it is fairly easy , just a matter of copying the Folder to the new Computer's My Documents , (overwriting existing folder,) after installing and activating X7. These may not help in your situation but worth a look.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00562/guide-to-file-management-for-chief-architect-files.html
  12. Old Video , in X11 it is now on the Edit Toolbar , the Icon is a large A with a double ended Arrow diagonally above it. M. **Beaten by P.
  13. And Back ON TOPIC Thanks BT appreciate you letting us have a look at stuff like this , may be handy as I have a Client considering Andersen Fiberex at the moment. M. .
  14. Was just looking at this and I had originally thought they wanted some Steampunk stuff , which is the Vintage No#6 Library... M.
  15. If you Paid for 2017 , it would be a different "Key" than the 2012 version , so perhaps you just mixed them up? but the Keys should be in you Digital Locker too , under your Chief Architect Online Account. M.
  16. Interesting.....looks like I was partially right....ie PBR lighting confusion Did you try Balloon Framing the Walls ? ( how it would be done ITRW ) so CA doesn't generate an "Attic Wall"
  17. The Colour change in the Pics looks like the Flat Ceiling Line to me , which is why I thought perhaps the AO was "confused" , as I have seen weird Shadows in PBR on unexpected Surfaces , eg where it think the item in question is inside when in fact it is Outside etc. Sounds like you have Custom Ceiling Planes? just pull them to the Walls' Framing layer , no further if they are , or perhaps just touch the drywall if that doesn't work. PS best to post the Plan File so someone can have a peek for you... M.
  18. Oops Door Library No#1 not No#4 been around since X5 by the looks... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/895
  19. There is also a Library for Steel Columns(Posts) that has been around since X9 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/1062 M.
  20. AO , (and Bloom) is supposed to make lighting and shadows in Corners more "natural" but in some case it goes overboard.....it looks like it still thinks you have a Flat Ceiling. Try turning down Ambient Occlusion in the Camera Specification DBX down.....I usually go for about 30% but that is personal, at 100% it seems to change Colours etc to me. If that doesn't work , try turning off RCSS 1st , then Shadows altogether...also in the Camera's Spec. DBX. M.
  21. Eric is right ... doesn't work in FireFox ....... but paste the link below into Chrome and you should get the Download opening.... https://www.chieftutor.net/uploads/7/4/3/4/74340617/4panelbarndoorsymbol.calibz
  22. There are free Libraries in X10 and X11 , not sure about earlier ? Bonus Doors No#1 IIRC. yep....been around since X5 by the looks... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/895 Looks like you need to do you Forum signature still as we have no Idea what you are Using.....
  23. I don't do them much either but I thought this was the current "workaround" ? M.
  24. It's possible you have found a Bug, there is an Old bug with Hips with a similar issue as Perry mentioned, so this maybe related , I would send it in with this Plan if I was you . *** I just pulled the Laundry room Out 15 ft and made the Wall a HIp again and it is happening there too. So I think you are Off the Hook you can add 8:12 and 10:12 to your list above too. In a Framing Overview I would just drag the two Valley Boards back to the Wall intersection, and that is close enough , as for some reason the Valleys are not being Trimmed by the Soffit as per the Standard Rafters. M.
  25. Looking at your Specs I'd be tempted to go new if you have the Budget for it....