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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Roofs are one area where HDP and CA Premier functionality are the same , but you'll need to post the .Plan file to the Forum , so we can really see what's going on , and any pics you have of the Original home if it's being rebuilt the same....images from SU would help if you have it right there too. M.
  2. That works , that's how I do it when needed... M.
  3. Sounds good to me as like others here I mainly used the standard 4 or 5 previously , so I guess we need to make a Suggestion Thread and maybe a lost functionality Report too. M
  4. Yes the break Marks on a Terrain were a 1st for me , thought that must be an "Oz thing" Now that is funny about the BBQ ! that would be one embarrassed Brickie... Oh and Neil if it didn't come across in my previous Post I actually thought it looked pretty good ...try the terrain at about -3000 or -3200 , (depends how many, if any, steps you want on the High side of the house ,maybe it's correct already?) then you need to rebuild the deck framing to get it to build down to the sloping Terrain. M.
  5. Is there a reason for not using your "Normal" walltype eg a 4" Brick and 1/4" plaster both sides ( I assume plaster not drywall ) if that is what is really there? I am wondering if Chief is not understanding the Materials in the definition as Drywall would never be the main wall layer and I have seen issue before where people have made the wall's main layer a Color eg white and weird things happening. Chief won't allow Rooms and hence Room Definition on the (A) Level , it won't stop you drawing the wall but it does give you a Warning message when you do this. This would be best , and as we only need the structure you can , in a copy or you main plan , delete things like furniture , cabinets, appliances, imported symbols , arch. Blocks etc ........ The Edit>Delete Objects DBX should help to make this pretty fast. M.
  6. I have found over the years that Chief's Patterns are badly scaled , some need to be set at 10 , while many others I have used at 0.1 , it's a bit of a crapshot in that respect. Since they are now in the Library though , we can now Open them with a right Click and reset the Scale for permanent use fairly easily it seems. M.
  7. Lets put it down to lack of sleep and general excitement over X11 https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21339-x11-missing-patterns/?do=findComment&comment=174239
  8. Have you tried working through the Tutorial Guide? link to the PDF in the Help Menu. There are also books Like Terry Munson's that he has been updating for a number of years now. https://chiefapprentice.com/ No sure how this plan came together Neal but in this one each CAD line has 8 copies sitting on top of each other.... The house Elevation doesn't appear to be correct, it looks like it is Floating so the Terrain reference height is too low I think. The Deck framing and Footings are what made me look closer , and either the terrain is too low or you need to regeratet he deck framing so the Pilings reach the Terrain. Typically if you want to use two plans you would make a symbol out of the House and then use that in the Plot Plan for Siting purposes as it is a Locked Block so to speak and can be moved at will. Have a look on the Edit Menu>Edit Area> and you will find different Options for Copy/Pasting Groups of Objects to other Plans etc. You better allow for a Lawn Sprinkler system that grass is looking awful brown Normally for ease of Drawing you would leave the house vertical on the Screen and rotate the Plot etc , it is very cumbersome to draw with the House itself Rotated. M.
  9. Automatic walls only usually appear on the Attic level (A) and you shouldn't be drawing walls and making rooms on the Attic (A) level if that is the case?
  10. This wall definition is wrong , your main layer is 3.5 inches of drywall.... Please expand the dialog and let me see it all like this...... M.
  11. The walls look very thin , are they exterior walls ? what does the Wall definition look like? it very difficult diagnosing something like this from Images alone... M.
  12. 6 posts above , now with a Red File name so you can find it... M.
  13. I don't think so as the Custom Option is gone , you now need to import them into the Library 1st by the look of it. But you should be able to Import any AutoCAD etc one's you have and apply them from the Library instead.
  14. Try the File I uploaded above , its all the old Patterns (280) from x10 imported to X11.....it doesn't include the old STDs though AFAIK.
  15. Joe and I both have the new Library Items but they don't include the Old Standards for some reason ( not a good move in my book ) but I had forgotten about the Pattern Import Function, thx. these are Chief's Patterns from X10 , from the Patterns Folder for X11 MHD Chief Fills Pre X11.calibz M.
  16. Not really sure what you want to see but in the 2nd plan you posted all I did was turn on the back clip for the view (Elev.7) and built the Wall Framing....., then hit Auto detail........the Rafters were already 11 1/4" so I don't know where you are seeing 15" ( your 1st plan in the OP has no cross sections in it at all btw)
  17. Angle Cross hatch is the one I said above...... Grid at 45° Grid is Cross Hatch Angle Hatch is Strip at -45 or 45° ( for left/right angled hatch) Make them all once and save to the library and you should be done in 5 mins?
  18. Grid at 45° I think it is now , but you are right most of the Basic ones we had before we now have to make, there is no Custom Option either anymore, so I am not sure how we access the Pattern in the Pattern Folder....
  19. they are in the Library now and you can save any custom ones you make to the library too.....
  20. Thx for that Tip.... just to be Clear it is not available in all schedules.... just those with 2D Symbol available . Per the Help File..... In Electrical, Fixture, Furniture, Note, Plant, and Wall Schedules, check Use Plan View Scale to apply the same scale used in plan view to the 2D Symbol column.
  21. Hi, My Panels above were made in X10 , so it appears you will be able to Use them...... check back in a few minutes and I will export them from My library and add them to this Post. Okay , I have included the 3 different heights and a Wall Type for doing things like the Pic below, and the Materials used and a couple of other Cedar and Cable Railings I made a while back too.... 1 caveat is that Panels like these don't stretch and hold the Board Sizes eg 1x4, stretch the Panels and they will look like 1x6 Boards. You can use the size of the Panels to figure Out Railing height etc so the Boards remain 1x4. (right click in Library and choose Open Object) MHD Cedar 1 x 4 Horz. Slat Fence Panels.calibz Mick.
  22. 1st thing i'd do is try different PDF Printers eg Bullzip, Adobe, Chief Built In PDF etc and see if that is the Issue.... X11 just came out so answers maybe slow for this question for a day or too....
  23. Something like these ...... If you fill in your Sig. with the Software Version etc , I may be able to help you..... M.
  24. Renaming or Deleting the .ini file will do it ...it is not deleted on an uninstall , a good thing I guess in most cases as it also reinstates your Preferences etc on a reinstall. I suggest making a backup copy ( or rename it ) before deleting just in case , as you can see below in my pic I have several extra folders with backups. Once deleted I think the Repair Option in Control Panel>Programs or the Apps Settings will get it to run the migration again. *** confirmed working in post below *** It is normally in the User's AppData>Roaming Folder>Chief Architect Inc , if you have more than one version of Chief installed there will be multiple Files eg. C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Chief Architect Inc *** updated : there is also a setting in the .ini file .............. Migrate%20User%20Settings=false it maybe worth trying setting it =True to see if it triggers a migrate when X11 next starts