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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Since I had X9 Open I changed the Rect. Shower so it doesn't have Doors , which fixed the 2D display too.... Converted in X9 : MHD_Rect.Shower-No Doors.calibz M.
  2. That appears to be a Shower Bathtub Combo*** , is that what you want in the design ? or just a Shower ...in which case use a Shower Pan (Tray) The Kohler Library has stuff too , if it is available for X9? *** Ok now I see it is a Rectangular Shower , though I haven't used one in Years , always use a Shower Pan.....
  3. Set the Roof Pitch in the Railing's Roof Tab , set the Porch pitch to desired pitch 3/12? 4/12 and then set the Upper Pitch set to the main Roof Pitch with "in from Baseline set to the depth of the Porch...that should be all that is needed. M.
  4. Funny Larry , thanks for the BFG it's true however sad it is ...especially if , like you and I, come from the Building side of the game and CA just doesn't do or even call things the Industry norm...even harder when you also have to learn all the Idahoan Terms for things . As Michael has mentioned a few times you have to "let go" and not fight the Software cos we "think" it should work a particular way. Even after 10+ years now I still find myself saying ... "WTF..why would they do it like that "
  5. Many Defaults can/could be Reset with Edit>Reset to Defaults 1st , though I guess that could mess things up too....
  6. I think Categories works myself , not sure it really matters if you posted it last week or last month, people are just happy you are willing to share
  7. The "scene" look pretty Cool I think , nicely done , I do remember it saying something about IG now you mention it..... Guess I should delete these posts so as not to mess-up your thread...ok?
  8. Strange cos I looked at it in FF this morning, I think it was? but it appears "clearer" now , not quite as "atmospheric" perhaps M.
  9. HI Rene , did you change this post/file ? could of sworn I downloaded it this morning ? but I haven't installed it yet, was it corrupt? M.
  10. This is my experience too , are you doing it some other Way Richard , eg using the Match properties Tool perhaps? M.
  11. Just been looking at the new Ref.Manual which i hadn't realised they had finally update for Ruby , and downgraded the Ruby I had so I can play a bit in 2.4 as I have time.... THANKS. M.
  12. That maybe the understatement of the Year either that or you are Part programmer/Part Designer , which I am not , not yet anyway , though I see they actually updated the X11 Ref. Manual with more info now and I have installed Ruby 2.4.5 instead of 2.5.4 to play with, since CA is using 2.4 apparently. https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/ If the Company is paying David , it would likely be worthwhile having Joe or Michael look at it for you... M.
  13. That would look good too , I had assumed there was perhaps a Bonus Room (Office Space?) to be drawn above the garage yet? , hence the 12/12 and was thinking the Roof over the Laundry area should be eliminated and the Gable above it extended over to the Garage to allow access to the Garage Bonus Room via a Hallway upstairs. (should help the "mass" look nicer too, maybe a 10/12 on the garage would work too? M.
  14. Like you in X10 I didn't play with them much but a thread earlier this month , had me rethink things and I am now using a Save Plan View for each of my Annosets ( which are linked to a matched Layerset) , very easy to set up, and now I use the Plan View to Switch Annosets instead. To setup, just Open each annoset (which opened the Layerset too for me) Then Save a NEW Plan View with an Appropriate Name , you can then delete the CA default ones if you want to? Some of the advantages are it also saves Zoom level, Floor ( so you can Copy a SPV and set one for each Floor ) Colour and a few other things other than just the Reference set. This thread is probably worth a Read: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21188-layout-layer-sets/?do=findComment&comment=172544
  15. Ahhh yes the Thrill of 3D Rendering many have fallen into that trap, best to complete the Structure etc before Decorating ..... the Cleaner the 3D model the easier when it come to Section Views etc. And old Checklist of mine: CA Drawing Order Checklist.pdf ***Every Wall on the Structure Tab as the 1st Item also has two Check-boxes for Default Wall top and Bottom , but the wall in question is often had to find , which is when the Edit>Reset Default Option is handy. M.
  16. Huh...imagine how the rest of us feel then , I think I can count on one hand those of you here who understand and can utilise Ruby fully , even then CA apparently uses a "crippled" version. Yeh, I forgot I had read those 3 pages back in X9 , and me saying it is Wholly inadequate was quite the understatement , sorry not picking on you, just ranting a little....I see they have updated the Manual a bit it is now about 8-10 pages in X11..thx This as a beginner is what I run into too....as a Macro that works in a Text Box or RTB won't work in the Schedule or perhaps the ML or vica versa, ie it is not consistent for some reason but I have not seen anymore info on that as yet, but have seen, like yesterday, that the OIP/CL has to add macros: to the beginning if you add a defined macro to an item. This would be easier if we could save a ML Template like we can a Plan or Layout Template and Pre-programme it but AFAIK currently all we get is a "snapshot" and you have to generate it per plan. ATM moment I am thinking a Schedule saved as Default maybe easier. M.
  17. Just to be Clear.....Auto Roofs may only take you 75% of the way , especially on ta Plan like this but it is still the best way to start in alot of circumstances especially when you only have a few roof Planes not using the Default pitch ....eg I think there are 4 in this plan not counting the 2 porches. This plan seems to have a few issues though especially on the 2nd floor with Room designations etc. But since this Plan is not your "real plan" I won't play around much more....and things may have changed M.
  18. Was just editing my last post , so you may want to re-read it ...Don't use the Attic Room designation.... never got as far as seeing the the Ceilings have holes
  19. I ran into a few of them , this one I found while clicking over the LH laundry wall, maybe a Polyline you converted to a Solid perhaps? Also forgot to mention you have a few Walls with non-default wall top and bottom heights, ( you will see the warning when rebuilding the Roof) , it is best not to play with Walls in 3D unless you REALLY need too , to fix something CA just won't do Auto , as if these walls are not at defaults the won't rebuild Automatically to reach new Roof planes of the Foundation etc, the fast fix is to use Edit>Reset to defaults.... Don't use the Room Type Attic...Use Storage instead in this plan...Attic is a special Rm designation that will cause the Roof not to build correctly Auto ....ie the room is ignored but the Roof Directives in Autobuild. There are also issues upstairs with other Room Definitions , so the Roof won't build correctly...if you can't select a room a Roof won't build.
  20. Auto Build will build the Roof differently depending on the 4 Options in the Roof Height area of the Roof Tab. ie Same Wall heights, same eave heights etc ....so different overhangs with different pitches , or fixed overhangs and different wall heights should all be possible. F1 Context Help Specify how you would like the eaves of roof planes with different pitches to meet. See Aligning Eaves. • Check Same Roof Height at Exterior Walls to keep bearing walls the same height and change horizontal roof overhang distances as needed so that eaves meet correctly. When checked, this option ignores any overhang values you may have entered in the Wall Specification dialog. See Aligning Eaves. (Below) Uncheck this option to raise or lower some roof planes relative to the wall’s top plate, allowing all horizontal overhangs to be the same unless a non-default value has been entered in the Wall Specification dialog. See Roof Directives in Walls. • Check Same Height Eaves to keep the eave height for all roof planes the same. Roof planes are raised and lowered as needed so that eaves meet correctly. The eave height used when this box is checked is that of a roof plane using the default Pitch and Overhang values. When this box is checked, all roof planes are affected, including those that do not need adjustment in order to align with adjacent planes. When Same Height Eaves is checked, any non-default overhang values specified in the Wall Specification dialog are used. Roof planes are raised or lowered so that the eave height is the same, regardless of the horizontal overhang. • Uncheck Allow Low Roof Planes only when an upper floor overhangs roof planes below. Aligning Eaves It is not uncommon for roof plans to feature more than one pitch. In order for the eaves of roof planes with different pitches to meet correctly at ridges and hips, you must control the roof planes’ heights and their horizontal overhang distances. Two options in the Build Roof dialog allow you to control how the eaves of automatically generated roof planes align. See Roof Panel. (Above) • Same Roof Height at Exterior Walls maintains the default height of roof planes where they bear on exterior walls. The horizontal overhang distances of any non-default roof planes are adjusted so that they continue to join correctly with default roof planes. • Same Eave Heights maintains the default roof plane height at the eaves as well as any non-default horizontal overhang distances . All roof planes are raised or lowered so that they all have the same height at the eaves as default roof planes. Roof planes that do not join other roof planes with different pitches at ridges or hips are referred to as Independent. • When Same Roof Height at Exterior Walls is checked, Independent roof planes are not affected and will maintain any non-default overhang values. • When both Same Roof Height at Exterior Walls and Same Eave Heights are checked, the overhangs of Independent roof planes will be adjusted to preserve their heights at both the exterior walls and the eaves.
  21. Okay,.... can you explain that in english for those of us who aren't members of the rarefied Ruby community NVP ? Collections? Us Script Kiddies need a bit more 'xplaining As much as I like seeing a good Marco actually work, I don't think the average CA User should have to or need to dig this deep, especially when Ruby is obviously part of CA's DNA , it's a pity the average User can't utilise it easier, the TMM is wholly inadequate in the Realm of Users learning anything. M.
  22. Thx, There Is a bit of weirdness in the Plan , in that depending on where you click , something "invisible" selects , the Status Bar says they are a "Shape" but other that the Edit handle nothing is Visible...not sure if whatever they are ? is messing with the plan but I also deleted them as I accidentally selected them... The OP maybe able to explain this part a bit more, as I didn't dig much deeper as it was already late. M.
  23. They do , Had a quick look and noticed the Valleys weren't over the wall intersections , so instead of messing around I delete the Roof planes and Framing and rebuilt the Roofs Auto , setting the Wall Directives up as they should be from the Original roof and the Garage and Breezeway(laundry intersections now look fine. Personally I usually recommend doing as much as possible with Auto Roofs then make manuals changes as and when needed , especially on fairly simple roofs.... Manual Roof skills are good to have but I see a few other miss alignments and I think there are "height" issues with the Manual Roof planes.
  24. Ooops missed that, thanks..... , thought Eric wanted a few Pics at least to help ......
  25. From your description I would suspect that the Roof Planes are not joined Properly, ( ie fiddling around you fixed one by accident) Use the Join Roof Tool and go around and make sure they are joined properly. .....Not in Valleys but on Ridges , if there is no RidgeCap showing it is a good sign that the planes are NOT joined properly. As Eric mentioned, it's always a good idea to post a copy of your Plan file (while Chief is Closed) if possible or at least a Test Plan exhibiting the issue if the Plan is too large for the Forum (25mb max , but plans compress well when zipped too) DONE on OP M.