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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Thanks for the extra Info Larry . Like you I like to have a local Copy of my Files backup up too , and these days 2TB or 4TB or even 8TB external USB drives are not that expensive, I have several and that's what saved me last year.... Mick.
  2. Thanks Larry , I knew there was some kind of backup for 30 days if you deleted a file by accident but I thought "versioning" was different as there was nothing available last year when I had a mishap of some kind and that Folder disappeared. Mick.
  3. Thanks Joe , guess I was searching for it by the wrong Name previously too.... M.
  4. After Copying them to your User library as Joe said you can also alter and edit them with the Surface Delete Tool ( as all items are made of surfaces only in CA) and re-saving them as symbols if needed. here is another post by Tommy about the technique https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/15753-how-do-i-explode-items-in-bonus-catalogues/?do=findComment&comment=132591 and a Video by Michael.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=jCbyQTPFh0c
  5. It surprised me in that this is not how Chief has done things in the Past but maybe how they are moving forward.... it seems work just fine for the basic Colours ( some colours don't cover white well though when "blended")
  6. Is that in all version of DBox Larry or just the paid versions ? , I no longer trust Dbox 100% after it "lost" a complete Folder, luckily I had a system wide Macrium Image Backup and was able to recover it . I currently use Syncback Free to do daily/hourly backups of different Folders eg Chief's Data folder, to an extra HDD as well as the Macrium Images every day or so.
  7. If you put the texture through the Online Normal Map Maker you may get a better on hopefully..... Best used in Chrome or the New Edge ..... http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/
  8. Which Plan Steve? and what is the exact error message ( screen snip may help) I thought perhaps you had x10 still and Greg used X11 , so you wont be able to open it if that is the case as I posted above. This is what I see if I try to open Greg's Plan in X10....( below ) but I thought you had SSA which means you can get X11 and open it.
  9. Some browser download the file to the assigned download folder 1st , then give you a button to open it from the harddrive , which should work fine, others will try to open the file directly with the assigned app and the file will be in memory or a temperary internet folder which may fail at times by the sound of things , I always dump (save) Forum plans on my desktop and just delete them when done to avoid issues. M.
  10. Nice !...... Thanks Mark , I figured you'd know a way to persaude the Cabinet DBX to do as you wanted it too ....thx for the plan too...
  11. Make the cabinet as usual , then make one PLS in Elevation View and copy it and set different heights for each Shelf.... One of the cabinet Gurus may have a better Idea....... Mark where are you @MarkMc Do your SIG. Please...............
  12. Hi Bob, it sounds like you or your Browser is trying to open the File directly from the Forum with Chief , rather than downloading the file to your Desktop ( for example) and then opening it. If the Browser tries it will load the file directly into Chief it maybe why it fails on you. You may need to reset the browser download options for .plan files to Download rather than Open. eg if using FireFox...... Options>General> What to do with File you download (scroll down). M.
  13. Same issue , wrong normal map or wrong sized normal map by the looks..... M.
  14. I know how you feel , the CA Rabbit Hole beats us all sometimes I just have to walk away and comeback hours later or the next day and look to see what I was missing..... M.
  15. That was what I was thinking of trying..... Framing in the Window apprears to be coming from a Wall 1/2 way down the stairs.... I deleted them and rebuilt framing for that wall and it was back...I think it is cos you have some Balloon framed in that area and some overlapped walls there too
  16. Looking good Larry , if you are presenting this tomorrow , there are some Floaters out on the left side and what looks like a 4x4 in the window on the 3rd Floor but by now you may have gotten to cleaning up anyway. The 3rd floor Roof I think I'd have tried tried making the Room Taller and then lowering the Roof plane into the house to get your Rafters and 1 1/2 thick soffit/fascia My idea of adding the roof plane back inside the 2nd storey walls does work too....
  17. This wall gets me the spinning circle of dead too, and there is some weird Attic walls building ( see grey attic wall in pic below.) But this wall is building up through the Attic wall and chief crashed when I checked the "stop at ceiling above" box and hit ok.... *** after 5 mins I stopped chief with TM
  18. You do have some "crazy" going on in this Plan Larry I saw those too but it's a nicely done model I'd say , nice work with the terrain and all the little "details", I also see alot of Manual work in there to make it look like the "real thing". Tried a couple of different ideas but adding a 24" high 2nd floor, cutting a hole in the roof, and then adding standard 8' 3rd floor worked the best.... not sure what else I "broke" but here is the Plan file and a few Pics. I didn't do it, but wonder if you couldn't now add a roofplane back on the second floor inside the walls, if needed, to show framing. Below I pulled the backclipped view through the Roof line still there behind the Addition. SECOND_FLOOR_FRAMING_MHD_PLAY.plan
  19. I did try it with a new Wall definition ( framing and drywall added) and still got the spinning circle of death..... did not wait for more that 2mins though and then used Task Manager to close as it said Chief wasn't responding...maybe if I waited longer ? Chief used to get a bit crazy if walls didn't have a framing layer but I'm not sure if that is still the case as I always make them per how I build them nowadays.... M.
  20. OpenGL was deprecated June last year by Apple in favour of Metal the own API , but I don't think there is any reason to panic , it will still work for years to come most likely , they just won't support it with devlopers from now on so Companies like Chief will eventually have to re-programme Chief to use Metal but Apple knows companies cannot do all that work overnight, so may never remove OpenGL from MAC OS as most Games also use it for 3D currently. It is slowly being removed in Windows as well with the Vulkan API and DXR ( direct X Raytracing eg Nvidia's new 2000 series cards.) slowly taking over and Chief will have to move the PC version to one of them eventually too especially to take advantage of the Real time Raytracing now available with the Nvidia 2000 Cards. https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/06/apple-defends-end-of-opengl-as-mac-game-developers-threaten-to-leave/ As for your Plan , it does crash X11 if you pull that roof plane in the top LH corner out over the exterior wall to the left for me too. Have a weird one myself last year like that that they finally tracked down to a bad Wall Cabinet in the Kitchen next to the Roof plane , I'd have never found it myself , deleted the wall cabinet and everything worked fine and they put out a fix in the next version , so I guess it jnot the same issue exactly. I agree with Graham your Exterior Wall definition is all kinds of wrong ( build it just like in the real world) but I am not sure it is the cause of the crashing issue..... M.
  21. New in X11, in the new Line Styles Management Tool you can now delete, purge etc Linestyles you don't want in any Plan, you can also create and copy existing ones as well, as the old Create Linestyle Tool was removed in favour of this new Tool. We can also save linestyles to the Library , so they can be Exported from there like any other Item, but they export as .calibz so not usable in other CAD Programs AFAIK. The Import Tool is so you can bring in Linestyles from say AutoCad or ArchiCAD etc if desired. M.
  22. I didn't bump the Specs as I thought you were trying to stay around $1800 now..... Looks good though but double check as I thought the 512GB NVME ( vs 256) was a bonus add-on when I looked last night? ie free upgrade. *** do you need a wifi anf BT in a desktop? itt's not a fast one as it is only 1X1 not 2x2 if the Router/modem is in the same Room it will be faster with a Ethernet Cable. If it is a not cost add on don't worry about it as it will be part of the MB. M.
  23. The links above are to the direct Download on CA's 3D Library Site to each download , they aren't in YOUR library yet Joe M.
  24. Nicely put Graham and was my thinking too , and the system at Dell I linked last night above seemed to have all those advantages but I am not used to Shopping systems like Dell's , so wasn't sure if I was missing something.....seemed to be better system for a similar Price. M.
  25. Thx Michael , the comp. in the OP is a Dell Aurora as well and I just saw this one at Dell too Rob....... not sure it has everything the same as the OP but pricing is like refurb you posted above.... https://deals.dell.com/en-us/productdetail/29we M.